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Everything posted by SupaRice

  1. They are very very very sly in my experience.... The hardest thing I've noticed, is seeing them before they see / smell / hear you. They don't come bouncing in like a yote...... I've photographed a lot of them on trail cameras, targeting them specifically.... have yet to shoot any. Not really interested in shooting foxes myself, but yotes.... Yes please.     FWIW.... If you're out for fur and not the sport of it, trapping works best. I've helped trap them several times, pretty easy. You end up with a lot of cats and possum, but once you know they're around they trap easily.
  2. This is a great question, I've thought about this before.... I'm sure it does cost more to make, but it CAN'T be commensurate with the cost difference. Unless this is more driven by demand.... Like "we sell 15x more FMJ, and this stuff costs 1.5x the cost of FMJ to make so we'll sell it for 5x the cost of FMJ" It also makes you wonder why a rifle that is in .308 vs one that it's in like .338LM that there's such a cost difference. The costs in making that rifle in those two calibers has to be negligible at best (time to reset the machines for making the barrel or whatever). Things that make you go "Hrmmmm"
  3. etzioni@gwu.edu Write and give him a piece of your mind. Mine will simply have a subject line of "Leave. Move to safer place with utopian disarmament." And be sure to copy his personal email account: amitai.etzioni@gmail.com Spam anyone?
  4. Yeah, I wouldn't classify it a problem either. I asked a guy who's a Toyota tech and has been a long time... "that's just the way they are".   Heck, if you could see her dad's 4Runner and listen to that thing..... You'd think you were driving a Ferrari. But it still pulls his trailer and gets from A to B
  5. My wife's 4Runner has sounded like a sowing machine since new ( '10 Model ).... Her dad's ( '98 ) has like 280k on it and sounds like someone dragging a dump truck down the road on it's roof (he changes the oil about once every 3 years).  Toyota doesn't make finely tuned machines, but they sure are damn hard to kill.
  6. Someone had an 870 Remington in .410 on the classified today. Was new...
  7. Coyotes get bigger than most think, I saw one 3 years ago while deer hunting that was taller and longer than my 95lb lab who was a big'en. Wolves roam though, coyotes are known to travel as much as 100 miles... could be. There's definitely a surge in populations over the past few years.
  8. This is what I'm doing. Ditching he .45 XDs and buying a M&P in .40 and full size. .40 because I'll have one caliber for all handguns Full size because I want more rounds, and I don't care if I'm printing. "Yes, I do have a gun under my shirt. Don't like that? Too bad, I don't care." It would still suck very badly to get hit by a .40... so haters go on and hate
  9. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/jun/22/barack-obama/barack-obama-correct-mass-killings-dont-happen-oth/   Found this interesting. Not totally off topic given what he's been saying even before the bodies were cold.
  10. He was a slave trader before the war if I recall correctly, he had been sort of one of the largest brokers of slaves and had a building in Memphis. I believe that is documented, but I'm no historian. Regardless he was by anyone's account a brilliant tactician and a fearless soldier. Which is the reason of these monuments.
  11. I've been looking at this a while now, and from all I've read and heard the best options are either a Cabelas unit, which are pricey but are apparently REALLY nice and have a great warranty.... or my bro-in-law who was a chef for a long time said you can sometimes score a good deal on one from the used restaurant / butcher supply place downtown. Don't know the name of it. I'm leaning towards the Cabelas... just not ready to drop that kinda coin
  12. If they do decide to go forward with removal, and it can be obtained at a reasonable fee..... It should be bought and placed somewhere fitting and respectful. I wonder if there could be a crowd-sourced funding effort to carry this out?
  13. http://wreg.com/2015/08/18/memphis-city-council-votes-to-remove-bedford-forrest-statue/   Anyone know what happened with this? They were talking about selling it I think?
  14. I don't attend these shows any longer, even though I live only a few miles away due to all the ass-baggery and crazy unsafe shit I've seen people do there.... but this is BS. How can we help to organize against this stupid crap? 30 years of gun shows, no real problems at all from them ever. Private sales are not their jurisdiction...
  15. I've been looking at this a bit, they have a good rep I think.... thoughts? I mean my one gun is iron sights only with a post up front http://www.midwayusa.com/product/2008122784/xs-front-sight-post-ar-15-steel-matte-tritium-dot
  16. Hating it with a smile!
  17. Ditto... been thinking about this as of late also. One has an EoTech the other is iron sights... both with a light, but still
  18. I don't think the military strategy much matters. I think it's best to keep it at arms length as long as possible if anything just to keep costs down in both lives and green backs.   The truth is we could glass the whole place, and there would still be a threat from distributed cells. Which is really the only threat so far, and for a long time to come. Total annihilation of them is not possible, and "wiping them out" would only serve to back the apocalyptic rhetoric they use to charge up the disenfranchised youth who support them. And invigorate a new, more hardcore group who is even harder to track because they have no territory.     The way to defeat this crap is with economics and education. What these people need the kind of faith dissolving idiocy that only the Kardashians, iPhones and Facebook can deliver. Good old Americana, our best and most important export to the world. Figure out a way to educate their youth to our sub-par standards, give them McDonalds to poison them daily, and malls to keep them in the cycle of consumerism. That will erode this false religious leprosy that plagues the region. But that takes time, money, and resolve.       Yeah, it's in a movie.... but it's pretty spot on: https://youtu.be/5V6GHnxEJjg
  19. Anyone reasonable could agree that: big > small more > less It's just that IMO, what would matter for most folks is that more trumps big... because it's one thing to shoot at a piece of paper that doesn't move and another entirely to shoot a person... especially one that's trying to kill you. I've never been in that situation, but I've had "buck fever" before and as bad as that is, it's gotta be way worse under the kind of stress where you feel you might die soon. Which leads to misses, and frequently a lot of them. That might be the one thing that stories do tell us that is beneficial, even LEO guys who train regularly, and are in stressful situations more frequently than your average Joe miss under distress... best to have as much as you can. Which is the main reason I've been thinking about ditching the XDs (.45) I have and going with maybe a larger gun.... in .40 since that's what the rest of my pistols shoot. But what do I know...
  20. I am by no means an expert on firearms or ballistics, but best I figure it would suck pretty bad to get hit with any of them. If you're not a good shot, especially with someone swinging a hammer at your face and those sort of situations, then it's best to have the most rounds you can. If you're cool as a cucumber in the face of disaster, make the biggest holes you can and get creative shooting folks in the dick and such just to prove your point. The best argument I've seen for switching from 1 caliber to another is for uniformity in the household amongst multiple shooters to have a single caliber. That makes total sense to me, that or just satisfying the itch to buy more guns.
  21. That buck I shot in TX had a ton of fat on him too... although he was pretty old and used to feeders I'm sure. But thats an interesting thought about winter
  22. Alright, who had an early day? I'm taking my boys fishing today so no deer hunting for me... who put some brown down?!
  23. Well MD was a bust... one spot had logging randomly start on the parcel next to us so that spot was blown entirely. Very poor neighbors considering.... and the other just didn't pan out. I heard the Sika bugles first thing, but no sight of them. Then Friday when I came home one of the guys was hunting my stand and saw the Sika stag walk right in, he didn't shoot it though.... ughh... next year. We'll see how Indiana goes in a few weeks. I did spot this weirdo tbough, check out the spike with two weird spikes on one side.
  24.   This? https://fortress.wa.gov/cjtc/www/images/docs/classes/Firearms_Patrol_Rifle_Instructor_2014/Section%2006%20Ballistics.pdf     Google searched it...


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