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Father Goose

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  1. This was certainly a lot to take in and analyze. While I'm sure a lot of statements need to be verified, enough of what was explained seems to fill in the pieces of what we can already observe in the world (in a way that is more than likely rather accurate). Also, I think it provides some context regarding the pushes we see happening in the U.S., especially related to personal freedoms (including firearms) and information. Here is what was on my mind after the interview: The thing about using all manners of coercion against others, under the justification of "for the good of the country" or "to further/secure our interests", is that eventually this mindset will cause a government to redirect these efforts inward. Becoming so drunk with greed and power that, in the end, it will attack its own people with the same measures marketed as necessities for "national security", "public safety", or "quality of life". Many countries have seen this before and I think the U.S. is seeing it now. The fabric of lies and opaque measures designed to cast an illusion for the people - that cloaks any reason to look around and question - is tearing. Because the government allows or is a direct party to harms against the people, it becomes increasingly fearful about losing stability; possibly to the point of internal conflict. Using the bag of "dirty tricks" in an attempt to regain control can become the catalyst for rebellion. However, if the government can successfully control the information space and remove private weapon ownership, it greatly lessens both the chance and duration of any potential uprising. Again, "stability" and "peace" through coercion. Another obvious side of this gets into ethics, etc. and that can be saved for another day (brain needs a break).
  2. Unfortunately, I don't trust any of them and the reasons should be pretty obvious. More than likely, I will be voting independent or writing in a name. "That's just throwing away your vote!" "Why not pick the lesser of two evils?" Because I can't in good conscience cast a vote for either of the "sides" that have shown themselves to be unfit to lead the people. Our government has been out of touch for quite some time and the amount of money and power it has accumulated isn't going to be surrendered for the good of the people. That "representation" is gone. I'm not sure I believe the federal election matters anymore. Local and state have a much closer impact on day to day life and can make the difference when there is federal overreach (and - on the flip side - quite destructive if the wrong people get in). It's really hard not to be cynical and right now I can't see the country getting or keeping a good leader with wise counsel for very long. That type of leadership is exactly what we need to help correct and guide our course forward, but make no mistake it won't be one president alone that solves the issues we are facing. The other part is that we the people need to be honest with ourselves about our part in this mess. Everything that we have allowed to happen because of the obsession with convenience, our selfishness, fear and apathy. We have allowed our lives to become so busy and narrowly-focused that we no longer look around to make sure our country hasn't gone adrift. That being said, as a Christian, I know that God can and will flip evil action and intention for His good purpose (Christ has already won). I'm hoping and praying to be surprised this year for the better, or given "peace beyond understanding" and increased faith if He allows our country to fully enter the dark.
  3. I've been voting outside the two main parties for awhile as I don't trust either. No one in is willing to give up power, money and influence for the good of the country or people - I think that should be pretty clear by now.
  4. Another vote for the Shield. Great pistol. I was surprised how well even the 45 handled.
  5. When inspecting the bag, I noticed the reinforcement straps for the carry handle. They seemed to be the right size and placement for attaching an insert panel with hooks. Here is a panel insert from Helikon-Tex fitting extremely well. To stop the G-hooks from slipping out from movement, I slid a small ranger band around each strap once the hook was in place (cinching the strap around the hook).
      • 1
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  6. Their constant "opinion" changes gives me whiplash.
  7. I know. It just sounds hilarious for this one.
  8. As I read it, if any part of the bill is unconstitutional, only that part will be deemed a violation to be revoked. I just find it a little arrogant to tack that onto this bill. Outside of the probable political show, it sounds like they don't really care what is unconstitutional until it's proven not to be in court. As that can usually take awhile, they can get away with a potentially illegal law from the beginning. It's not surprising, but it's rather sad that this type of behavior seems to be the norm anymore. Where's the accountability?
  9. BTW, I love the end: --- SEC. 7. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Act, an amendment made by this Act, or the application of such provision or amendment to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act, the amendments made by this Act, and the application of such provision or amendment to any person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby." --- Well, this whole thing is unconstitutional...
  10. I need to ready through the bill closer. For those who have, is there a sunset clause?
  11. Just sent a few emails as well.
  12. Our family has had good experiences with Airstream. Back in the day with a family of six, we had one of the larger models - probably the Classic. After all the kids moved out, my folks downsized to a smaller model - Flying Cloud. No particular issues from what I remember, but my dad did spend a lot of time cleaning things up and fixing damage if mice got in (barn storage). The riveting and clear coat also needed eventual attention. If you find a decent deal, I would say go for it.
  13. What do you guys think about the soon to be released documentary covering the TTV investigation into vote trafficking? I've kept pretty quiet on the subject ever since the election was decided as I hadn't felt like I had seen enough data - one way or the other - to form a solid opinion on the accusation of mass fraud (many stories though). With all I've observed since then, many events, stories, and narratives haven't "sat right" with me. I understand there has always been cases of fraud in each election, but the narrative that "this was the 'most secure election' in history and anyone who says otherwise is a conspiracy nut", to me, begs the question. The continuous outright denial of possible integrity to the accusation - including the validity of conducting appropriate investigations - and oppositional attacks regarding many key topics recently has stayed on my mind. When any contrary opinion is no longer deemed as "your opinion" or even "your truth", but as "misinformation" to be fact-checked and censored by various institutions, I think we have a very big problem. I tend to be a pretty deep thinker and won't let anyone bully me into believing something that doesn't track. All I care about is getting at the truth, but unfortunately so many have become aggressively unwilling to have any kind of critical discussion about opposing viewpoints or controversial topics in general (whether or not facts are shared...which almost always leads to "your facts"). I also understand that this point of history has been incredibly difficult for many and that nerves tend to be a little raw. However, I don't think it's responsible or right to avoid these harder conversations, especially ones like this that carry incredible importance for the country. While I was never committed to the idea that there was indeed mass voter fraud - enough to tip the election - I never felt like it was outside the realm of possible. Lately, I'm starting to think that the accusation looks to be very well true. Anyway, I'm eager to continue digging and see where things lead.
  14. I'm still looking for a better quality earpiece as the ones we use are ok, but pretty prone to breakage.


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