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Everything posted by TripleGGG

  1. My wife loves the Glock 44 as well. She also has a Walther in 22lr. She practices a lot and can dump every round in very tight groups. Too me, staying proficient is much more important than the caliber.
  2. I have several rings and cool hats then. Lol
  3. I just picked up my 2nd 44mag trapper last week.
  4. 38/357 is great and you might as well start looking for the 44 magnum as well.
  5. Well the main reason to buy a,,,,, oh look, there's a lever gun, I have 3 just like it, well 4 is the magic number today. Thank goodness I was here to save it.
  6. They were great. His air traffic controller sketch was hilarious too.
  7. Police appear to be dragging someone out of crowd https://x.com/theblondebroker/status/1812259327144566900?s=46
  8. Heard reports they shot the shooter. Unverified but from a close friend who used to be over Presidential security with the Marines.
  9. I don't care what you believe this is 100% unacceptable in our country.
  10. Told you. I haven't stopped at 12. Lol
  11. Per classified rules please put a sell price. Open to offers auction style is not allowed. $3300 may be your price but it is not clear in the ad. Thanks.


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