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Everything posted by laktrash
detonics combatmaster no letter prefix serial # and S&W CS 45 / sig P245 sorry can't make this call
I have company proof of insurance and registration and also my insurance covers me. I just know if title will be here before I leave. I just didn't know if the commercial part would be snag along a with my cdl. Aren't the tn permits good in fl. Hopefuly I'm only going to be there a few days "mayo clinic" I'm already nervous enough about the trip without a LEO questioning me about an issue. I don't think the owners would have issues with me carrying.
I'm planning a quick trip to florida.I would like to take my work truck with north carolina commercial tags. Heres the catch they just layed me off and gave me truck as part of the layoff package and I haven't received the title yet to transfer into to my name. I have my HCP but would I run into any issues if were stopped especially in N.C. The trip was unexpected and rather take the truck ar should I carry like I have no permit "separate ammo and weapon" or would this make difference ?
I don't want to " jump the gun" I've read some mention of the last round in the magazine not feeding correctly, on both tha 245 and 220 compact with 6 round magazine.replacing recoil or mag springs was suggested as a cure. I haven't fired mine in awhile but was considering carrying again and wanted to upgrade my springs. Seems like when I first got mine this happened to me a few times and I contribited it to limp wristing and fatigue. I agree its one my favorite weapons I have 2 and would not part with either one. I don't think that there is a real issue here but I don't how used up the springs are in this gun. The other one is the same as new it was one that came from dans ammo. I searched so many forums that I don't remember where info came from.
Not yet just received emails from topgun and midway. Manufactor # 34221077 topgun says will work in my mag. Midway states same # is for german mag and will not work in italian. Suggested I contact mec-gar who made italian magazines. BTW great response time from both topgun and midway even if I'm still confused. I wish I could log on to sig forum with this question but can't because I have AOL.
I'm wanting to replace recoil spring and mag springs in my sig P245.I think the P245 and 220 compac have a little history of not feeding the last round and I want to update mine not knowing the rounds fired history before I bought it.My question is midway shows springs for german mags that won't interchange with italian made "which is what I have" topgun shows 2 different ones,but only say stainless on one and others don't note a difference. Anybody have any suggestions on a good source or info. Its not a major investment just like make sure everything is good working order.
Nice ! I'd love to add some colts to my collection but $$$. I do have an anaconda
I just saw one of these today. Whats the deal with the muzzle break ? Is it practical ? I wouldn't mind having one without it but I think I'll stick to my boring defender.
I agree I have bersa 45uc also, great gun for the money I qualified for my hcp with mine.
My sig p245 which I think is the same size as 220 carry will work in the holster I have for my H&K compact but thats a blackhawk leather IWB
S&W cs 45 Is a great little gun if you can find one. Is tha colt new agent a DOA gun ? I thought it a single action
S&W 640 with kramer pocket holster most of the time because of convenice. Winter carry sometimes S&W cs45 or sig P245 for a change
I'm also confused Its alright to let the slide slam if there's no round in the chamber and you're feeding from magazine. But if you have round in the chamber you should ride the slide up or just don't do it at all. correct ?
amazing ! it takes so little to make me happy Thanks again
Thanks that simple huh, really shouldn't try any kind of paint should I ?
I just picked up a S&W 457 with minor holster wear. I know their not famous for quality finish I bought for a truck or bedside gun not a safe queen. Any cheap suggestion on how to touch up the holster wear up. I think its an alloy frame. I don't really want to spend big bucks
I just got a couple sig cleaning kits off of ebay The' re more of a novelty item but kinda neat for 8 bucks I can't post the exact site just go to sporting goods and type P245 to narrow search if anybody is interested
I have a kramer IWB that I use for My S&W CS45 pretty close to same size I really like it alot. Good retention and conceals well. The defender or springer micro is next on my compact want list.
Is it a dao maybe the reason for no safety ? Nice gun I love my cs 45s would like to have a 9 and a 40 for a set
I guess I consider carrying a decocker the same as carrying a revolver. the hammer is at rest and the first heavy pull cocks it.
Yeah I understand there's alot opinons on this from dependabilty, acuracy and ammo. I mainly like them for the safe. I'll have to say my favorites sig P245's and S&W CS 45's are a pleasure to shoot and never had any issues. Have yet to try my H&K compact. I just like the looks of little gun but have a hard time with the "cocked and locked" train of thought.
Anybody have any experience with the springfield micro compact. I love compact 45's and this just recently caught my eye. It sures is a good lookin' gun but thats really a short barrell looks like the ejection port is kicked forward. Any imput ? I'd like have one
I use bill of sale it protects both parties. Far fetched ex. " you meet someone at ext xxx on I-75 for FTF You give the guy cash and get gun and leave he calls Thp and claims he sees someone steal his gun out of his car and gives your discription bill of sale would be handy." No its not likely and pretty far fetched but could happen and I'm sure better examples. My bill of sells or kept private and NOT for public record. When I have bought from LEO on ocasion they had no problem bill of sale.
I know I posted on yhis a little while back but did blount county ever resolve issues whether you could carry or not in maryville and alcoa. I thought at one time alcoa and maryville said no, but blount county said these parks were in county and they controled them and said ok. This might notbe exactly how the issue went. just curious where this stands.
I'm happy with mine no issues at all. you may or may not like the grip. I have several thick grip compacts.