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Everything posted by laktrash

  1. Life jacket included ?
  2. Pretty much the same deal here (6 years). I hated her and she used me, but it was still tuff.I'll spare everyone the nasty details Been 19 years to second, Its been the best years of my life. Hang in there You might be surprised how happier you can be. given time
  3. He's only worried about his oil company and keeping his income secret. I've said all along he's a "snake in in the grass" He's sitting some where thinking on how to make this work to price gouge on fuel.
  4. Thanks very much . Very good poem
  5. I'll have agree with the P 245 and the detonics plus the S&W CS 45 is another great option. They all are getting a little harder to find I'm would not part with any of mine.
  6. We like most people had the terrible storms wed nite. We were in blount co where we got storn after storm. The wind and lighting was unbelievable My house is a disaster ,deck beat all to pieces from moth ball size hail , limbs, leaves everything is a wreak. Unfortunately from found several dead birds in the rubble. but check out heron nest How did these guys make it ? Amazing Heres a couple of pics of hail that nite and the herons the next day. My thought and prayers go out to the people with "real" losses
  7. Sadie lost her battle with lymphoma yesterday. I had prevous thread from Jan. she had been doing great since then every week doing better with treatment, complete remission. Absolute "poster child " for this horrible disease. Last week every thing went off the grid lost her 4-28-11 at the age of 4. having hard time grieving over very special little girl. My condolences to caliperman and family for loss of Sam
  8. I feel your hurt hopefully time will help heal. lost mine sadie also 4-28-2011
  9. yeah only during a major storm like we're having now. Its only for short periods during heavy downpours, not like hours or anything. just a few minutes usually just wait it out or watch something taped. Its certainly not like comcast where you never know when its coming back. They told me the LAST time I had comcast they said it would be 2 weeks before I would get local channels back. That was as soon as someone could check it out ( for real !). Needless to say I'll use rabbit ears before I'll ever have it again
  10. direct tv here. had comcast years ago, just had a guy from comcast door knocking last week. I told him "not trying to be a smart alec and appreciated the fact he was trying to drum up business but Due to past experience with comcast I'd never have it again" I love my direct with tivo and just waiting for this tv to die before we up grade. Although you do lose it some during this storms but have plenty stored up in tivo
  11. Give Amlactin a try. Its worked great for me and alot of my friends . It's across the counter I have a prescription but never use it. May want to read to make sure its children safe . I don't see anything on iit at a glance . I think it can be bought at wally world and walgreens etc. not sure. Wife picked it up. I did a quick search on reviews AmLactin Reviews by Doctors, Estheticians and Customers Body Moisturizers Designed to Soften and Smooth Your Skin: AmLactin hope this helps
  12. Doc Holliday no doubt !
  13. True story Me and my buddy were propped just looking out the window at work and there's a cat in the parking lot. He says " I gotta cat that looks just like that" He keeps looking " hell that is my cat !" He lived about 30 -40 miles away and the cat had made the trip unhurt, somehow, somewhere in a bright yellow ford maverick dubbed the "yellow submarine"
  14. laktrash


    You maybe on to something here !
  15. laktrash


    Here's proof its next to the panthers foot and he doesn't see it He's hard to spot because hes not a blue tail
  16. laktrash


    We have a deck upstairs and a concrete patio down with 2 doors on both levels. We always have several that hang out on both. We like to open the doors and just use the screens to circulate the air thru the house. thats when its an issue. Its not really a big deal untill one gets in. My reply is "ah he won't eat much" but they are pretty quick. Just thought something that might offend them across the doorway might keep everybody happy. yep its just skinks
  17. laktrash


    Ok we've covered herons, snakes, panthers, and trees. Anybody have any suggestions on how to keep the lizards from sneaking in around the door s from the deck. I thought about trying some crushed up moth balls at the base of the doors ,but that would be a little messy. I don't want rid of them I've always heard they help with bugs or I'm not afraid of them. I just don't one hauling a** across the living room floor with 3 great danes in pursuit and wife screaming "get it !!":panic:
  18. I'm with you I don't care what kind it is I'm gone. Spiders and lizards don't bother me We had a big water snake up in the boat lift , wouldn't go near lift or boat "afraid it would get in boat". The neighbor "farmer" came over and ask about it . He climbed up on the front of the boat and looked back in the eave. "Yep I see him" reached in and pulled him out by the tail. It was a good 5' plus I'm 20 yards away a thinking WTF. but glad to be rid of It
  19. Not claiming to be good "I got by 12 one time " but the mouse is part of the skill, especially if it doesn't move steady. I turned the volume up last nite "downstairs " danes went nutz and wife wanted to know what I was doing. Those double targets are a "bitch" It takes me the 7 seconds to find them
  20. I'm in
  21. Love Tom T Hall especially the year Clayton Delaney died I used to listen to this in 70's even when I was into all the rock music of the time. Something relaxing about his voice
  22. Detonics combatmaster with micarta grips
  23. iIf it were me I would go in thru Townsend "Hiway 321" or if your going to gatlinburg you can take little river road thru the park. With the rod run you can avoid alot of the back up on 66. Just get off on exit 364 and go straight on thru. I guess I'm a little late with this info. BTW Cookevilles a great town and great people commuted and worked there for 8 years
  24. He sure does have alot of songs on youtube I got hooked to listening to them while I was looking at other junk on the internet
  25. Thanks for putting this out there. I amazed you could go on and on with some oldies on youtube two oh my favs YouTube - (Beatles) While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Sungha Jung YouTube - Sungha Jung Hotel California (eagles).mp4


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