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Everything posted by teecro

  1.   One of things I find most humorous here is the comment about already being taxed to death.... LOL And this is coming from a state where you pay no state income tax.... Now mind you I don't like paying taxes any more than the next guy, and one of the reasons that we are moving to TN in the next couple of months is the fact that y'all have no state income tax; and I'll admit that while I enjoy ordering from the interent for obvious reasons I do give my local shops at lot of patronage as I know that there is a lot more than "bottom line cheapest out the door price" to consider here....
  2.   You do realize that legally you are supposed to be submitting the sales tax to the state? Sooner or later the states are going to mandate that we pay our sales tax on internet purchases....
  3. When the letter says that if you lapse that you will have to re-certify do they mean that you will have to take the shooting portion all over again?   Here in MI if you allow your CPL to expire they can not force you to take your shooting segment over again although some misinformed county clerks will try and tell to that you do.
  4. While I'm no fan of plastic holsters I'll give you a pass for clever use of spacers here.... Nice job!
  5.   Sadly the voting majority do support unconstitutional laws.... Very often it is from our very own rank & file... How many times do I see people comment that they feel for whatever reason Joe Blow or so and so should not be allowed to conceal carry without permit or some special training etc? Or hunters who see no need or use for AR's, AK's and/or high cap shotguns & mags etc.... 
  6.   Can't help but think that what sounds so simple and cheap to us usually is no where near as simple or as cheap as we think it is.....
  7.     I didn't assume anything.... Did you notice that I asked if you would bitch?
  8.   Strong words spoken from someone who is well under the age of 50 I see; would you be the first one bitching about being forced to take a re-test when you need to renew your lic say at age 51 years young? Oh and they do make ya retest your vision every so often or at least they do here in MI as I had to do this on my renew last year.
  9. For the most part the parts are completely inter changeable; but all parts should be checked for fit and function no matter what...   If you want just go as cheap as possible it is unlikely you can build one for less than you can buy one as I've seen several basic AR's recently for as little as 500.00 a pop.   When building you tend to buy a part here and a part there wasting time and money in either gas or shipping....   With that being said I prefer to build over buy so that I can cherry pick my parts such as ambi safeties and tuned triggers etc.
  10.   Dam that sucks... Least in MI they lower the level from .08 to .02 when armed...
  11. There should be extremely stiff punishment for failing to stop and/or yield  for a school bus or fire trucks etc.... After all what else can be done to make safer they paint them bright colors and have bright flashing lights?
  12.     Most excellent post !!!
  13.   For me I had no idea that people were in fact using FB to buy & sell guns etc but it does not surprice me much if they are.... Only reason I keep an FB account is to keep tabs on friends and family that I don't or wouldn't have much if any contact with if I didn't do a little FB... No thanks to buying or selling on FB as I don't really care for selling my used stuff on CL either...
  14. Also looking for comments as to Mt Juliet and Lebanon as well as down in Tullahoma too? Yeah I know we just got to get down there and start driving around but until them all I got is y'all for a sounding board. As a note the main reason I'm naming these towns is that I'm finding suitable rental homes which we will be doing hopefully for no longer than a year as I want to sell my MI home first.
  15.   Grew up in Houma LA; born in 63 moved to MI in 97 but have been working on boats since 83
  16.   Sounds like my kind of guy then... Just don't want to find out too soon though! Bet he would carry a SIG P938 too....
  17.   Dey both grew up down da street from me; I nos dem well.....
  18.   Is it so wrong to want boiled crawfish on the menu? :popcorn:
  19. And they use a .22LR to kill 12 foot alligators....
  20.   OK.... But I'm not looking to sell any though!
  21.   Would have never thunk this had to be explained...   :usa:
  22.   I work on board the equal of a 550 foot long ship and we get roughly 25 gallons to the mile....
  23.   Should be giving both you and your realtor buddy a shout soon; I'm at work till the 12th +/- a day or two due to ice conditions on the Great Lakes but hope to be making our trip down on Sunday the 16th... Will check the Gallatin/Hendersonville area as well as numerous other area in our efforts to find a new castle....
  24. Hate to keep pestering but how about input on Sevierville Tn? Found a very nice looking home that just about pushes all buttons for both the wife and myself. Of course we just have to get out there and check it out and we will in a couple odd weeks.
  25.   Your friend is the problem here not the Kroil.... LOL   There are numerous products out there with near the same mix as Kroil and even WD40 would have dudded out the primers...


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