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Everything posted by teecro

  1.   This is my very much new favorite right here; just a little over 5 hundred I paid. Wear it all the time in an leather OWB and just about forget its there.
  2. You know one of the biggest problems with one of these interwebs "he said she said" monkey in the cage poop throwing contest is that you've BOTH going to walk away from this smelling like SH!T ...   (1) Ya don't stack pistols you don't OWN to compare sizes; you use your eyeballs and how they feel in the hand...   (2) Counter Guys have to put with a lot of scat from customers although some are scat to start with...   (3) Know that if you treat the customer like a douche (no matter if he deserves it or not) he will tell even complete strangers how he was treated...
  3. Love these threads... Three sides to every story they say!   Only place I've ever been asked to leave was a bar... But then again at the time I was indeed a drunken sailer at the time....
  4. Worked for me this morning.... I'm now a paying member! Do I get a decoder ring or something?
  5. Oddest ones I'm getting lately say my mortage is in collections....
  6. Try Malware Bytes even the free version works great and hardy any AV suite does a notable job on addware/spyware....
  7. When is the last time your computer was checked for Malware/Spyware? Not pointing one finger or another but I've used PayPal for at least the last ten years and the few scam emails I get claiming to be PayPal clearly look like scam email and land in my bulk folder...
  8.   This is one of the reasons why bothering to check the internet is a bad idea as it contains conflicting reports. Also if a person knowingly carries into a location that is posted off limits and is subsequently busted for it, if it becomes known that you knew the location was off limits your charges can be escalated.   If the door is posted then I avoid going inside, if the door is not posted I'm under no obligation to search the internet or make phone calls to make any determinations....
  9. teecro

    FFL problems

    In my opinion there is way too much info missing from this story to make any real determination about it.   As for myself if "I" was being jerked around unjustly over a lower I'd burn his name into everyones memory cards with no hesitation whatsoever.....
  10. teecro

    AK question

      Wiki for AK's? Close... Try www.akfiles.com
  11.   Another thought to keep in mind is that the brace does not have to add any length at all to overall length as it can be slipped onto the buffer tube all the way till it flushes up... My ARP build is well under 23" in length...
  12.   No fan of gobberment inference here but for the most part I find that blind assumption on the layman's part is the biggest reason for these legal misconceptions. 
  13.   Yeah I've run into this before as I've read on the WWW that BWW and Red Robin are listed as prohibited but I've yet to actually "SEE" the signs on their doors...
  14. Wrap the gun in a layer of wax paper and insert into holstelet sit for 24 hours.... Try again as needed.
  15. Another thing to keep in mind is not only is the ocean deep it covers a huge area.... While rare we still lose track of entire ships out there. No not the sunk ones floating ones!
  16.   I would have to call a little bit of BS on what the "Instructor" said as the slide is made of metal right? Does the plastic frame have metal rails for the slide to ride on? It would seem that if either of these parts were to flex the gun could not be made to slide in a predicable manner.
  17. Until ya work year round both inside and on deck of ship on the Great Lakes y'all got nothing...
  18. Im not going to pas about the weather in Tennessee I'm going to move to it as I've had enough of living in Michigan winters....
  19. We are looking to move into a lake front community that has an HOA and this question has aready been raised with our realtor.....
  20. Having an excuse does not warrant the excuse....
  21. And that's a good thing....
  22.   You want rough try MIGUNOWNERS or worse yet AKFILES and lord forbid the ZRXOA you guys got nothing on either from what I've seen and that's a good thing.....
  23. Too funny.... We said the exact same thing growing up in Houma, LA....
  24. Born in the Deep South worked the entire east coast and Great Lakes for the last two decades lived in Mi for the last 15 years and I've never taken insult to what should be good old fashioned ribbings....
  25. Well my Tennessee friends it is looking like we will be moving down at the end of April.... We have chosen a lake view home in Sharps Chapel right next to Chuck Swan Wildlife Reserve...... Yep shooting range right next door...


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