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Everything posted by teecro

  1.   Well that does not shine a glowing light on those who conseal carry either?
  2.   And then it becomes like a game of tag in which your always "IT" and if your not very good at hiding your snooped out pretty easy and shown the way out again as Dolomite appears to have just done....
  3.   Don't know how this site works... But once your booted off the forum that I've moderated now for prolly better than a decade you don't come back under any guise.... Unless you really go to extreme measures as we block user names, email, and ISP and unless you get an entirely different internet provider and perhaps even a new computer you will find that the gates are locked...
  4.   He will be easy to spot with that childish potty mouth.....
  5.   I would have preferred a more public humiliation.... :2cents:
  6.   Who said anything about selling it?
  7. One of the mods I've read about in effort to prevent a true slam fire (not hammer follow) is to purchase a titanium firing pin and an extra heavy firing pin spring... With the light weight firing pin and heavy spring it becomes all but imposable for the gun to fire if dropped etc.... Personally I don't think this is your issue and I'd lay odds that the sear spring is bent and/or not properly fitted to the sear. I've seen this myself while putting my own guns back together after a bench cleaning.
  8. If you don't want guns in your store that's fine just post the signs where they belong on the dam outer door so I can see them.   It is not up to me to actively search or research the interwebs to find out if your stupid or not...
  9.   Well if that be the case then I'd get out to the range and see how it performs... Also know that the aftermarket mag Pro-Mag tends to suck ballz in the Bersa line up. Bersa tend to be some very good guns for their price point. They are no Beretta or Sig by any means but still a very nice gun for the money...
  10.   And it should not have turned out any differently either... You can't come into ANY forum and start throwing insults when your put on the spot for questionable postings...
  11. Do we have an ignore button?
  12.   If you think you have to ask who will stand and who will not then you truely have no clue... As to FB it is the work of the devil where idle minds run off at the mouth...
  13.   Lot of variables here: (1) Your good at putting together reloads (2) Your good at casting (3) Your gun is well broken in with a smooth feed ramp
  14. All very valid points old goat.... One of the thoughts that comes to my mind when I see folks do this is do they really look worthy of my trust? How do they handle their gun, how do they handle themselves, is the gun loaded with one in the chamber, safety on or safety off? Hell for crying out loud for the most part we don't trust each other when it comes to safe gun handling at the range and how regular do we hear about a round getting squeezed off at Gun Show of all places.... You know what I don't blame the sheep for getting nervous when we rarely trust our own kind... 
  15.   Not saying this is your issue but right there you have posted two things  that are proven to cause issues in many many guns Bersa included...   Reloads even from well known shops are known to cause feeding issues and while I will shoot steel case out of some of my guns the Bersa has been proven to all but hate steel case ammo such as Tula... Buy and break your gun in on brass factory loaded FMJ ball ammo...
  16.   Be very careful of that as that decision was only for CO (?) and may not considered to be a nation wide ruling....
  17. I find it hard to understand how people just can't keep their mouths closed about breaking the law; even if it is a silly one... Concealed to me means that no one knows before, during or after the fact...
  18.   Got ya... For the sake of this thread I'll call it Knoxville as the 3 locations that I need to make stops at are all within 4 miles of each other... 
  19. Guess I don't understand WTF your talking about is Strawberry Plains DMV not considered Knoxville?
  20.   Really you think so?   :squint:   I'm getting there but it takes time when you miss your craft 12 % beer.....
  21.     Funny that you say that about them not being clearly posted in that the small PO I used in MI had the photocopied sign stuck to the bulletin board where everyone put their little for sale/wanted flyer's and the no guns sign was covered up with a pair of lost mittens for at least the last couple of years...
  22.   Actally MI has good for life trailer plates which I have but I wonder how LEO will view a trailer with a MI plate being pulled by a TN plated car? 
  23.   I will keep Clinton in mind as they are a full service branch and just about the same distance as Strawplains from where we live. It is out of the way though so to go there will be a special trip. Whereas I have several errands to knock out in the Knox area...
  24. Well crap... Wondered about that as I do need it for interstate use...
  25.   Yes I see that now... Was going on past experience; in that in MI the app is something you want to take home and fill out first, blah blah blah.... I'll have to make a couple of trips one for the driver's lic and then go back again after I'd had time for the HCP course; least TN honors my CPL for 6 months after I apply for a DL...


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