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About teecro

  • Birthday 10/05/1963

Profile Information

  • Location
    Sunset Bay TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Pontoon Boats, Golf Carts
  • Occupation
    Marine Transportation Engineer


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • Carry Weapon #1
    CZ 2075-D RAMI
  • Carry Weapon #2
    SIG P938

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  1.   When you see them sold in Walgreen's and the local super markets you know that you will be lucky if they outlive the warranty paperwork...
  2.   Really hard to know which one of these units will be the one to throw away or if they are worth dropping coin on them least once... Two years ago our 28 foot ref is no longer cold after we moved... Service rep said it had a leak in one of the 2 evap coils and they they were very costly to replace with no chance for repair. Got him to install a clamp tap and add a tiny amount of R-134A and it is cold again, thinking it will be short lived I set it to its coldest settings and pick up an auto sized can of gas knowing I can add it again as needed... That was 2 years ago it still holds to the lowest settings and has needed no gas...
  3. teecro

    Need to vent

    It's not just the young that are the idiots of today... It is full grown adult men with gray hair who you would think would have common sense but I find it is a rare commodity any more... Know-it-all Captain want to be working as a deckhand here did not understand that you don't put just one bath rug in a top-load washing machine, same dolt who thought it was ok to park his 60K Jeep in a tow-away zone at the local airport after being told not too, same guy who broke bronze light switches.... The list goes on....
  4.   Any Air Show is a great air show but of all the air shows I've been to over the years this one was the worst I've ever been to.... Was among the 1000's stuck in the car for hours trying to get in, even gave our self's an extra 1.5 hour to do it. Strange that getting out was no big deal at all... Watched lines a mile long form around the few and far between toilets... I understand the distance between parking and the show itself is nothing but logistics of what is available but if a 3 mile walk is the case then by golly you should have buses to help move the crowds....
  5.   Found out this is on our end... Seems our IT guy came in through the internet and added a bunch of blocks that don't really work at all, all they do is make some work related site not work due to built in links...
  6. Last night I noticed that if I tried to open threads here in Exploder that I would get a Content Filter Activated from Cradlepoint with something about attempting to access a restricted website but the site is listed as staticxx.facebook,com nothing about TNGO   I can open any and all pages here in Google/Chrome with no issues...
  7. Dang that last pic made my stomach do a back flip with the eggs and salsa I just had....
  8. You are right DaveTN it has indeed been going on for a long time. I've got some pictures given to me by an old friend (60ish) who was in the Navy as a youth and the pictures show the Russians doing the same stuff likely 30 plus years ago...
  9. While I feel for anyone having unexpected family issues a complete lack of communications is not acceptable in todays day and age of email, text and voice...
  10. My cousin and her husband own and drive or least he still drives their own trucking company. But she quit going out with him on the road a number of years back as one morning they woke up late in the sleeper both feeling really sick and on coming out of their sleeper to a wide open cab. In looking around everything of value in the cab as well as the sleeper was gone, including wallet, purse so they didn't even so so much as have ID or cash in hand... Turns out they had been gassed with something while sleeping that knocked them out cold...
  11. Bersaguy I have to admit that sounds like the most fun one could have with their pants on......
  12. You know the no guns in commercial trucks rumor is a nationwide rumor as I've heard it many times over and any falsehood repeated enough becomes a well known fact....
  13. Judging by the pictures I think that this truck at one point or another was completely submerged and now no longer is for one reason or another. Where water once was there is now air and that tells me there is absolutely nothing on the truck I'd want to try and salvage namely engine, drive-line and body panels...
  14. Yep it's a sad internet mentality that some people would rather crap in the middle of a thread giving respect to someone who has past on than to go an post in the thread that was posted as the rant thread to the person who has past...   He was not truly my cup of tea but he dam sure had some songs that were really very good and he could flat out rock a guitar as well as many other instraments...
  15. When I saw the pic of the fob on the end of the key ring that was the first thing that came to my mind was that it was fashioned to look like an oilfield drill bit... But then again I was born in the oilpatch down south and my father as well as my fathers father and brother too were at one time all Driller's....


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