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  1. Wow. Impressive
  2. My check arrived several days ago.
  3. Missed the last one. Life gets complicated. Plan on being there this time.
  4. Thanks for the address and directions.
  5. What are the directions to the Brush Creek Range and times and dates for matches?
  6. One of my sons and I just returned from another very productive day of training with Randy. We did pretty much what the description of the original post states. As always, Randy starts everyone out with clear explanations as to what and why and then emphasizes dry fire and practice before moving on to live fire. I find the combination to be a very effective instructional technique. It is not always as much fun as just going out and burning up as much ammo in as short a time as possible, but I feel that it works far better. Another really good day.
  7. Plan on attending with one other person.
  8. 5.45? I have both an AKM and a 74. While I like the idea of the 7.62 x 39 round, it just is not that much fun for me to shoot. Sure, it is big, reliable, proven, etc., and really slams those steel targets, but I also have to have a good cheek weld or a day of shooting may give me AK cheek. Even Rob Ski uses that big after market muzzle brake to make those 5000 round torture tests easier. OTOH, the 5.45 is simply easy to deal with. I notice very little recoil or muzzle jump whether the brake is on or not (took it off several times just to see). The other comparison of the calibers that no one talks about much is the weight of full mags. Several full 7.62 mags are just heavy, especially the bombproof metal surplus ones. Everyone talks about getting an AKM for when the SHTF. Well, a SHTF ammo load of 7.62 is going to be a real load. As I said, I have both and want to keep both. If I come across another AKM that I like, then I will have two of them. My point is just that for shooting enjoyment, I grab the 74 every time.
  9. Come on now Smith! I loved the "ARs are like trophy wives" description, but really.....then you show us a photo of a Vegas showgirl. Nobody has a girl like that living next door!
  10. Just thinking about that makes my shoulder hurt.
  11. Best thing that I have found is old appliances, especially washers and driers.  Last forever and are such thin metal that not much danger of  ricochets if you accidentally crowd the barricade.  The washers and driers also make great outdoor shooting benches.  Very stable and weatherproof and a good height.  I told some people that I was using them and pretty soon became a junk appliance center.   Only worth a couple of dollars as scrap now and appliances do not seem to last very long any more, so people change them out pretty often.
  12. I plan on being there.....but I don't leave my rifle at home, even if it is a sissy lego gun/barbie gun.
  13. Making plans to attend this one!  Will bring some of my surplus metal mags.  Even if I can't hit the target I can beat it to pieces with one of those chunks of steel.
  14. That has got to be about the best looking knife that I have ever seen!


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