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    camping, off roading, hiking, shooting, horseback riding, ATV's, writing, history and more


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  1. Hadn't really thought about it till you mentioned it. LOL usually I take note of things like that.
  2. It's a zombie thread, its meant to be resurrected. Its been a long rough few years. Taking care of my mom in her last years became an all-encompassing job. I hope you folks are doing good and still reading zombie fiction. any one read anything new and good?
  3. OKelly

    Season 4

    carry on bags, small children, a little dog that wont let go, Jimmy hoffa maybe LOL.   besides, your only old if you feel like it or  did your home work on stone tablets.
  4. OKelly

    Season 4

    I guess what amazes me and ticks me off about the weapons stupidity, is it wouldnt take to much time or effort on Kirkmans and the writers part to hunt down a few vets or even police officers for advice to correct some of the grossest errors.  I suspect many like myself would offer it freely just to improve a show we had high hopes for.     judging by many comments on the fan boi sites, realism isnt welcome and shouldnt exist in any show with zombies. they how ever think using every Zombie trope and Soap opera plot is the greatest thing since Rome invented toilets with running water.  next velveteen shirts and bell bottoms will come back as the height of fashion.  >shivers< 
  5. OKelly

    Season 4

    Sadly Ive been let down since the beginning of Season three LOL.  I tend to catch TWD on the repeat later in the week, since I have better things to watch or do on Sundays like offroad or hike when the weather isnt being a pain in my kester.    I can only take so many file cabinets that can stop a .50 cal round or people who cant seem to lock doors in a cell block that tthey have keys for before its no longer credible.  
  6. OKelly

    Season 4

    so your saying that the butler did it with nanites in the Library?  and the world didnt have a clue.. LOL
  7. OKelly

    Season 4

        the thing about percentages is,  five percent of the overall population might survive, but that doenst neccessarily translate to  five percent of the population of every town and city.  you could end up with huge swathes of completely emtpy country.  at the best ten people might survive in one town, none in the next six towns down the road, a hundred in the seventh town, none for another sixty miles.  etc... 18 million across the entire US leaves a huge area empty of humans.  but its all speculation.   I figured five percent at the top end just due to the number of walkers they have encountered, and the huge number shown in Atlanta.   it could be lower than 1 percent or higher than fifty. with out the backstory of how it started and how fast it spread and what was done to combat it there wont be any clear answer's, and Kirkman and the writers wont lock themselves into an answer that they will have to stick with.    Fuel wise many towns have a fuel supply company(s) that supplies fuel to local gas stations. Exxon, BP, conoca and those guys usually get supplied by their own distribution centers.    but the supply companies that deliver to private stations, are usually out of the way, unknown to the general population and surrounded by a large privacy fences and not one Ive ever seen has the word gas or fuel in their company name LOL..      its fun to speculate on this stuff.. I suspect I really need a new life LOL. 
  8. OKelly

    Season 4

    this is something Ive thought abourt alot and its where TWD face plants by refusing to discuss how it started (as in did it start in one place or world wide simultaniously) and and refusing to give a time line. so my though process is something like this.      assume five percent of the us population is still alive at this point, five percent of 360 million people is 18,000,000 spread across 3.797 million square miles (United States).  the current population of NYC is around 8 million if that helps to invision just how empty the country would be from coast to coast border to border. .   just taking the first episode, they gave a time line whether they meant to or not,  Rick was in the hosptial for a week at the most, three days of that was after the dead had risen and overrun the hospital.  thats how long he could have laid there with out water and not died or been so dehydrated he couldnt move, trust me Ive been that dehydrated you dont move you just lay there and try to cry it hurts so bad, your muscles lock, you cant cry no water for tears and the only thing that will save you is a Saline IV, or in my case three.  Got to love the sandbox and MOP gear.    Non critical wound, sedated and on an IV, a week in the shop tops. just the sedated part tells you he had only been out of surgery a few hours when Shane stopped by with the flowers.   by that time line it was the next day or the day after when Shane showed up and pushed the gurney in front of the door as the dead poured through the hospital.   so the world died hard and fast, and there would be alot of supplies scattered around waiting to be picked up.    if it only took three days to a week for the world to die, then you will still have fully stocked stores in some areas because people died before they could strip them.    in other places people would have emptied the stores and died before they could use all the stuff they bough or stole, gas, fuel, food, ammo stuff like that.     now figure that most of the interstates and roads will be packed with cars for about five to ten miles out of every major city and town, in that mess will be grocery store supply trucks, fuel supply trucks, and everthing else you could want.   if it took three days or so and hundreds of thousands were dead by the second day, how many people would have shown up to work at say the Walmart distribution center, or at the warehouses on the docks etc..   how many stores never opened for business because the guard or the military locked down towns and roads trying to stop the spread.    how many places did survivors want to check out that might have had thousands of undead on the streets around it so the band of survivors just moved on leaving a fully stocked store. eventually something draws the attention of the dead and they wander off leaving the store now free and clear to scavenge in.     how far can you travel per day on foot or in vehicles while dodging herds and large groups.  and a motor can be heard for miles around and draw in the zeds.    on average I suspect they dont cover more than ten miles out from where ever they hole up, just because of having to be cuatious when moving around.    anyway thats my thought process on the matter... oh and as far as fuel.. check into where gas stations get their fuel.  you might be surprised to find out how close you are to a tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel you didnt even know about.  and how many of those fuel delivery drivers would have shown up for work after a day or two of seeing the dead eating people on TV and the Zeds wandering their neighborhoods and towns.  sorry its so long.. I really need a secretary LOL.
  9. OKelly

    Season 4

    why should it be harder now.. if there arent alot of people moving around and looking in an area all the supplies left from the last days of civilization are still sitting there.  and its a myth that canned food goes bad after a few months, if the can is intact, no rust no dings, the interior coating is intact, stuff like that it can last for years.   on the other hand if there are thousands of people out scavenging in a small area, then yeah supplies would be thinning out.      two hundred people couldnt even begin to pick NYC clean in a year, forty people wandering around a sixty mile area of Georgia  wouldnt be able to hit a third of the homes or business's. 
  10. OKelly

    Season 4

    I just wonder if they will ever delve into the actual apocalypse setting which has so many aspects that can add to the story line and get away from the standard TV Soap and melodrama story lines.     Maybe have the group go back to the edge of Atlanta find a way through a horde and get into the FEMA cache, secure a few of those FEMA Rv's and all the Fuel, water, medications, food and supplies that are stored there to support five thousand people during a crisis.  those caches are scattered across most states ready to be sent out right after a disaster.  assuming FEMA is on the ball and sends it out on time of course.   or maybe the basement of county courthourse where all those emergency supplies that were bought, using DHS funding after 911, for emergencies are stored.   You would think Rick would know where his towns emergency supplies were cached if nothing else.    just getting to one of those caches could take a season or two with lots of drama and action and show far more what life is like in the ZA. 
  11. HK 416, a Socom Mk 23, Miiitary issue Tomahawk, and a Khukri.  For added measure my ex mother in law and a mallet.
  12. OKelly

    Season 4

    You can blame V the final battle for the fast growing baby Cliche, at least thats the first time I remember seeing it.   date myself.. um .. no I uh saw it on uh... DVD yeah, DVD, thats the ticket.
  13. Democrats?  Do I need to get out my copy of Bullfinch's mythology for this quiz
  14. used to is was only aliens who ate faces.  
  15. Thanks Hi power, glad you liked it.  if it hadn't been for AUD, I would never have been inspired to write and post it for people to read.  Chris, author of AUD, has been a real inspiration to alot of people to  put fingers to keyboards and write.     When I first read AUD, it was about halfway through the story, I stayed up two full nights with out meaning to till I was caught up. then was so fired up about it I started writing by the end of the week.   As for keeping it up.  well, theres four books worth of material up so far,  and Ive been writing steadily for a couple of years while dealing with and taking care of my mom and her health issues.   Writing has been almost like a job, time wise, except no pay.  after my break, assuming nothing goes wrong, I do have several Post Dead stories I want to write and at least one backstory to finish and post.    thanks for reading and commenting.  


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