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Profile Information
Chattanooga, TN
Handgun Carry Permit
Law Enforcement
Carry Weapon #1
Sig Sauer 1911 c3
agarzola's Achievements

Just Getting Started (2/5)
Thanks, Sidecarist. I wouldn’t dare modify the frame myself. Thumb safety is easier and less expensive to replace if (when?) I botch it up. I think filing the end of the shaft down a bit should help. Do you recommend a gunsmith in the Chattanooga area?
I suspect that’s what happened, DMark. Yes, I do carry condition 1. Do you know a gunsmith in the Chattanooga area that you recommend for that kind of work? In any case, is flattening the end of the shaft something I should try myself?
Hey, all. I’d like to consult a rather bizarre experience I had with my gun earlier today. I was at a location where firearms are not allowed this afternoon, so I left my Sig Sauer 1911c3 in a lock box in my car. When I got back to the car, I took the gun out of the box and as I holstered the weapon, the thumb safety popped right off of the frame far enough to release the plunger assembly. I somehow didn’t quite notice it because I was busy getting the thumb break on my holster to snap on. I usually have no problem getting the thumb break on that holster (a Galco Silhouette High Ride) to snap on, but this time the button wouldn’t latch. It was as if the gun wasn’t fully seated in the holster all the way, so the button couldn’t line up properly. I pushed the gun down further into the holster, but it wouldn’t budge. Then I notice that the thumb safety plunger and its spring are sitting on my sleeve… and that’s when I realize the thumb safety is visibly separated from the frame of the gun. Naturally, I pulled the gun away from me, released the magazine, cleared the chamber, locked the slide back, and —after taking a few seconds to breathe— started trying to piece together what the hell had just happened. I’ve never had an issue with this gun. I’ve put at least a couple thousand rounds through it in the ~3 years I’ve owned it without major malfunctions. I got it brand new as a gift from my wife and I haven’t replaced any parts pertaining to the thumb safety, the plungers, or the plunger spring. By the time I saw the thumb safety plunger and spring sitting on my sleeve, the slide stop plunger was already nowhere to be found. I can’t find it anywhere in the car or in my clothes (and I’m sure I’ll never find it), so I’m fixing to buy a new one online (unless I manage to find it locally somewhere). I’ll probably buy a new spring and thumb safety plunger for good measure. I’ve inspected the safety itself and see no indication it is damaged. I’ve also put the gun back together (sans slide stop plunger) and, aside from an excessively loose thumb safety and slide stop (due to the missing plunger), everything else seems fine with the gun. The thumb safety doesn’t come out when the hammer is forward. With the hammer back, the safety cannot be pulled off of the frame when it is fully engaged or fully disengaged, but only when it is half-way in between (as it’s supposed to be). An engaged thumb safety prevents the trigger from moving back fully, and when I disengage the safety the trigger can be squeezed and the hammer falls, as expected. Trying to piece the event back together, it would seem that I somehow managed to: Push the thumb safety downward with enough force to get it at least half-way down, but not enough force to push it all the way to the disengaged position. This is not difficult to imagine, as I was fiddling with a thumb break strap that happens to wrap around and sit right on the thumb safety when it is in the engaged position. I have in the past accidentally disengaged the thumb safety while strapping the gun onto this holster. Push the thumb safety cylinder from the right side of the frame inward, just enough to get it to pop off the frame and cause the plunger spring to fly out, but not enough to cause the thumb safety to completely fall off the gun. This is more difficult to imagine, but I guess it is plausible that I managed to press down on the holster’s thumb break strap hard enough that it, in turn, pressed down on the safety’s cross bar on the right side of the frame at just the right time. I’ve thought about this all evening long, and it’s the only explanation I can think of yet, however far fetched it may seem. Any other 1911 owners here experience something similar? Is there something else I should be looking for? Signs of wear on other internal parts? Should take the gun to a gunsmith even if the thumb safety seems to be working as expected?
Haha! No, that page is not mine. I’m well aware that their message has nothing to do with the second amendment. That’s part of the point. Check my latest comment above to see what I mean. I respect and have a great relationship with my local police officers. I don’t see any conflict in having that respect and listening to a group of people whose experience has been different from my own, especially when their community is not served by the same men and women who serve my community.
Nothing smells, man. Apologies if I misread your comment. I thought you were referring to the Ferguson case, so I responded openly and, I hope, respectfully. Do let me know if I come across as confrontational, because that is not my intent. To your questions re: protests outside my home or business, I believe what your argument presents a false dilemma. The choice doesn’t need to be armored vehicles vs. “a meek, timid group†of friendly police officers. Strength and authority are not only achievable through a show of brute force. That’s a simplistic view, in my opinion. Having said that, while I won’t shy away from a relevant tangent, my intent is to talk about the HPN Gun Club. However, its correlation with the Ferguson events is undeniable, so I think it’s only reasonable to expect some overlap. It’s that simple. No ulterior motive here. ——— The reason I’m interested and enthusiastic about it is because it puts a different face on the pro-2A side of the argument. It’s difficult for anti-gun folks to regurgitate their “gun rights are for white people only†argument when a demonstration where guns are prominently displayed in a peaceful, non-threatening manner is composed entirely of black folks. For years, they’ve said over and over again that if the stereotypical white gun owner saw a group of black men carrying rifles down their street, they would freak the hell out and call for more gun control, yet this has largely not been the case. And I think the fact that their demonstration is not centered around the 2nd amendment is a plus, too. Because, while using the 2A right to champion the 2A itself is fine and dandy, the fact that they’re using it to peacefully protest other civil rights issues (even if they are issues one might not agree with on a fundamental level) speaks to that concept pro-2A rhetoric often insists on: that the second amendment is there to allow us to protect our other constitutional rights. I think it’s a brilliant political opportunity for other —specifically white, but also hispanic, asian, and middle eastern— gun owners to speak up and support this group. There’s no need to endorse their message, of course, but I’m making an effort to be vocally supportive of their decision to carry peacefully and lawfully, and to show that I believe in the rights of all Americans, not just those who look or think like me.
I agree, Wiljo. However, whether Brown actually posed an immediate threat to Wilson or anybody else at the time of the shooting is a debated matter. We don’t really know for certain whether he struggled with Wilson, or if he was charging at him at the time he was shot. You might choose to believe the few people who make that claim, but that doesn’t make it true. Beyond that, however, the police’s initial response to peaceful protests in Ferguson was excessive and uncalled for, and their consistent efforts to limit press coverage by threatening, assaulting and detaining members of the press, and restricting air traffic to keep press helicopters away from the scene is profoundly unconstitutional. I believe it is naive to claim that their actions have no bearing in the mess that is currently in their hands. In any case, the Huey P. Newton Gun Club is protesting police brutality in their state. Sure, Ferguson seems to be a catalyst to get them out in the streets, but the fact remains that they are American citizens protesting abuse of force in their communities by the state. I wholeheartedly support that.
I’ve recently learned of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club demonstrations in Dallas, TX, where a sizable group of black gun owners are protesting police brutality while they open carry. More information here (Reason.com) and here (BearingArms.com). I’ll be perfectly honest here: I’m downright excited about this. While I don’t share their seemingly leftist views, I support their right to open carry in a peaceful demonstration. I don’t need to agree with someone’s politics to recognize their 1st and 2nd amendment rights and support their exercise of these rights. And I’m hopeful that this gun club goes viral and spreads across the country, inspiring other black folks to educate themselves and pursue legal and responsible gun ownership. I couldn’t find a thread discussing this particular topic, so I thought I’d start one. What do you all think? Would you support a peaceful open carry demonstration started —or inspired— by the Huey P. Newton Gun Club protesting police brutality in your town/city?
Hey, folks! I’m not a hunter; I just shoot for sport. I don’t know where else to ask this, though, so here it is… I was on my way to Prentice Cooper earlier today to zero in the scope on my 10/22. Figured I’d have lunch while up there, so I brought a sandwich. I forgot to check managed hunt dates online, and once I got up there I realized that the shooting range was off-limits today. That’s what I get for not doing my homework, I suppose. On my way back down from the mountain, I decided to stop on one of the rest/emergency stops off the side of the road and have my lunch. I stopped right here. Sandwich in hand, I walked towards the little creek off the side of the mountain. As I got closer, I noticed what looks like a goat carcass. The thing looks like it’s been there a long enough time (mostly bones and some fur), and I figured it must have been injured at some point, walked to the creek and died. However, when I looked further down, I found a far more troubling sight. What looks like a deer, wrapped in plastic, just dumped in the creek: (I’ve made the above image clickable so you can see it full-size and zoom in.) This looks like somebody’s trash. I know nothing about hunting, much less what one is to do with a carcass, but this just doesn’t seem right to me. It’s not that it was dumped that bothers me, it’s that it was dumped in a creek haphazardly covered in a plastic bag (in other words: trash). Is this a health hazard? Should I call the people in charge of Prentice Cooper to report this so they can remove it? I’ll appreciate any guidance or clarification you can provide. Thanks!
[quote name="dlmeadows" post="1067751" timestamp="1385170786"] but yes you can use your pocket or the waistband of your pants as long as they dont fall out. Not really sure what the snagmag is though.[/quote] This is the Snagmag: [url="http://www.snagmag.com"]http://www.snagmag.com[/url]
Sig Sauer 1911 c3. It takes a 7rd magazine.
The only thing holding me back is I don’t have a proper magazine holster. I use (and swear by) a Snagmag in my EDC rig. Is that legal in IDPA? Can I stuff additional magazines in my jeans back pocket? I just kind of wanna check IDPA out before I invest in a magazine holster that I probably won’t use as EDC because I prefer the Snagmag.
Haha! I’ll come prepared just in case. Is that CRC schedule all year long, including the winter months?
I appreciate the prompt reply, Lowpower! I look forward to the next Cleveland RC match. Is there a calendar for that online? Their site doesn’t seem to have a schedule up for 2013. Thanks again!
Hey, folks! A buddy of mine and I want to participate in IDPA. I think we’re both the kind of people who learn by watching others and asking questions first, so we’re thinking about going to a match first just to watch. Is that allowed? We don’t mind helping out (resetting targets, counting hits, etc) to make ourselves useful. On every video I’ve seen online, it looks like everybody in assistance is competing. I’ve never seen people in the crowd that look like they’re not there to shoot, which is why I ask.
Yeah, I heard about the Sportsman's Warehouse event the other day (while putting that 10/22 on layaway) and have made plans to go for sure. I'll be looking up some of those old threads on reloading once I get my gear up and ready sometime next year. Dang, that's a lot of matches!! Thanks for the heads up! --- Thanks for the warm welcome, all!