Sup[erduty, you did not mention the rifle you are using, also whether this is a recreation load or an accuracy hunting load you need. As for the cost factor, you will save $$$ loading for both applications. The down side is finding the correct components, at an agreeable price, in your quantities. Such is the nature of the industry at this time.
I am loading hunting loads for a scoped AR upper (unknown manufacturer, was an estate find) over a Rock River lower. After comparing H4198, BLC2 and H335 at the range, the clear choice was H335 for this project. My load detail is a Hornady 123 grain .311 diameter bullet, Hodgdon's recommended top load of 31.5 grains of H335, and care in COL so the bullet will chamber (short leade in this barrel). Groups routinely hover at 1-1.2 inch 5-shot groups if I do my part. You will find a lot of reloading data on the Hodgdon web site ( to give you options for powder, given the current scarcity issues.
Some time in the future I will work with cast bullets in this rifle, Lyman mold 311410. This is just one of the many projects on my to-do list, along with so many others. If you wish to dive into casting, the best resource for support is the Castboolits website ( I spend more time on this site than any other.
Good luck with your project.