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Everything posted by ken56

  1. I can offer my labor. I do have other skills but basic labor, no matter what for  is needed to accomplish most everything. When it comes time to defend a position then having a lot of trigger fingers available is a plus. All of us are potential fodder for the cannon........expendable at any moment. The point, I know, is survival but what if a situation called for your sacrifice to save your family? or the rest of the "community"? If someone is not willing to give the ultimate for all then I wouldn't want them in my band of survivors.
  2. All governmental agencies need this to be implemented upon them first. Start with the Secret Service, FBI, Homeland Security and every other Federal agency that has weapons. If its such a good idea then there should be no argument and should be redilly accected by them...........you think??  Bet you 1000.00 right now there will be an exemption for them.......this is strictly for us little people. The old "for thee, not for me" mantra.
  3. The Smoky Mountain Museum of Aviation on 411 in Sevierville is a worth while stop. Good display in their museum and the aircraft are interesting. P-40 war hawks are their claim to fame but there are other planes too. Watched the air show on the TV. Looked like a great time.
  4. I agree that TN requiring a permit to carry a gun in public is an infringement on the 2A. Many states are going with the constitutional carry concept and some don't require a permit to openly carry. I steer you all to CADL v MOC as an example of what 2A rights activism is. I know its a Michigan case.....why can't it work here. Yes, someone has to be the "test dummy" ......now there's support for you. I don't believe anyone could count on many of the people who post on here to contribute to the dummys defense, only sit back and criticize and laugh and then reap the benefit of a positive outcome should that come to pass. Is there even a cohesive group in this state that could effectively challenge things like this? Pardon my ignorance if there is but I have not come across one yet.
  5. How many good people will be deterred by that sign.......just because its there. They count on that and good people tend to obey laws and signs. This would be a perfect time for an open carry walk. I know some of you on here think its a bad thing to openly carry but how else do you advance the concept that good people can carry guns too? OC/CC is not the point here....putting up unlawful signs is so how do you counter that message? Emails on Face Book?  Is this a fight worth fighting? or just attend and CC.
  6. I read a great book a while back on the guys involved in the raising of the flag in that picture. I forget the title and author but those guys met a sad fate after returning home. The battle for Iwo Jima was one of the most brutal to have survived and not been affected to the soul by it. There were actually 2 raisings of the flag on the mountain and the pic is from the second one.
  7. This crap makes me chuckle a little bit, if it weren't so sad. Seriously? How about we have a state cupcake or a state automobile. What about a state color? Mouse Trap can be the state game. Lets see, what other ridiculous things can our legislators waste their time on? How about getting rid of the signs have the weight of law issue? Maybe get busy on getting rid of  permits to carry. How about they do something meaningful? We actually pay them for this stuff? OMG.
  8. Went to the Air Force  Museum in Dayton some years back. We wanted to go see the presidential former Air Force One exihibit and guess what.......you go through a background check. Its in a separate hanger on the other side of  the base so you are bussed there. Being an active military base I guess its the same situation as the contractor guys here face.
  9. Anyone else notice that the guard was a bit advanced in age? Its just kids right? And how on earth does the lock box "accidently" NOT get locked? Someone was just lazy and didn't bother to lock it. Just kids right?
  10. The bigger cities dictate pretty much what the rest of the state must put up with, just like here in TN. The rural areas have no problem with it.  I have heard stories of local law enforcement agencies giving those signs to businesses and firmly recommending they post them. Govmnt has no business taking over private property owners responsibilities  to control their own businesses by making a sign have the weight of law. If they post then I guess they wont have to wet themselves asking someone openly carrying to please leave their store.   I have to agree that TN needs to address this issue too, signs should not instantly turn a person into a criminal just by virtue of not seeing it and walking past it into a business. If any business owner does not want my money he should tell me that face to face and not hide behind some sign. While denying posted businesses our patronage may not amount to much, it sure makes me feel better knowing I did not contribute to their welfare.
  11. So what paperwork is involved in renewal? I understand that you must attest to having 4 hours of review and range time too?  Any documentation involved? I will have to renew next year so I have loads of time to worry about it but since you brought it up................
  12. Ya'll don't understand the meaning of free trade........it means there's no penalty to move jobs out of this country and then bring your product back in FREE.  Free of any tariffs or taxes, and build them free of any work rules or safety or pollution regulations or any constraints really.......just pay off the gov'mnt officials you need to...... much cheaper to do business that way.  And you thought it meant free markets. yeah, right.
  13. I moved here from Michigan and could carry inside the capitol building. We could go see our representatives fully armed. There is absolutly no valid reason to prohibit HCP holders from doing the same here in Tennessee. In MI. a HCP holder can also carry OPENLY into a school. You can openly carry in MI. without any license. Its an unlicensed open carry state unlike here in TN where its licensed carry only. I believe that to be unconstitutional to require a permit to carry in public. All states, except constitutional carry states, regulate concealed carry.  MI does require registration of handguns. I am glad TN does not. What will it take to get our legislators to realize that people who legally obtain their firearms and submit to getting their state permission slip to exercise their rights are not the threat/problem? Its just easier to get law abiding people to obey stupid laws because its the law. Those dog gone criminals just wont listen or obey some stupid law so its a waste of time to go after them.  Gun control is not about guns, its about control.
  14. I just keep mine on my hip in its  paddle holster. I make sure the seat belt is not hampering access and have never had an issue pulling it out of the holster. I can't bring myself to drill holes in my dash board like that. I do think its a nifty holder though and could find a use for it somewhere around the house.
  15. No sympathy from me on this. Welcome to being just a citizen. Until we quit creating different classes of the priveliged we will never have equality under the law. Retired police officers should not be considered "special". Nor should politicians or prosecutors or judges or anyone who works for the gov'mnt. If we are all citizens then we should not have priveleged classes of citizen. The right to bear arms is meant for all.
  16. I agree with getting up every so often to get the blood going again. We did 9 hrs. to Amsterdam and then 2 more to Rome. I couldn't sleep on the flight and did suffer some jet lag for the next 2 days.  Nothing you wont get over so don't be too concerned, but do sleep if you can. I think the seats have a bit more leg room than on the domestic flights too. You will find Europe to be a very different world than the good ol' USA. Have fun and enjoy your trip. I thoroughly enjoyed ours by the way.
  17. Christie should be working on his pardon paperwork right now, then upon his conviction his lawyer can present the judge with his pardon, right then and there. That would be a beautiful thing to see happen right in the courtroom. NJ is nuts.
  18. I honestly believe that our justice system is so broken in administering harsh sentances for the very crimes this event was about that the problem will never get better. I found it kind of ironic that as the meeting was taking place you know that shootings were happening somewhere around K'ville. Until the perpetrators of such violence are delt with in the justice system by some very looong sentances then talking about is just feel good B.S. It takes money to lock people up, I know, and no one wants to be taxed more to pay for that. I don't and I am sure most others on here don't either. I would like to see a study of the city's courts and sentances and early releases  on violent offenders as to how some of these people may have been on the streets  when their crimes should have kept them behind bars. There is such a multitude of factors involved here that it may be impossible to find a solution. As for me for now, I will continue to carry and defend me and mine from those that would prey on others.
  19. Suicide is tragic, yes, but if someone is so tortured in their life here on this earth then I hope they find the peace they seek in their decision on leaving this world. The families of such people, at least some, surely know they may be in such a state of mind as to warrant locking up the method they may choose of departing this world, but you know, you can't place any blame on anyone involved in a tragedy. There are always signs.   If you have ever been in the shoes of a parent of an adult child trying to seek help for a mental health issue you have my sympathy. We had a very close friend whose daughter need some serious help and her mom tried every avenue available through community mental health programs to no avail. It became quite evident that these programs were numbers driven seemingly to support their funding. Quite like the VA wait times debacle. Mom was told that her daughter was an adult and she could do nothing to/for her without legal power of attorney except bring her to the clinic when she had an episode, if she could get her to go. Basically, the system fails more than helps. I am sure there are success stories out there, but with every news story that says the signs were "missed" in every mass shooting incident, or suicide, or other tragedy it is too little, too late.   So the focus is put on the instrument of death with the gun being the killing machine and not the car. I really want to know what it is that actually bothers the gun grabbers more, the loss of life, or the method of the loss of life. Being dead is still dead no matter how it happens, isn't it? Irresponsible use of a car can be just as deadly as irresponsible use of a gun, right? We know that cars can be regulated as can drivers because driving is a privilege. The 2A affirms the RIGHT to bear arms that can not be infringed. That is the one point that is always left out of news articles like this. I want to know why it is never asked why a machine that is not designed to kill, kills more people in general than a device that is solely designed to kill. Now we get into the responsible user issue.   If the resources of the gun grabbers, or even the pro 2A side, were put to use in analyzing the prosecution and courts and the sentencing of criminal offenders using firearms in their crimes that would be a good news story. The story that comes to mind for me is the little girl whos choir sang at Obamas inauguration, who was shot is a Chicago park just weeks after. Her killer was a gang member who was out on bond for another gun crime. The big question is WHY was he back out on the streets???? If the news focused on this crap instead  of car vs. gun deaths then we might see some progress in stopping  "gun violence". Lets call the system out for its revolving door releasing of violent criminals. Oh, but wait......some one has to pay for that. ​  
  20. The  Supreme court has ruled that the police have no duty to protect any individual. That means they can stand by and watch as you are murdered and then arrest the person who did it, go to court and testify to what they witnessed and hopefully the jury will convict your killer. So what responsibilities do you perceive the police have?  What responsibilities do CCers have? OCers have?  Citizens are not vested with the states authority nor do they enjoy the same protections of sworn police officers, so why would you think they have any kind of authority at all? I carry because it is my RIGHT under the 2A, not by any authority vested upon me. What do you have against open carry? is that your issue? or do you have a police background, family that are police officers, or what ?  You can handle any interactions with the authorities as you see fit for yourself. I refuse to condemn another for how they handle their interactions.
  21. The problem with just obeying unlawful orders is that you make it OK if you voluntarily comply and then you have NO complaint to make. When you voluntarily comply then you have just willfully given up your rights to the bully cop and that negates your complaint. If I am truly in violation of the law I expect I WILL be arrested for that violation and go through the system, and rightly so,  but when I am breaking no laws and I am approached by officer friendly because he wishes to exert some of his perceived power over a law abiding citizen then that's when I stand up for my rights and don't voluntarily give them up so easily. I will be as polite as I can be all the while doing so. I also believe in my right to record such encounters, after all, cops don't lie, do they?
  22. Can someone elaborate on how hiding your rights under your shirts is promoting "civilians" carrying and supporting the 2A? How is it that if I go and order a sandwich at subway while CC is innocuous but openly is baiting?  Oh, that's right, no one knows if they can't see it. Look, I do both OC and CC as I have stated before and I expect to be left alone by everyone, especially the police, if I am not breaking any laws. Just like everyone else who just wants to get a sandwich at subway. Do I agree with how the guy handled it? Well, I am only responsible for my own behavior just as he is and if that is how he stood up to an unlawful detainment and harassment then so be it and good for him. I have had nothing but good experiences while I OC. Comments have been all positive and the few police officers that have seen me OC have handled it exactly as I believe they should and did absolutely nothing because I was doing nothing wrong. The only way others will be educated that good people carry guns too is if they see other good people like themselves carrying. Hiding it doesn't do it.
  23. Went to the Greenbrier Distillery in Nashville and got a bottle of their Belle Meade Sherry Bourbon. This Bourbon is aged in former sherry barrels they import from France and gives it a hint of the sherry flavor. Quite good. Another of my favorites is Johnny Walker Blue Label. I was not a scotch fan until I had this. It is the most expensive booze I have ever purchased. I am planning a trip to Lynchburg  in May to go see Jack.
  24.   Well if that is how you wish to interpret my statement so be it. I look for no glory. If a situation allows for my intervention then I said I would make the decision at that time. You are free to make your own decision. I interpret your statement to mean that you believe the man (concealed carrier) at the Oregon college  that had an active shooter should have ran to the building the shooter was in and engaged him. He was across the campus, not in the same building as the shooter. Now, If I were in the same building the shooter was as he was going room to room, then yes, I would defend the whole roomful of people I was with...... to the end, who ever the "winner" was. I would NOT run across the campus to play hero.


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