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Everything posted by RDL

  1. Solid pistol. A little heavy for carry but a real classic. Congrats.
  2. Great job. Represented gun owners very well.
  3. That is the reason for asking on this forum.
  4. I am going to a late movie at the Regal in West Town later in the week. Will be getting out late and walking to the car. I didn't know if anyone had been there recently and knew if it was posted. Thanks
  5. Very well said. Got right to the heart of the matter.
  6. I have the Ruger P345 and have never had a problem with it. I have about 500 rounds thru it. Great gun for the money IMO.
  7. Congrats. Now the wait begins. Be safe.
  8. Well... my wife went today to the DMV and then fingerprinted. So now it is time to wait. So after finishing up this morning she went to have lunch with a friend who asked her " You are not going to have that gun in the car when we go out to eat are you?" I told her she needs some new friends. WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH PEOPLE? Do they really believe that you are putting them in danger because you are armed. Most of here friends are retired school teachers. These are not stupid people. They just don't see the need to carry. The thing that really makes me mad is the fact that my wife will probably NOT carry because of their feelings about it. At least not around them. Oh well......just had to vent a little.
  9. She took the Class at Gunneys in Maryville. She really enjoyed it. She said there were 30 in her class. Interest in getting your HCP has really gone up recenly. Classes fill up fast.
  10. Six months ago my wife had never fired a pistol. Then she started going to the range with me and shooting. Today she took her HCP class and tomorrow she is off to the DMV and then to get fingerprinted. I am very proud of her. I think she sees now that having the option to carry is a good thing in the world we now live in. Almost 25% of her class today were women. Now the wait begins.
  11. RDL


    Carry a PM9 almost daily. Lot of power in a small package.
  12. I agree. My wife will be taking her HCP class in a couple of weeks and we are thinking about an airweight revolver. I would rather have a light metal gun. I can't see that much difference in weight. Just my .02
  13. Carry my Kahr PM9 in a nemesis. Most of the time I wear cargo pants. The cargo pockets work great. Depending on the brand the pockets are just about the right size to hold the nemesis in place but not too tight.
  14. I don't feel slammed at all. That is what is great about forums. You get a lot of peoples opinions. My original question was posed to see if anyone knew what the law said about passengers in the car where a firearm is stored. It seems there are a lot of opinions. I agree that it would be best to have it on. However, for times when I choose not to I wanted to know what the law said.
  15. If I am driving for several hours I am probably not going to want to have my pistol on especially if I am carrying IWB. Not comfortable for me. I will have it out of sight but in reach. My question was asked because I saw this raised on another forum. I really can't see an officer charging a passenger for this but thought I would ask the question and see if anyone had heard of this before.
  16. Lets say you are on a trip and you have placed your gun in a console or glove box while driving. I read in another forum that if you are stopped an officer can charge any passenger in your car that does not have an HCP with a firearm violation. They were saying that the person with the HCP must have the firearm in their posession. Anybody else heard this?
  17. I also wonder how many people that have their HCP actually carry. I have several friends with permits and probably less than half carry. So if you have 339,000 with their HCP maybe a lot of them are unarmed.
  18. I clean everytime they are shot. If they don't get shot, they still get a wipe down once a month.
  19. Well....after a lot of urging I got the wife to the shooting range today. It was her first time shooting a firearm. I let her start out with a Taurus .22 revolver and then she tried the Bersa .380. and then my Sig p239 in 9mm. She did great. I was very proud of her. She wants to go back and maybe take a ladies self defence class that they offer at the range. I think down the road she may want to get her HCP. She was a little scared at first but then relaxed and enjoyed it. It was a good day.
  20. Kahr PM9 in a DeSantis Nemisis pocket holster. One in the chamber.
  21. You will do fine. Relax and enjoy the class.
  22. Kahr PM9. Small enough to pocket carry. Shoots great.
  23. My vote is for the Sig. I recently bought a Sig P6 with a date of 9/83. Mine shoots HP ammo fine. Some earlier ones may not. It would be good if you could try it out before buying.
  24. Bought a Sig P6 a few weeks ago. Great gun. Paid $350 for it. I was at a gun shop today and they had one for $525.
  25. I think it is Dec. 13-14 in Louisville. It is supposed to be one of the biggest shows around.


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