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    Franklin, Indiana
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    New Car Sales Manager


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  1. I purchased a couple of raffle tickets this past weekend and they have a fancy inlaid version as one of the prizes.
  2. Great thread! I was so inspired that I went through every knife in the kitchen including my Grand Father's butcher knife. I already had stones including one that my Great Uncle used for straight razors so I only needed to buy the Mothers Aluminum Polish. Rick45Colt Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. Has any one bought a shelf, etc to hide your firearm for emergency access? A friend posted a video showing the ones made by TacticalWalls.com and I am real interested. I really like that they are American made and not some imported crap. Any thoughts? Rick45Colt Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  4. My best friend bought one and really likes it. It was also his first 1911. The only issue with it was that the safety was really stiff but engaging and disengaging with the pistol unloaded worked it out. I have also shot it and think it is a really nice pistol for the money. Rick45Colt Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. David, Are you coming up to the Indy 1500 in August? If so I will start compiling a list of items. Rick45Colt Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  6. I really love mine! I got my buddy to shoot it and a week later he owned one also. It was even nicer because he said that I could shoot it during deer season on his property. Until this past season he would only let us shoot shotgun or muzzle loader. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  7. Are there any Rural King's in Tennessee? They are now carrying firearms and ammo in their stores up here in Indiana. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  8. Since it is a TC Inline can you not just remove the breech plug? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  9. No, just the special die body. I had a rt1200 and sold it. I now use the Hornady Trim Prep Center. I seem to get more done this way since I can also clean primer pockets and demilitarize cases, etc. I have found that you must purchase the Hornady shell holders . The others don't work. If I was going to start doing production type numbers I would think real hard about a Giraud trimmer. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  10. Great now you have some cases but have you measured them? I don't know if there any similar shops in your area but here we have a small shop that also offers reloading classes. One of there newest additions to the shop is a Giraud trimmer. They even rent it for an hourly charge. That might help you go to the next step. Besides buying more than one book for load data I also check the powder manufacturers website. Another good source is castpics.net. The have copies of old manuals and from the powders companies also. Just click on the Free Manuals link. http://www.castpics.net/LoadData/Freebies/default.html I have used the following suppliers also: Midsouth Shooters Supply http://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com Natchez Shooters Supply http://www.natchezss.com Natchez has some primers and bullets. Very limited on powders. Midsouthss had some bullets and everything else was real limited. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  11. Hello Folks,   I am Hoosier but I was so impressed with Dolomite_supafly's presentation of powder coating cast boolits that I just had to join people of like mind. I have been reloading on and off for the last 20 years but really aggressively in the last 10. I recently started casting and am also a member at CastBoolits.   About me:   51 Years Old Married 22 Years 2 Daughters (ages 14 & 9) NRA Life Member Catholic 4th Degree Knight Conservative   God Bless us all and God Bless these United States!!!!      


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