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Everything posted by McGarrett

  1. I“Maverick’s re-engaging, sir!” 
  2. McGarrett

    My foot

    Vontar,   My dad has had them a few times over the years and in his case they told him it would work itself out and it always did for him, no surgery or anything, he is 75 years old now but the last time he had it was over 5 years ago, not sure exactly. His doctor advised him to wear cowboy boots during the day and he said it actually helped. Something about the higher heel shifting your weight more forward or something. I never tried that. I know my father in law had them a few times also. I think it may be a sign that we are getting older.   I know it sounds crazy but the foot soak works great for me. I had it really bad back in April, worst I had ever had, and I would get up and do the soak first thing in the morning and then I could still do my exercise or yard work and go about my day. I work 2nd shift 4 evenings a week so I have some time at home during the day, that kind of helped me by having some time to do this before going to work or otherwise I would have been hurting for sure. I guess you could do it before bed at night and get the same effect. Just do a google search about acv baking soda foot soak, it is also good for athletes foot, fungus, or other issues like that from what I read online. Just get the cheap acv in the gallon jug and the arm & hammer baking soda. I never measure it out I just kind of eyeball it. Probably 1/4 cup of each. I just sprinkle the baking soda in an empty plastic tub and run the hot water and put in the acv last, you get a little bubbling action. I will also put in some epsom salt if I have any, ran out for a while but it was not a big deal. I don't put much of the epsom salt in just a little.   Another thing I did when it got real bad was to do some stretching before even getting out of bed. I would hold my leg stiff and then pull your toes toward you, imagine you had a rope pulling the ball of your foot toward you, and then hold it for a while and then repeat. Google the stretches or ask the doctor about them. This helped a lot so that I could at least put some weight on it when I got on my feet, without falling down in pain. I quit doing the stretches after it stopped hurting in May.   I have been doing this routine since it got real bad in April and it took about a month to get it go away totally. I have not had any problems since May but I am still doing the soak each day before I exercise just as a preventative. I almost forgot to mention that I also watch old detective/ cop shows, Rockford Files, Hawaii Five-O, etc. on dvd while I am doing the foot soak and I get on TGO or read about gun stuff on the internet, not sure if that will help or not. Can black rifle disease work it's way into your feet? Just kidding.   Definitely listen to the doctor because he knows more than I do for sure. I don't think the foot soaks will hurt anything and if nothing else it might ease your pain somewhat.   I hope this helps you out, I feel your pain!
  3. I forgot what the topic of the post was about, but I now have an urge to go to Cracker Barrel even though I just ate.
  4. McGarrett

    My foot

    Not sure if I had the same issues you are having but I have been having heel spur type pains occasionally over the last 5 years. After sitting for a long period or when getting up first thing in the morning I could barely walk, putting weight on it would just about put me on the ground. Once I got up and going then it gradually got better as the day went on.   I tried an old home remedy I read about online; soaking my feet in a tub of hot water with apple cider vinegar and baking soda. It works. I think a few of the times I aggravated it by overdoing it with my exercises so now I do a preventative soak prior to exercising and I have not had any problems. I do this for 30 to 45 minutes while watching tv or passing time on TGO, 3 or 4 times a week.   By all means go with what a doctor says but I thought I would pass along what helped me and kept me out of the doctor's office.
  5. I can identify with many of the viewpoints of the others. I do agree with Dustbuster's post that we should not overestimate the capability of the government, but at the same time what if you are the one showing up on their radar screen at the moment for whatever reason. There is a lot of information floating around out there that can easily be misused.   Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. Theodore Roosevelt 
  6. Thanks for the info and the link Garufa.   What I need is the handle that you grab to operate the bolt. I called it a "charging handle" due to ongoing symptoms of black rifle disease. I do not see the handle listed separately but they show a complete bolt but are currently sold out.   I found a complete bolt on ebay, getting a little pricey. I may try to weld it first and see if it will hold, but I will keep an eye out for parts as well.   Edit 10-3-13 *** My son welded it yesterday and it will work fine like that. Thanks again for the link, will be useful for any other parts I may need.
  7. Today I was out with my son shooting the old Remington .22. We are teaching my nephew how to shoot for the first time and this rifle was my go to gun to start him out with. I like the single shot when starting out teaching someone, we will work up to the 10/22.   Once it got too dark outside we quit and cleaned all the guns. Upon taking out the bolt we found the bolt action handle had broken. The stem of the handle is ok but it broke at the small collar part around the bolt. It could have been cracked for a while from the looks of it and shooting it for a while today may have cracked it the rest of the way. We probably ran 100 rounds through it today between the 3 of us.   Anyone know of a replacement handle? Anybody had this happen and welded it or otherwise repaired it. Too much sentimental value in this old rifle to give up on it, it has been in the family for years.
  8. I have a pair of Bates boots I got from LA Police Gear,, they were the USMC Rat boots. I got them for $39 and the quality was excellent, this was some kind of closeout deal due to a change in the government contracts or something. Not sure if they sill have them because at that price I am sure they went quick. I saw them on some other websites for $69 which still seemed very cheap given the quality of the boots. I don't wear them all the time but I just happened to be wearing them today and they are really comfortable. I liked them so much I went back to get another pair 2 weeks after buying these and they were sold out of my size. I have had these about 6 months.   For pull on work boots I would recommend Red Wings or Justin, always had good luck with them. I wear the pull on boots when I work out in our garage area but I wear the Bates boots 1 day a week when I work in the office.
  9.     I have been wearing a wife beater t-shirt tucked in with a polo shirt untucked to take care of the comfort issue. 
  10. I had 2 of these instances recently that made me feel older.   I was trying to describe which relay I needed from the parts room to one of the other mechanics and I gave him a general description of what it looked like and where it was located in the parts room, but I then added that it looks like a flash cube. The look I got was priceless and then it was followed by; What is a flash cube?   Another time I made the comment that something was "like a broken record", got nothing but blank stares as nobody in the bunch knew what I meant because they were too young to know much about record players.   After both of these scenarios I tried to explain to them what the deal was. Some of the guys knew about records but none of them had ever seen a flash cube before.
  11. We kept getting these calls from the Republican party wanting money, I told them we did not want to donate anything and when they kept on for a while I told them if they didn't quit calling we would have to turn Democrat, and then I just hung up. I do not think they have called back since then. Our caller id was out for a while so I had trouble screening calls.   I am sure that these phone solicitors are one of the most annoying things that I encounter. I get a lot of them at our office phone along with bogus scam sales calls, yellow pages, OSHA compliance crap, etc. I have just been telling them I am not interested and hanging up because they will just waste your time if you let them. 
  12. I have done this before using several of the methods the others have suggested. The screwdriver or chisel will work in many cases. If you have an old leather belt or piece of seat belt you might be able to make your own strap wrench by wrapping it around an extension and using a ratchet to turn it, get it up as close to the base as possible.   I hope it is not cross threaded. I have an ISX Cummins in a big truck in my shop right now with a leaking oil filter that was cross threaded and did not seal good. Not fun, may require replacing the entire oil cooler.   Hope that helps you. Been through this more times than I would have liked to but it was always on big trucks or buses so there was more room to work. 
  13. I have bought several of the ammo cans of .38spl for target shooting with my Marlin 1894C lever action. Everything went bang and the quality was excellent, very clean, no problems. Only shot a handful in the revolvers but they seemed to be ok, I did not have the issues Oh Shoot mentioned with accuracy in the revolvers.   I got a few bags of .40 & .357mag in their JHP and they were excellent as well. The .40 did well in my handguns as well as my SUB2000 carbine.    I would recommend them, I used to pick these up at the gun show, never had any shipped to me so not sure about that but I would say they would do you right.
  14. This might be true but only if you were having trouble at the self checkout or needing assistance with finding more ammo for your rocket launcher. Just joking,at our local Walmart the employees are actually helpful. I have never gone in there OC, I am more of a CC kind of guy. I mostly have good experiences there, I like to go late at night after work when it is not as crowded.   At our local Walmart all they have open are the self checkouts late at night, and I can rarely get through the chore without having an issue requiring a real person to come over and override the thing. Not sure how it saves them any money by paying someone to stand there and watch me do the checkout because it seems to take me forever, but who knows.
  15. Congrats, that is great news. May the Lord bless your family.  Psalm 127:3-5 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb, a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
  16. +1 on the P32 Keltec. I pocket carry mine regularly. I have a pocket holster that can be changed out for back pocket, looks like a wallet or front pocket. I usually carry 2 extra mags. I use this setup during hot weather when heavy cover garments are not an option or as a back-up. Carpenter style jeans usually have pockets that are suited for this style of carry, Carhartt or Dickies work well or the usual cargo/ tactical pants. The .32 is a whole lot better than nothing at all. I would not want to get shot with it and I am sure most bad guys would not either. 22 rounds of .32 should be able to hold them off to get to the big gun in the truck which is usually close by.   I shot a P3AT before buying the P32 and found the P3AT to be a handful, the .380 is a quite snappy in this small light gun. Not one you want to take to the range and shoot for fun.
  17. It is no wonder that the legal system is so back logged since they are spending valuable time on cases like this. I am just glad that I was not born into some mess like this, the poor kids..   I am no legal expert but I don't think judges can rule on common sense violations. Is there a law against stupidity? I am not sure but if so I see a lot of repeat offenders every day. Better get them in front of a judge quick so the judicial system can straighten them out! Good luck with that.   I think this is a losing situation on both sides, I don't think the judicial system should be involved in naming children but I also think that the parents should be able to agree on a name for their child without such antics. I think it is a two way street.
  18. Just stumbled across this thread. A lot to take in for sure. As a newcomer I am still just learning the ropes of the forums. It's hard to know what the rules are without spelling them out but at the same time a little common sense and courtesy can probably go a long way. I would say voicing your opinion is one thing but bashing and a continuous negative attitude toward others is another, but it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round as they say. You can't have dark without light, wouldn't be much of a discussion if there were no difference of opinion. Sometimes you just hit one of these hot button topics that get things going.   As for the leo, he has a tough job and all eyes are on him just waiting for him to slip up, glad I don't have eyes on me all the time at my workplace because I have been known to make a mistake every once in a while myself. When interacting with leo I usually try to put myself in their shoes and go from there; stay calm, be polite, professional, etc. and I also expect the same from them. I agree with Garufa, I don't want to be the guy fumbling around the car during a traffic stop reaching in all the compartments getting my papers while they are walking up, better to keep your hands on the wheel be calm and wait until they get there and then follow their instructions.   I have not had the chance to show my hcp since I got it 11 years ago, knock on wood, just lucky I guess. I almost got the chance late one night pulling out of my business recently, the officer stopped me and asked me what I was doing up in the industrial park at 3am until he realized it was me and he knew I was the owner of a business.located in there, never got around to dl or hcp, just small talked for a while and we went our separate ways. I had asked the BCSO for extra patrols of the area after a break-in at our business in 2003 and I would have to say that even after 10 years they are still keeping a good eye out.
  19. Good one. I will try to tell this at work tomorrow.
  20. The Eagles, The Band, Marshall Tucker Band, Allman Brothers, CCR, James Gang, Hendrix, Frampton... I enjoy the classic/ southern rock of the late '60's or 70's
  21. You could look over at my post in the other thread about EDC backpack. I put a link to one I got from la police gear. Check it out, at $29 it was a good deal, and if you catch it at the right time they usually have some discount codes for free shipping or a % off. Hope that helps you out.
  22. I bought 4 of these 3 day backpacks last year from LA Police Gear, http://www.lapolicegear.com/diplomat-3-day-backpack1.html, the price was good and the quality is excellent. I got one for each family member.   I carry it in my vehicle with bug out gear and I use the lower front compartment for 2 handguns, 1 large, 1 small, extra mags and even a few different holsters I like to use. Not sure if that is what you are looking for but I hope that helps.The pack has been very durable, during the course of a week I drive several different vehicles, company service truck, personal car & trucks, etc. so I am constantly transferring it to different vehicles or bringing it into my office.
  23. +1 for Heartbreak Ridge, Midway, Tora, Tora, Tora. A few that come to mind; Sands of Iwo Jima, Dirty Dozen, Great Escape, Kellys Heroes, Where Eagles Dare, Green Berets, Full Metal Jacket.   I know it's not a movie but I like to catch an episode of Baa Baa Black Sheep every once in a while.   I tried to reenact Toro, Toro, Toro on Monday but the mission was a failure, only got 1/2 the yard done and retreated back to the house, maybe it was because I was using a Snapper, but I also was not very sneaky or ruthless either. I will try again tomorrow. It is a never ending battle against a highly motivated and ever growing enemy.
  24. Llama .45 1911 clone with double stack 15 round mags. Kept it for 10 years, never carried, rarely shot it, did not trust it.   Traded it on an HK USP.40. HK great, Llama was not too good, jammed all the time, not accurate, hard to find mags. Best trade I ever made, got more out of the Llama than I paid for it new. Still have the HK, carry it regularly.
  25. I have a very similar budget red dot on my AR, nothing wrong with that, it works great for what I do with my rifle. Thanks for the info R_Bert!


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