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    Lousiville, TN
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  1. That’s understandable times have definitely changed. I’m sure it takes a lot of time to put that together.
  2. I haven’t been as active on TGO the last few years but just wondering what happened to the Shooters Nation podcast I tried to click on my shortcut to the website and it seems the website is down, I searched the TGO site but didn’t see anything come up about it. Just curious.
  3. I just pm’d you contact info for a company I had used successfully in the Knoxville area
  4. Farm Bureau is good
  5. I got my GMRS license about 7 years ago, it’s just an application process online and they give you a call sign cost $35 good for 10 years. It’s fairly cheap to get started, I bought a few handhelds and programmed them to be able to use repeaters in my local area. All family members have them as a backup form of communication. Planning to setup a base at home just haven’t done it yet. https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/general-mobile-radio-service-gmrs
  6. Check eBay for the Cabelas and CE Schmidt ones you like I’ve done good on there with clothing especially if you can get actual measurements. Wrangler seems good and their Riggs line is tough. I have good luck with the Carhartt and Dickies Carpenter jeans they are cut more generous. Duluth makes good stuff I don’t have any of their jeans yet.
  7. Got that covered already
  8. This might be slightly off topic but I searched the forums and didn’t come up with anything. does anyone have any suggestions for firearms insurance coverage, I was using the free $2500 coverage that NRA was including with membership but they cut that out a few years ago and I didn’t renew my membership after that. I have continually lost faith in the NRA. i notice they offer $5000 coverage for $62.50 per year but is there anything else better out there through someone reputable. That price seems good and I’m not totally against renewing my NRA membership for a year but wanted to see what you guys say.
  9. Shay’s rebellion and the Whiskey rebellion are both interesting reading as well, you can learn a lot through studying history. I don’t think you would have convinced me of that when I was in school.
  10. I’m no Constitutional scholar but it makes for some Interesting reading Articles of Confederation Article XIII. Every State shall abide by the determinations of the united states, in congress assembled, on all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them. And the Articles of this confederation shall be inviolably observed by every state, and the union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them, unless such alteration be agreed to in a congress of the united states, and be afterwards con-firmed by the legislatures of every state Constitution Article. VI. All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.
  11. This thread is really going places
  12. I just pour the gas in the hole, I don't light it. I usually pour it in and plug the hole with something like a walnut if possible. Do it at night.
  13. it's a good show, no nonsense, just guns and related items. I'm planning to go tomorrow.
  14. I listened to the podcast and I agree with Omega. I'm an NRA member but I don't really live and breath all of it. I don't wear 2A clothing, no bumper stickers, and I couldn't care less about Ted Nugent. I'm just not really the activist or advocate type, I mainly just keep to myself. I can barely get enthused enough in the NRA to send them a membership payment. I felt a little like it was preaching to the choir regarding the fringe element. I don't run in those circles so I can't really change what they do and how it makes us look. TGO is already very welcoming but I'm sure we will strive to always keep that bar high. I did get a little context by listening to the podcast but just a little. I totally agree with diversity and inclusion of everyone but I'm still lost on why the demographics don't make sense. If you do a study of the demographics of people that buy F250 diesel 4x4 pickups you will probably find it is slanted toward a certain demographic, but I don't think it's because the Ford dealer is not welcoming to everyone or their marketing is not sound it's just not everyone wants to drive a diesel 4x4 pickup, or can afford to. Shooting and firearms are kind of an expensive hobby in case you haven't noticed and also not everyone is into it no matter how you market it. I don't have any statistics to back this up but I would say that sites like Pirate4x4, PowerStrokeNation, AR15.com and TGO would all have have close to the same demographic statistics, or at least in the ballpark. Probably for the same reason I hear ads about knee replacements on the radio station I listen to sometimes, the demographics of the radio station support marketing to aging people who have knee problems. They wouldn't probably run that same ad on a station that played music for the younger crowd. Disclaimer: I'm no marketing or demographics expert by any means. I totally agree with trying to bring more people into the fold, certainly we need those votes on our side. I think that along with most things it starts at home, my kids are grown but both my son and daughter own multiple firearms and have been actively involved with handling and shooting firearms since they were young and they will vote accordingly.


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