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Everything posted by bersaguy

  1. Well, I guess the Doctor that lost her parents in Luby's and brought up the Assault Rifle issue during her discussion with legislators is finally getting her point across about the real purpose of assault weapons as more than just standing on your roof during a riot and guarding your property from looters. So if you want to point your finger at the real people that have created this situation take a long look at the Texas legislators as they are the ones that set the rules and they are the ones that will be facing the angry mothers from Targets and no telling how many other places before November elections............jmho
  2. Man sorry that happened to you and hope it's not as bad as you said it looks. Keep us informed on what doctor said. I keep a  few cans of Solar Cain around my house for burns. It helps a lot when you burn your self as I have done many times while working with hot plastic when making fishing baits............ :up:  :up:
  3. Well, thing is they have made their point and by law they are totally legal to carry their long guns to a store to shop or a food joint to eat.  This has been going on for a month almost and no one has been shot in Texas as far as i can tell. I have not heard ay facts as to whether any of the food joints have actually barred them from entering the business to eat of any stores told them they cannot come in and shop. If I am wrong please let me know. in all honesty I think this will eventually fade away because many of them will get tired of taking a rifle everywhere they go to eat and shop. They have like I said proven their point and now it is up to the Texas Legislature to look at the laws and see if they can fix it. To date I have not heard one word out of Governor Perry or any of their legislators on this issue. Maybe we will hear soon.............jmho
  4. I guess if you can spray the shooter with the pepper spray and make it to you vehicle and back before he or they regain their vision and shoot you on sight it might work. My self I would just keep spraying them with the spray till you run out of they run away or they are blinded for life and you can take their gun away.................jmho
  5. I don't understand your logic there at all. Do you not believe that there are no Anti gun people in South Carolina that would be willing to leave a loaded gun in the store? They are getting more desperate by the day because their agenda is not picking up any steam going forward at all and Bloomberg is blowing millions on a crusade that is accomplishing almost zero................jmho
  6. Well I read it and I considered it and I think Christopher Cantwell needs to do something good for his country. He needs put a long rope around his neck and jump off some bridge somewhere that he has enough momentum that when the rope tightens it separates his head from his body and leaves a post on his face book page telling all of his readers goodbye because he is crazy if that is his way of thinking.............JMHO
  7. I have a few nice guns but nothing that nice. I have had the opportunity to sit down behind one of those and shoot it all I wanted for free and I declined the offer and the owner left the offer open to me anytime I want to do it. My Son in laws brother is an FFLIII dealer and owns 2 of them and has a range on his 1500 acre ranch with markers and targets out to 1000 yards in his back yard. You walk out on the back deck and just sit down and begin shooting anything he has in his armory you can shoot if you know him. The reason I declined was because he mentioned that he had a 60 coming back then and probably has it by now. I figured my Son in Law and I would make a time we could go out there and I could shoot the 50 and the 60. That would fulfill 2 items at once of things to do on my bucket list of things to do before I die. Will probably do it this month or next month when son in law has time and his brother is in town. Will post the results of my experience with both guns when I have shot them. He has assured me my shoulders will not be affected by either gun so guess I will find out huh?  
  8. ????????................ :shrug: :shrug:
  9. Well, lets look at this from a dogs perspective if that is possible. Has anyone ever considered how dogs feel when they are in a  house and people are always talking. Is that annoying to dogs. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe dogs have the ability to just tune us out unless talking directly to them by first calling them by name. A dog that spends most of it's life inside and television is on the dog hears people talking continuously!! Is the dog able to just tune that out or do they have to listen to it all the time. When i am going to bring Kasey in doors many times I will turn off the TV just to give her a break from all the talking. Then when I do speak she is a lot more attentive to what i say and responds in ways I know she is actually listening to me. So maybe barking dogs are wanting something they are lacking. Maybe it might be beneficial to all concerned to see what they may want or lacking that they are not getting. Just another point of view on this I guess.....................jmho............... :up: :up:
  10. At age 90 I would guess they will ask for cash because they know chances of you making it to 110 years old, slim and chances of you running across the lake with your grey hair blowing in the wind even slimmer................ :rofl: :rofl: :rock: :rock:
  11. Unfortunately most of us at one time or another has had issues with neighbors over 1 issue or another. When I moved here 17 years ago people that lived in a rental house two doors down that has cats. I'm not talking a couple cats. People that knew them said that as best they could tell they owned about 30 + with some inside and some out door cats. At the time the only dog I had with the hairless ugly dog, Buttons. Many of the cats were larger than him and they would wander the neighborhood. They had only lived there about 4 months when the landlord served them notice to move because of complaints by all their neighbors. It took him two trips to court to get the evicted by the Sheriff but the Deputies refused to move the stuff out of the house because of the smell. When the people finally did move they took 5 cats with them and left about 40 running loose in the neighborhood. i made a deal with Animal Control that is they would supply the traps I would supply the bait. They brought me out 8 catch live traps. I placed them all around my out buildings and everyday the Patrol truck would stop by and pick up the full traps and leave empty ones in their place and I would bait them and this went on for about two months until  there was only one cat left but it was to big to fit in the standard traps. They had to bring me one out for medium size dogs. Evidently the cat had been in a trap before so was not really easy to catch. Normal foods would not get it to go in. Buddy of mine stopped in and we wee talking about it. He said I will bring you some bait for it. The following evening he showed up with a catfish  alive in a cooler about 2 pounds . he left it and cooler and told me not to put it in the trap till almost dark and put the trap right near where the cat was coming in and out from under an out building. I did as he said and put the live catfish in the trap. The following morning I had a big yellow tom cat in the cage and it was not happy at all. I called Animal Control out and they loaded the cage trap and my cat days were over. It cost that landlord not only all the court costs to get them people out but cost him almost 20 grand to redo the entire interior of the house. Had to replace everything including the insulation in the walls to remove that cat smell from the house. When it was completed the for rent sign did not go up in front yard. For Sale sign we up and he sold it about a month later. I do have issues with neighbors up front but not really an issue. They have these little in house dogs that they put on cables during the day from time to time to let them out of house for a while and like all little dogs they are yappers and yap at anything and everything but they are only out a short time so not really a issue.  Good luck with your barking issue  and hope you get it resolved before it comes to blows with the neighbor................ :up: :up:
  12. Yea, when we first began coming down here on vacations from up north my Grandfather gathers all 4 of us boys together and pulled out a big wide board from behind a barn door. On the board was about 7 seven different snake hides. He new that the only venomous snake we had up where we grew up was a Timber rattler that grew about 3 feet in length and was a very fat short snake. The first 4 were the venomous ones beginning with Copper head, then the Rattle snake, then a Coral snake and finally the all might Cotton mouth. the other snakes were chicken corn snakes rat snakes or several other names folks gave the but harmless but might make you hurt your self getting away and the Blue racer. He said that the Cotton mouth was the one to be most care of because they are aggressive and will actually charge at you so give them a wide birth. He said most of the other dangerous snakes want to get away from you about as bad as you do them. We would swim in the Harpeth River when we came down every year and he would make us take old Jake with us when were went to the swimming hole. Jake was an old hound that could smell a Cotton mouth or rattle snake 50 yards away and would begin barking putting us all on alert and sure enough we would get to see the snake eventually. After many years of all the locals using the rope swim swimming hole Cotton mouths were seldom found any where near it/ They didn't want to be around people all the time so they just stayed away from that part of the river.After moving down here and meeting a few neighbors that I had met every Summer but now would be a regular thing since we now owned the ranch the  boys my age all came and asked if they would still be able to deer hunt the ranch as they had all their lives and I said only if I can go along and I got an instant invitation to go along. The following Spring before it became illegal to hunt and kill snakes and the Harpeth river was made in a Scenic River by Tourism department a few of us kids would buy up a bunch off 22 ammo and all had semi autos ad we would launch the aluminum jon boats and float the river killing snakes. Snakes hanging in trees over the water, snakes sunning on gravel bars and snakes sunning in log jams. I'm guessing in that 3 years we did that we did that at least twice a week we killed several 1000 snakes. The third year of the float we did not see as many snakes as the previous two some i am guess we did put a dent in snake population in that stretch above and below the swimming hole. can't do those floats any more. Now it's against the law pus more important reason is my old body in a jon boat for 8 hours + I would have to be lifted out of the boat with a crane and hospitalized for at least a couple days to recoup............... :rofl: :rofl: :rock:
  13. Ok , my thought on this entire issue comes from the fact that they cannot carry hand guns openly in Texas. My next thought is where in Governor Perry and what are his thoughts on all of this? It is evident that 18 year old young men will still not be able to carry a hand gun either open or concealed. Governor Perry says he is 100% pro 2nd Amendment and an NRA member. There has not been one word out of him or the Texas legislature about what is taking place in their state. Now a loaded hand gun was found in the children's toy section of a target store. It was rumored that the gun was stolen and was found in the target toy section. We are not talking long guns now folks. That was a hand gun. A very cheap Hi Point loaded gun. Do I think it was a plant by the anti Gun people? YES by all means it was. Why do I believe that? I believe that because the long guns were not getting the agenda done the Moms are wanting. Target did not give them the reaction they were wanting so they add a little more Drama to their agenda to try and push Target over the edge. Surely target has video of the man that put the pistol in the toys section of the store. Employees said they saw a man acting strangely shortly before the gun was found. it was only a matter of a few minutes between when the strange man left the store and a store discovered the gun. Just how many coincidences can there be in such a short time span unless it was all staged? All I can say is "Well Watson, the Plot Thickens!!!  Your right again Holmes!!." ....................jmho
  14. bersaguy


    I think the words blow back would probably be an understatement to what the real backlash would be............jmho
  15. Funny that the dogs didn't react to the snake before she ever got near it. Kasey will react to ta snake out in my yard long before I ever get close to it and start barking and running around it. Most dogs will react to them. It very well could have been a Copperhead as greg mentioned. i don't know how true this is or if it's and old wives tale but I have heard that you can tell if your near a Copperhead because you will smell a strong odor very similar to a cucumber or cucumber patch. Like I said don't know how true it is since my sense of smell was destroyed by napalm years ago..........Would like to know if anyone could verify it to be true or false.... :whistle: :whistle:
  16. There is not a good selection of South paw holsters by an companies that i have seen while looking at holsters. I have been wanting a really good  Shoulder holster but they are not out there. I want a tuxedo style but they don't make them for men........... [ :shrug:] Everyone is not as small as James Bond and I want a vertical drop and not a horizontal holster...... :whistle:
  17. Back years ago before things got all crazy and I was 12 years old I had a Paladin Holster outfit , Knights head and all and yep strapped to my leg. Had a Colt Single action 22lr with 4 3/4 inch barrel and bone grips. My buddy Dave had a Matt Dillon Holster system and yep tied down and he had a Rugar single action six 22lr with a 6 inch barrel and he was 13 and we went rabbit hunting with them and yea we were that good back then with tons of practice and 1000's of rounds. Hunting over slow trailing beagles the rabbits would always be 50 yards of more out ahead of the dogs and they would hop a few feet and stop and listen for the dogs to get closer before moving again. You heard the expression sitting ducks. Well we had sitting rabbits. Seldom missed and didn't have all the bird shot in the meat. Hunter with them for years until we got separated by my parents moving me south and Dave was going into the Navy. Dave still has his Rugar but when they burglarized my home in 1987 they got my Colt never to be seen again. They took the holster with it because it was in the holster where is stayed in my closet.
  18.   So does that mean your a southpaw?????.................................................. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  19. Well I actually bought these few guns for family that had plans of getting HCP's and now they are going to put off getting them for a while so they don't want to pay for the guns now either so I have money invested and it's not my fault they have decided to put off getting them but they don't care because it is not their money tied up so I will sell these and when they get ready to take the tests they can shoot some of my guns to get the HCP"s and then go buy their own guns..................jmho
  20. Well It is like losing an old friend in a lot of ways. They are gone but the many good times you had together last till you get told to remember them or you die....................The reasoning that caused the statement you quoted are over the years bass boats have become, well how should I put this???  Ridiculously priced to what you could have bought a nice house for back several years ago and most guys were making payments on boats long after they had blown the engine and the boat was falling apart long after the warranties were long forgotten. That is where that statement you mentioned came from. I know a guy right now that just went and bought his new Phoenix Bass Boat and it "ONLY" cost his $77,000.00 after trade in of his 2003 Stratos Bass Boat. He financed it for 15 years to keep his payments low and will end up pay well over $100,000.00 when and if he lives long enough to pay for it. When I got mine I just sold in 1998 I gave $20,000.00 for it still had all the original equipment it came with and was only in the shop for maintenance. Never needed a repair so evidently I got a boat built on a Wednesday and I wrote a check for it. No financing. kept it 15 years and still got half what I paid for it when I bought it and used it all those years. So year I guess that saying may work for some but not in my instance.
  21. Yep and I am trying to change with it. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes not so but life does go on regardless.............. :whistle: :whistle:
  22. If the price is right you betcha I'll sell but not going to give them away either.................... :up: :up: :rofl:
  23. If you are really looking to make all schools safer take down the Gun Free Zone restrictions and allow trained HCP approved adults, teachers, administration officials, Janitors  to carry and schools will become safer immediately. Chances of that happening. 10 million to 1...................jmho
  24. you can forget that idea. State has no intentions of losing that revenue they are getting from over 300,000 HCP  people and getting higher number every year..............jmho   That would be like issuing permanent drivers licenses or permanent license plates. Ain't gonna happen in my lifetime anyway............jmho
  25. No, seriously I do have a couple I need to sell........ :up: :up:


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