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Everything posted by bersaguy

  1. I know they keep posting huge numbers of new Covid cases daily but my question is when a person tests for it do they actually have the virus and if so why are the hospitals not over run with sick people? Can a person have the virus and not really be sick? I also hear about people be tested and show positive but are just told to self quarantine at home for 14 days and get retested. Is it not more or less a false number of actual active cases they are posting if they say 500 people tested positive yet they send 490 of them home to self quarantine there is actually only 10 real cases that required to be in a the hospital? I mean the authorities are using the 500 number to keep many businesses closed when the true active cases is 10. I welcome any responses to explain this to me!!
  2. Thank all of you for the kind words as they are very appreciated. As far as Darby, it broke my heart to lose her but she had Kidney failure show up very fast nd there was nothing to vet could do and I was not about to let her suffer so she is not hurting now and is at the Rainbow Bridge with Kasey and I hope and pray one day I get to meet up with them and cross over the bridge with them into HEAVEN!! I have slowly began another quest to find another furry friend to bring home but many places where I have found rescue dogs have got so many rules in order to adopt it's making it hard for me to adopt. Main obstacle I'm facing is I don't have a fenced yard. I live in the country on over 6 acres of ground on a country road without much traffic and when I let my dogs out I go with them every time but that is not good enough I guess. I hope to find one soon as I'm not use to not having a dog in my house and my life. I do have Darby's ashes up on the TV console in her urn next to Kasey's. Again thanks to all!!!
  3. Hello to all and yes I am still alive and kicking. Got a text from MacGyver last night telling me folks were a little concerned because I have not been on for a awhile. Many of you know I had to put Darby down a while back and it hurt a lot but I had her cremated and she is here with Kasey now in urns on TV console. I knew I was having a few issues when I was in with her to have her put down and when I returned home my daughter took my BP and it was beyond a stroke level and it scared her so she called my doctor and my doctor told her what to do and with in a few hours it was dropping back to near normal. I have a new internet WiFi system installed in the house about that same time and about 5 days later we had a power outage in the area and it shot my WiFI so have to get the Wi Fi people out her to repair it and sometimes some company service is not not most speedy but got it up and working now. Thanks to all of you for your concern and it's nice to know you are missed when not around as often as usual. Doug aka Bersaguy P.S. Still looing for a new furry best friend!!!
  4. I hated to read about these two as I enjoyed both of their music. Prayers sent to the families of both!!
  5. My GP Doctor told me to double up on BP meds and if it continues to be high go to the ER. My Sugar is also higher than it has been and I don't think the Metformin is working any longer. I was on Metformin and Insulin and my heart doctor took me off the insulin when they did my last heart surgery and my sugar has not really been good since they did that. I will be talking to my GP on my next appointment about putting me back on Insulin. I don't know, maybe it's just me but I think if you remain on the same medication to long sooner or later it quits working as it should or just quits all together. I will be having a long talk with my GP on my next office visit. She has been my doctor 20+ years and I trust her. That is why even since I moved I drive to 120 mile round trip to be treated by her. Thank all of you for prayers!!!
  6. Thank you very much for all the ideas as I have put my quest on hold as my health has gotten out of control the past few weeks or so and now working on getting my body back in line. My meds have evidently quit working like they have been for last 10 years and I have lost control of my sugar levels and also my BP and need to get in and see my doctors and see what is going on. If my BP does not begin coming back in line I will be going to ER since my doctors can't fit me in till early October. I will try and keep you updated. Very sorry to hear about Gibbs!!!
  7. Hunter training Courses/Classes teaches basic gun safety but in no way comes close to the education one should have to carry a hand gun to defend your self or a family member from harm. They are as different as day and night. The training one needs to be able to carry a concealed hand gun is much more intense and requires much more training and should not be mistaken for a hunter safety course.......JMHO
  8. I have read all of the posts in this thread and my views are few. One can never fully plan for the unknown and the unknown is exactly what all Americans are facing. I have done all I can do to prepare for what I think might be the future. That is all I can do. I do believe it is mostly in GODS hands and I say my prayers every night asking GOD to protect America and everyone that is not trying to destroy it. I pray that GOD protects all my family and friends here from harm. I'm expecting the next few months to be a very bumpy ride and when the ride is over that once again we can begin making plans to rebuild what we have left of America to work with. I am expecting the Democrats to do everything legal and illegal to steal this election because they know they don't have a winning plan with an honest vote. They thought they would win in 2016 with a rigged election and they lost. It put them in a total meltdown and they set out to destroy Trump at all costs and they have failed in every case. If Trump does win I sincerely hope that a new House is seated with a Red House and Senate and no Pelosi and no Schumer. I think for the most part the American people have got a good look at what the Democrats have planned for America and it is not good. Lets get out and vote and get rid of them!!
  9. When I lived in Gallatin I always had a gun on me while at home. The neighborhood I lived in had people being robbed while cutting their lawns and even a couple folks were robbed while grilling out in the own back yards. The bad guys were always the same ones and were using knives as weapons. Two were robbed on the way to get their mail from the box near the road. I would walk to my mailbox each day with my gun concealed hoping that they showed up and brought a knife to a gun fight cause I was prepared to end their rein of terror but they never got to me before I moved. When I moved out here in the country for a short time I quit wearing my gun around the house but I felt uncomfortable without it even out here so I began wearing it once again. This day in time with all that is going on one never knows where these crazy people will show up!!............JMHO
  10. It is not just what people see in a picture like this one. It is what we are seeing everyday in the news about buildings being burned down and people being killed by money, and power. People with money are determined to destroy this country. The rich people are flying trouble makers all over the country to instigate violence in cities across America. I have heard law enforcement say they know who these people are that are being flown around yet they have not arrested any of them. Why you say? Because they are being protected by judges who have also been bought by the rich guys and law enforcement can't get warrants as long as they are destroying towns controlled by Democrats. I am hoping that the rein of the Democratic Party is put to a stop in November so our nation can begin to fix itself once again......JMHO
  11. Sending a prayer hoping it will comfort you in this period in your families loss.
  12. I make it by the gallon also but my jug is marked Hummingbird.....
  13. I'm sure most everyone here knows this date in history but I wanted to mention it in Remembrance for all that died on this day on 9/11/2001.
  14. You may be correct but I normally have birds till mid October but as you have said the migration may have started early because Mother Nature determines that and maybe there is something she knows that we don't so she has them leaving early. Maybe because they are calling for quite a few major storms all across the gulf to begin forming and there will be a shortage of food for them if they wait. Just a thought!!!
  15. Well the other day when I put out the fresh food they all came and ate and the next morning all of them were out there fighting and eating and after that first cool night they were still here and feeding but began disappearing after the 3rd cool night. Have not seen any today.
  16. Well, I'm not sure what's going on but for last couple days I have only had 3 birds at most and was having 15-20 fighting over feeders. I don't think it's been cold enough to cause them to begin the migration or all of them would be gone! Does everyone else still have your birds??
  17. Were you expecting the main stream media to post a positive story when it is much easier for them to lie???......
  18. Hi Dave, I prefer a female mutt about the size of Darby and Kasey. Anything bigger or to small can't use the doggie door! I'm not a pure bred person. My daughter has Bassett Hounds and she offered to buy me a Bassett Hound puppy as she is planning on getting one more from her breeder and said she would just get 2 but I declined her offer. I'm not into puppies at my age. If I was 50 maybe but at 72 and underlying issues a puppy is the last thing I need. This is the right size for me and something between 2 and 6 years. Thanks for helping as it is always appreciated.
  19. Hi Dave and thank you for the links and yes I have checked into both facilities. The top one is closed as the owner passed away and they are sending everyone to Smith County Humane site. I have glanced through that one but going to try it again. I have not been able to get the dog picture section open yet but will keep trying. I have friends and family with their ears to the ground to see if they can hear of anyone that might have a female mutt about Darby's size and not to old. I did have one facility that had a dog they were hoping I would adopt and I really gave it some serious thought. The things that I had to think of was the dog was already 8 years old and had a thyroid issue and will have to be on medicine for the rest of her life. The medicine was affordable but I finally decided against her because I can't deal with possibly becoming attached to a dog that already has underlying issues and most likely a ticking timebomb. They listed that her problem was not life threatening as long as she got her medication but I went and researched what other things it could cause and what they didn't post in her description was the 9 other side effects that could likely result from her problem. Again thank you for the links as never know when someone will send me the link of my new companion!!
  20. Your opinions are always welcome and valued my friend. I have heard of that being done a few times in the past and what happened in several of the arrangements is family always wants to get involved and many times they mess it up and end up driving the person off that is offering to adopt the pet. I'm not going to get involved with family. If they really cared about the loved one they would be willing to take care of the animal for the relative. That is why when my family told me to get another companion after Darby was put down I said only if you are willing to care for her if anything should happen to me and I got commitments from them before I said I would consider it. I had done that before I got Darby and I had friends and family willing to care for her. About a week after getting Darby I suffered a heart attack and was in the hospital and rehab for 17 days and a friend of mine(Tommy's father) took great care of her and even brought her to the hospital to visit me and my rehab nurse would take me down to the parking lot to visit with her. She didn't really have much choice cause when I asked her the first time she said she would check with the doctor and I told her she could take me or I would go without her but I was going. She went and got a wheel chair to take me down with........lol
  21. Yea, I know and that is why I won't be looking there for my next furry companion. Another issue I have run into is many of the centers really want you to have a fenced yard which I don't have but we live on 6 acres of land in the country and I never had any issues with Darby wandering away. She would go out her door and do business and maybe run around some with the Bassett hound up front a few minutes if he was out and then come back inside. Never left sight of the house. I never once had to go outside and call her to come home. I had one person tell me that if my dog went out at night alone she might not be able to find her door to come back in!! I thought that was kind of stupid but I didn't say so to the person. When a dog lives inside a house they know how to come back inside. If and when I adopt another I will leash walk her till I know I can trust her and she knows how to go in and out the Doggie door and then we will walk without the leash and she will learn were she is allowed to go and what her range is before I will let her out without me. I also have people up front to keep an eye on her too. Dogs are just smarter than some people!!
  22. Well, my quest for my next furry Companion is not moving forth very well. I have learned a few things that I am very disappointed to learn. Many of the Rescue centers have doubled or tripled their adoption fees since so many people have began rescuing dogs while they are stuck working at home. Most of the middle size and smaller size dogs are gone to homes which I am thrilled to know they have homes. I also know that many of these adoptions will end when people begin going back to work and that is not fair to the dog. I figure that as people begin to go back to work dogs will be coming back to many of the Rescues and I will have a chance to find my new friend then. I am very disappointed in the rescue center I got Darby from. I learned that is was sold in 2019 and they quit adopting out dogs. They have hooked up with a Dog Rescue adoption center. One takes all the dogs in and does all the vet work getting them ready to adopt and then as the other one that adopts them out gets them from the intake shelter the adoption fee is $350.00 for a rescue dog that was free to the intake center. I do realize that the vet work cost and the food they are fed costs money but the centers that have $75.00 fees also have those same expenses!! I have found some centers that still have the $75.00 fees but they don't have anything except big dogs. I will just bide my time and when the right best friend is returned to a center I'm sure we will get put together.
  23. Well, I have began a quest to find my next furry companion and have contacted 3 different rescue centers about dogs I have seen on their web site. I have not made any commitment but I am learning that all the rescue centers I have spoke with have made it possible to adopt a human child easier than it is to adopt a dog. The place were I adopted Darby changed hands in 2019 and they have changed the entire format from what it was back then. I don't plan on giving up till I have a new friend in my home.
  24. They say a dogs love for a person is unconditional, well that goes both ways with me. I have loved all of my best friends equally as much! I have had dogs since I was 6 years old and now I am at a crossroad in my life on trying to decide if I am too old to have another. I am wrestling with it and just can't decide!!
  25. Back when I lost Kasey someone sent me a link about the Rainbow Bridge for dogs and I told Darby to find Kasey at the bridge and you and her will have a lot in common. I will go see if I can find that link and post it. https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/poem.htm


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