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Everything posted by bersaguy
Man detained for carrying shotgun in Gallatin.
bersaguy replied to 10-Ring's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I did not say that but it has been proven that there are innocent people in Prisons. I have worked a short time in law enforcement and was an IA investigator for State of Tennessee for almost 5 years so It's not like I am completely ignorant to law enforcement I am sure if you ask any lifer of long time criminal if they are guilty your going to get a an "Of course not I am totally innocent and I was framed." It's the fact that there are people that are innocent in jail. and many guilty ones walking the streets...........jmho -
Man detained for carrying shotgun in Gallatin.
bersaguy replied to 10-Ring's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Hate to say it TMF but they just released two brothers yesterday from Prison after they pleaded guilty to a case 30 years ago that was proven to not be guilty but they spent 30 years in prison because they signed confessions that were placed in front of them. All people that plead guilty at the advice of an attorney are not guilty. Proven fact...................jmho -
Yep, just went and found that also and was going to post it but since you did I won't bother. At least we know what they are now anyway. Fancy illegal wiretapping by police mostly....Kinda what I figured. According to the map we don't have any in Tennessee so I guess my buddies issue at his place is that hole he lives in.................... :rofl: :rock: :rock:
Ok Where did the critters go??????
They explained that your cell phone will lose signal or maybe make connections harder if a dummy tower grabs your signal. I hear of that happening to a lot of people including myself. I can go visit someone and be setting on their porch talking and my phone will begin to ring and then just quit and it says unknown caller every time. My friend says he goes through that all the time around his house and property and you can see a Cell tower on a hill about 4 miles from his home............... :shrug:
I understand and I figured there would be more after the first one. I was kind of hoping that someone had maybe learned something and it was posted somewhere else and I was not finding it. Maybe someone will learn something soon. I mean the towers didn't build themselves and they are built on private land and surely the land owner should know who put a tower that size up on his property. My brother up in Illinois in the middle of the state has a micro wave tower for cell phones on his property but the Cell phone company leased a 3 acre tract of land in which to assemble the tower and also leased a right of way to the tower property and put a road in from the highway to the tower. They pay him $1,500.00 a month plus he, his wife and his daughter have all free cell phone service for life with the complete packages on all 3 phones and every year they get new phones free via UPS delivery. Reason he let them put up the tower was the realtor failed to tell him one little tidbit of information about the home and land he was buying. It sat right directly in the middle of dividing lines of 4 counties. he could look at his neighbors house on any side of his front and back porch but it was long distance to call any of them. He also pays property taxes in 4 different counties. He also sued the realtor company for failure to divulge this important information and received enough a settlement of the realtor company has to pay the taxes for life on the two most expensive counties. They had to set up an escrow account I think they call it and put a said amount of funds in it set by the judge to cover the taxes in case the real estate company went bellies up. Oh well, maybe someday we will learn what these fake towers are for and what martian planet placed them on the land...........jmho
Well, since no one seems to be interested in talking of sharing thoughts about it I guess it's nothing to worry about huh?....... :shrug: :shrug:
Man detained for carrying shotgun in Gallatin.
bersaguy replied to 10-Ring's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
If I ever got stopped and questioned about have I been drinking? If I have I will say yes I have and take the field sobriety test. If the officer said I failed it I would then request a blood alcohol test and a breathalyzer test as well. I would want all tests the law allows me to get. If that officer believes he can prove his case he will give me the rest of the tests. If he is not sure then he will let me off with a warning. If you request the other tests they have to give you them or turn you loose. I think he may have been thinking the race card would get his charges dismissed and all it did was get them reduced. He may still be able to save his future as a pilot but he won't do it with a double barreled parading around the town square when folks don't even know what he is protesting...........jmho -
Well, since I grew up in the so called dark ages I am sure I could do it again. Would just drive over and visit a friends instead of calling them on my cell phone. Would go back buying stamps and mailing letters I wrote by hand to relatives and friends. Would mail off bill payments in snail mail instead of paying them on line. I sure would feel sorry for all of the folks with children between 4 and 17 years old. Their lives would become a living hell because they would actually have to deal with their children and become parents if they survived the 1st month................jmho
Camped out here part of the day and did almost nothing the rest of it. Oh yea, Paid bills....................."Just another day in Paradise"
Man detained for carrying shotgun in Gallatin.
bersaguy replied to 10-Ring's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
He would get a lot more favorable reaction if he carried a sign with his grievance on it so folks would know what he is protesting. He may even find someone that could help him with his problem..............jmho -
Once upon a time there lived a beautiful Queen with queenly large breasts. Nick the Dragon Slayer was obsessed over the Queen for this reason. He knew that the penalty for his desire would be death should he try to touch them, but he had to try. One day Nick revealed his secret desire to his colleague, Horatio the Physician, the King's chief doctor. Horatio thought about this and said that he could arrange for Nick to more than satisfy his desire, but it would cost him 1000 gold coins to arrange it. Without pause, Nick readily agreed to the scheme. The next day, Horatio made a batch of itching powder and poured a little bit into the Queen's bra while she bathed. Soon after she dressed, the itching commenced and grew intense. Upon being summoned to the Royal Chambers to address this incident, Horatio informed the King and Queen that only a special saliva, if applied for four hours, would cure this type of itch, and that tests had shown that, among all of the citizens of the kingdom, only the saliva of Nick would work as the antidote to cure the itch. The King, eager to help his Queen, quickly summoned Nick. Horatio slipped Nick the antidote for the itching powder, which he put into his mouth, and for the next four hours, Nick worked passionately on the Queen's large and magnificent breasts. The Queen's itching was eventually relieved, and Nick left satisfied and was hailed by both the King and Queen as a hero. Upon returning to his chamber, Nick found Horatio demanding his payment of 1000 gold coins. With his obsession now satisfied, Nick couldn't have cared less knowing that Horatio could never report this matter to the King and with a laugh told him to get lost. The next day, Horatio slipped a massive dose of the same itching powder into the King's underwear. The King immediately summoned Nick. The moral of this story is: PAY YOUR @#$%!$& BILLS AND KEEP YOUR PROMISES!!!!!
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I have been getting emails from several sources ad when I got one I kind of ignored it. Then I got two or three more from other sources and had 5 different sources send me emails about it today so thought I would ask if anyone else has heard anything. I ain't the sharpest knife in any drawer so I ask questions.................. :shrug: :shrug: :hiding:
Does anyone know anything else about this? It says Obama and his cronies are just about ready to take over the internet? Government bureaucrats could tie the Internet up in red tape, censor content, decide who can use the Internet, how to use it and when and more. If they succeed, it will: End competition between Internet companies to win customers and set pricing. Destroy the engine of innovation that has made the Internet what it is today. Drive out the very risk-taking entrepreneurs that have invested billions to get us this far. And, Erase your Internet freedoms, upend your right to privacy, censor the content you view on Internet, seize control of e-commerce, keep records of the sites you visit and when, track what you read and for how long and so much more!
It is not safe to mess with old men. They have been around a lot more years and seen more than most young people and my guess is he also had a Zippo lighter in his pocket for starting fires on the farm..................jmho P. S. It was kind of amusing and I can only wonder if those brainiacs going back to school learned anything from the school of hard knocks?????
I did see an old man teach a few young punks a lesson about a year ago in a Filling station. The old gentleman appeared to be an older farmer had stopped and I was right behind him when he prepaid for some fuel in line. About that time these 3 punks pulled up on the outside lane of pumps just across from the old mans truck and of course they picked his pump and put the nozzle in their car and were surprised that the pump was already on. The old gentleman told them that he had paid for that pump and they all laugh and said thanks for paying for our gas pops and all went inside. The old man stepped past the pumps and removed the nozzle from their tank and went and put it in the drivers side window that was down and locked it open putting what little was still pumping in the drivers front seat. He turned and saw me staring at him and I just smiled and he tips the brim of his hat to me and got in his old truck and drove off. Needless to say the manager had already called the police and I could hear them coming as the punks approached their car. Man I heard words I have not heard in years when they saw what that old man did. Needless to say the old man was a local man and the punks in the car were from a college up in Illinois that were heading for home after Spring Break. I don't know what ever happened to the punks except the Wrecker came and got the car per police orders and they were placed in the back of the Squad Car. One police officer did come and ask me if I saw anything and i said "pertaining to what?" and he looked at me and smiled and walked away. He knew I had no plans of telling him squat.............. :shrug: .... :shrug:
I don't have an issue with body art. I was in the Navy. Went in art free and came out art free. Folks say I am weird because every sailor should have one. I said then I broke the mold. I had a room mate for several years that spent a small fortune on body art. He was having a tat of our entire universe put on his body. It was just really beginning to take on a true picture when the Tat artist doing the work died in a Motorcycle accident. The expense came in when it came to finding another artist that was as good or better than the first one that would be affordable. I think he finally got it completed last winter. It was a work of art that took over 3.5 years of actual needle time to complete and it covers his back, front and both sides of his body at a cost of almost $10,000.00. I got to see it one day when i ran into him at a Walmart and he showed it to me in the parking lot. It was impressive to say the least and looked very much like the pictures he printed off of his computer of our entire Universe. It is a complete body wrap with planets, stars, moons, milky way and even a few comets with tails. He's happy so I am happy for him but I could think of a lot of really good things 10 grand would have bought other than body art........................jmho
I don't think we will ever see the America most of us here grew up in. I think those days are gone for ever and a new country is being born where America use to be. I also don't think the people will like the new one half as much as we loved our old one........jmho
Well, I think Kroger is about the biggest retailer the Moms club has jumped on. Target was big but does not even get near the power of Kroger. Unless Kroger Stores do experience what the Target Stores did in much bigger numbers I believe Kroger will pretty much stand their ground on their decisions and will not be Bullied.....................jmho
I was thinking the same thing David but didn't want to put it out there but I fear it will happen but I still think these people that do this for the most part are anti-gun people. I am waiting to see how long it takes for the long gunners to show up. You can bet if the Mad Cows don't get a satisfactory decision from Kroger pretty fast they will begin sending in the big guns. I wish a few good ole boys could get one of them in a wood shed someplace and find out who's side he is really on. If someone could prove they are really the Anti-gun people it would sure put one hell of a dent in their armor.............jmho
I got pulled over twice last year for seat belt law but didn't get a ticket either time............... :up:
I realize it is every ones right to carry as they choose and I do shop at Kroger 99.9 % of the time for groceries and to date I have yet to see an open carry in the store. I have not even see a print in the store. I carry concealed in the store but then I carry concealed every where I go. Yea, thanks for the link Tartanphatom. I wrote them also thanking them for their decision not to be bullied...... :up: :up:
I'm kind of curious about how this would come out also. It would seem that a person hollering out the window of a car several times that "I HAVE A GUN" would seem more like a threat to an officer than trying to make him feel safer. My decision is when the officer arrives at my window I offer him/her my DL HCP and Proof of insurance. In every case I have done this the officer told me why I was stopped and just tells me to be more careful and returns my papers and we go our own ways...........jmho
Sounds like it would be interesting.............jmho