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Everything posted by bersaguy

  1. He very well knows that his signing of that law caused Remington to make their decision but when have you ever heard a Democrat take the blame for anything negative that happens on their watch???....................... :shrug: :shrug:
  2. I had seen those in another video. I was not impressed in the first one and not in this one either. Just a high dollar trap to impress gun owners with just enough knowledge to be dangerous to themselves and others................jmho
  3. Like I said, it is my theory and I am glad to see that your so quick to rule out my opinion so quick and be so absolutely positive that your theory is automatically 100% correct. I don't believe the sky is falling either. And do I think that man has done things to Mother Earth. Of course I do. Man in all reality is the cruelest animal on Earth when it comes to nature. With that said I have never believed in Global Warming but I do believe in Climate Change. Just not in the same way as the SKY is Falling people do.  Long before man was ever here the earth went through several different cycles spanning for 100's to 1000's of years. It is a natural evolution of Mother Earth, Earth Quakes are getting more frequent, Volcanic eruptions are taking place more often. She is telling us time is short so enjoy it wile we can. People worry about the oceans rising and flooding the earth. GOD said he will never destroy the Earth with water again. Next time it would be by fire. for many years I thought the fire would be a nuclear war type fire. But now I am waiting for Yellow Stone to pop because when that Volcano pops it's cork the United State will be pretty much shot along with most of Canada and probably part of Mexico and I believe when she goes it will set off a chain reaction cause all the fault lines to react all over the world.....................JMHO
  4. Sams in Goodlettesville had lights and decorations on the shelves in August
  5. I never take offense when folks are expressing opinions about issues and someone doubts my opinion. After all it is just an opinion. I have been interested in the Space Age and the universe. I have always been a Star Trek nut but became more of one when 2nd Generation and Voyager came along later. I know that it is all fantasy and Star Wars was another one and I loved the statement made by Hans Solo when he said that is the warp drive was not set correctly they could fly into a star at Light Speed. Warp Drive and Light Speed has always fascinated me. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel so fast that the oxygen in you blood is locked in time for an undisclosed period of time. Now with that said.   I have always been interested in the hole in the Ozone ever since i heard about it. I am also a very logical person when I want to be. My Son in Law calls me Spock most of the time when he's around me. He told my daughter that her father has to be the most logical person he has ever met. I don't think it is as much logic and it is curiosity. When I am being sold a bill of goods that just don't seem logical I become more curious to find some logic in it.   When I began hearing what was being blamed for the cause of the hole in our Earths Ozone the logic was not there. What was there was a scam with plans to make a bunch of companies a lot of money and the Government was going to help them. Any time the Government orders a company to alter a product formula first thing the company does it raise the price such as the case in Hair Spray when the companies ad to change out their propellants and move to a pump bottle formula which they did for about 5 years and soon gas operated hair spray propellants was back on shelves. Did it change. I don't think  so because if you held a lighter in front of an old can of hair spray you could have a flame thrower. You can with the new stuff also but the prices never came back down. In 1975 the Auto manufacturers were all required to have EGR Valves and Catalytic Converters on them before the could sell them and Unleaded gas was introduced and so on but most of ya'll probably remember those days. Every year the EPA put more and more demands on Auto makers to lower the Carbon emissions and they were telling the Auto makers how to do it. Every time I heard about new regulations and got to read them I just laughed and shook my head.    In about 1978 the EPA told the Auto makers to drop the compression of their engines from 10.1-1 to 9.5.-1 and gave them some more equipment to add to the cars and light trucks. Well it didn't give the EPA the outcome they expected so in 1979 they took compression back  to 9.0.-1. Again didn't get the effect they thought they would and I just laughed. These are suppose to be people with knowledge running the EPA.   I got my chance in 1981 to show the EPA just how stupid they were and I didn't let it get away. I was working in my shop when 3 suits came walking in. They ask or the owner and I said that be me. They asked me if I did emissions testing on Customers cars before they took them in for testing. I said if your asking if I have a 3 gas analyzer, you know I do because your standing right next to it and one of them chuckled slightly. They had a few fishing questions to ask about how i repaired a car that would not pass and I said that depends on what it needed. Finally I was done playing their game and I Said gentlemen, lets quit wasting both of out times. I know that just about everyone employed at the EPA is an idiot that knows less than zero about the Internal Combustion Gasoline engines and that is why every year the emissions get worse every year and requires more and more just added to them to meet your own Emission demands. I said i could tell you nut I would rather show you. What did you drive up here in and they had rented a new  Lincoln. I had a customers 55 chevy in the shop that I had turned up the day before. It's a 55 chevy with a 1959 327/ 375 hp Fueler with hooker headers dualled out with two 650 dual pumpers and all the good stuff inside the motor with 11.1.1 dome pistons and Isky cam. I told them I would bet them $100.00 the 55 would have cleaner emissions readings than the Lincoln.   They took the bet and we drove both cars 9 miles down the road to one of their testing centers. They pulled in one lane and I pulled in another. They tested both and the guy testing th 55 came out to make sure one of the sniffers didn't fall out. He walked back in and printed it and we drove back and they got out with cat ate the canary smiles on their faces and they handed me their paper and yea, the Lincoln passed with a 2.1 Hyrdocarbons and a 1.0 CO. They looked at the 55 paper and is had readings of zero across all the sections. Oh yea never bet with Feds, none of them carry cash. They asked me how that old car got such low readings and I said give me a job making 6 figures and i will tell you. They turned around and left. That was one of the best days of my life. I got to stick it to the EPA.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozone_depletion.   This is one of the theories started in late 70's. My theory is not based on one meteor the size of a space Shuttle coming through the atmosphere once every hundred years striking the Earth which would in turn put us all in another Ice age. I am talking in theory about objects the size of a shuttle making a continuous exit and entrance coming and going back through our atmosphere. "note" the skies, space and atmosphere has been studied as far back as records have been kept and many of the products and chemicals the Government and Al Gore and several others want to blame for this were being used back in the 1920s but we didn't have a hole until after the space race...............jmho
  7. Ok like most folks everyone has opinions on Global Warming / Climate Change so I will add mine. The Ozone protects the Earth from many if not most of the damaging rays of the sun. Up until the early 1970's there was no hole and we had winters. That didn't change till this came on the scene   Then this project called the Space Race comes to the fore front and between Russia and the United States it becomes an every week thing where either we or Russia is shooting some type of Space junk up to see what it will transmit back with many times failing to get any thing new back. The government spend Billions upon Billions  of dollars racing to the moon. Ok we got there and guess what? It is not made of Blue Cheese, but it is made of ROCK!!! Who would have guessed?   The Earth turns with in the Ozone and once they discovered that between Russia and the united States shooting all the junk up to space each time poking a bigger and bigger hole in the Ozone what more could they have expected. You send enough stuff up there eventually it is going to damage something. Once they had discovered what they had done it put two things into action. 1 was collaborate with Russia to where when they were going to send up more junk make sure they could launch so the Rocket would pass through the hole so no more damage would not be done. Russia agreed and the United States would launch when we had the hole and Russia would launch when they had the hole.    Now the second part of the plan was to put the blame on anything except space flight. That is where Global Warming came into play and of course it was all our fault that we cause the hole. Your Hair spray, Freon, Charcoal Grills, Wood and coal burning stoves caused it. Well people were smart enough to question that so enter the EPA in 1975 and all at once its the automobile and trucks causing the problem. So now it is punish the people for a problem they created. The price of fuel and the cost of automobiles skyrocketed out of sight.   All the time they are blasting a bigger hole in the Ozone with larger crafts such as the shuttle. Up and down how many times. I often wonder if the one shuttle that exploded shortly after launch may have missed the hole and maybe the one that blew up on return trip may also have missed the hole. These vessels were designed for flight through a hole. What happens if you miss the hole?????? You can bet they know and you can bet we never will.   There has been an 8% reduction in the hole size in the last 3 years and space flight has been at a minimal for the last 4 years also. Had any one really paid close attention to how critical it was that space shuttle re entry always seemed to so very critical and the times had to be exact to be successful. What it most likely meant was make sure you hit the hole!!! That is why sometimes the landing would be in California, other times in Texas? Timing of the hole most likely.   Now I know there are many folks that think my logic is totally illogical and I can understand that. But I think something the size of the Shuttle  machines punching holes in our atmosphere sure makes a hell of a lot more since than my wife and mothers hairspray or the Freon in your cars A/C system. I mean stop and look at the logic. How  much damage is being created by the thrust of millions of tons from the rockets use to launch the space craft verses your wife with a can of hair spray?.................JMHO
  8.   I think they said that Al Gores light bills averaged around $1,300.00 a month and combined with the natural gas used it was about $2,400.00 per month.
  9. The strip miners were removing many many layers of top soil and selling it to state contracts as fill and by doing so the way they did it every time it rains heavy to this day mud and other debris run off into the Caney river which runs into the Cumberland River. Some of the chemicals that are in the run off are zinc, coal minerals and several others. They went so far down they almost opened a coal vein. That hole is not natural and it is or was man made.
  10. Ok, lets look at Gores record when he made his run for the White House. Now here is a man that couldn't even carry his own home state in the Presidential election. Why? because the people here in Tennessee know him and his reputation for saying one thing while meaning another>(lying). He was running on an Environmental Ticket. While he is on the campaign trail preaching about pollution what is going on back on their huge farm in Carthage Tennessee. There is three large strip mining companies removing tons and tons of top soil that is turn is causing run off into the Caney River.   The run off is polluting the Caney River but the Caney river runs into the Cumberland River and in doing so pollutes the Cumberland River. When the press got hold of this he paid millions of dollars during the campaign to keep the press quiet about what was going on back in Carthage, Tennessee. He quickly stopped all the strip mining temporarily while he was campaigning but it was way to late because the people in Tennessee knew about it. That is why he didn't carry Tennessee. They knew what a liar his daddy was all the years he was a Senator in Washington. He always pushed for pay increases for the Congress and when Gore Sr. passed away his wife received her husbands full salary till she finally passed away. The acorn(son) didn't fall far from the tree.   When Gore didn't win the White house he turned his goals in new directions to continue to rape the American people of every dime he could get.  He jumped on the environmental band wagon and got a bunch of shyster professors to back his idea so they could get in on big bucks Gore planned to make. When they sucked all they could get out of Global Warming along comes Climate Change. Same lies different title.    During the early days of global warming your mothers hair spray, and all aerosols were blamed for the hole in the Ozone. The RF12 Freon in your cars A/C system was causing the hole in the Ozone. Gore buys into the RF 12 business knowing the stock would go through the roof from panic buying and it did. They said after about 2 years they said that the new RF 35 would now have to be used in cars beginning in 1999 in all new cars and any older cars would have to use the Rf12 or be retrofitted to accept the new Freon but all the Old freon would have to be captured is special equipment which meant all auto repair centers would be forced to purchase the new servicing stations that would remove the RF 12 and install the RF 35.    Now Gore could not get laws passed demanding that the sales of RF12 be stopped because of so many cars on the road that still used it but he didn't want the laws passed in reality. He just wanted the panic leaked that they were looking at trying to pass RF12 laws to create the panic buying. It worked as planned for Gore cause remember he bought a bunch of stock in the companies making RF12. I had a buddy of mine mortgage his home, his fathers farm he inherited  when his father passed away and he was doing this when RF 12 was .75 cents a can. He purchased two railroad cars full of cases of RF 12 Freon. When they discontinued making the RF 12 there were still many millions of cars on the highways that needed the RF 12 to have A/C. The price of RF12 went from .75 cents a can to $3.50 - 4.50 per can wholesale and selling for $6.50+ per can installed.   Now remember this is a product that cased the hole in the Ozone but Gore bought major stock in companies that made it. Gore knew when they would discontinue making it and sold his stock just in time. Can anyone say INSIDE RIGGED TRADING that was never brought out.   I have my ideas what caused the hole in the Ozone. I would like to hear what other people think really caused the hole in the Ozone. Now take into consideration. There is not a lot of small holes all around the earth. Just one big one which has be showing signs of shrinking over the past 3 years.......................... :up: :up:
  11. I am a seller in a buyers market that believes in charging all that I think the selling Item can stand plus 10%. I learned many years ago that regardless of what you have to sell there is a buyer out there that just cannot live with out the item and has been looking for one of what ever your selling for years. I sold some really pieces of junk cars for 5 to 6 times what they were worth but again it was a buyers market. I had it, they wanted it and they paid according to how bad they wanted it. I don't do that on the site here cause folks here are nice people and i have a lot of respect for folks here. But if I put it on Craigs list or Gun Brokers or other locations it is always a buyers market pricing...............jmho
  12. Thanks my friend but it was for a buddy of mine and he didn't really want the gun as he already owns 3 of them. He wanted the magazines and the ammo but bought it all and we made the trip to K town and picked it all up.   Thanks for staying on top of my requests.  My buddy has completely rebuilt or refreshed them with fancy new grips and other things such as special sights. He has a passion for these guns and shoots them often............ :up:  :up: That was why he was looking for the ammo in bulk to buy.
  13. Back in my younger years i loved snow, looked forward to it cause there was always good money to be made. I had a 1977 Dodge Ramcharger with many modifications done to it drive train wise. Lifted 6 inches , 15x35x15 monster Mudders with steel studs, Detroit Locker differentials that would pull equally much like a tank and the vehicle would go just about anywhere I wanted to to go. When it Snowed I would drive from Kingston Springs to Nashville and make pockets full of money pulling people up and over hills so they could get home. Then as years went by and winters quit seeing snow fun seemed to go away and price of gas to operate that machine was not fun either so it got a new home. I can tell anyone one secret about 4X4 trucks that I learned several times but because of the pulling power of that truck I was able to get out of the messes. The secret is for those of you that don't know. When driving on ice covered with snow or on black ice your vehicle with studs in tires will go well enough. It is stopping that becomes the adventure. They will not stop any better than a car with bald tires. I slid off the road many times to avoid hitting a car in the trunk lid in front of me but was able to drive back on the road again. Now with that said I am not sure how well these newer 4x4's pull and not even sure you can do any fancy stuff to them to help them.    These days I am old and well seasoned and keep my house well stocked with food for me and the mutt and now when ice or snow shows up I set in my warm house and watch the excitement on the road in front of my house when folks try to make a stop at the sign about 40 yards from the house at the bottom of a slight downgrade...................... :rofl:  :rofl:  :rock: 
  14. Doctors office visit!!!! Yesterday I had an appointment to see the urologist for a prostate exam. Of course I was a bit on edge because all my friends have either gone under the knife or had those pellets implanted.   The waiting room was filled with patients. As I approached the receptionist's desk, I noticed that the receptionist was a large unfriendly woman who looked like a Sumo wrestler. I gave her my name.    In a very loud voice, the receptionist said, "YES, I HAVE YOUR NAME HERE; YOU WANT TO SEE THE DOCTOR ABOUT IMPOTENCE, RIGHT?"    All the patients in the waiting room snapped their heads around to look at me, a now very embarrassed man.   But as usual, I recovered quickly, and in an equally loud voice replied, “NO, I'VE COME TO INQUIRE ABOUT A SEX CHANGE OPERATION, BUT I DON'T WANT THE SAME DOCTOR THAT DID YOURS.”     The room erupted in applause!  DON'T MESS WITH OLD RETIRED GUY!!!!      Yea I am an old retired guy!!!!!!!
  15. Medical distinction between Guts and Balls There is a medical distinction between Guts and Balls. We've all heard about people having Guts or Balls. But do you really know the difference between them?  In an effort to keep you informed, here are the definitions: GUTS - Is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being met by your wife with a broom, and having the Guts to ask: 'Are you  still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere? BALLS - Is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your  wife on the butt and having the Balls to say: 'You're next, Chubby.'  I hope this clears up any confusion on the definitions. Medically, speaking there is No difference in the outcome.  Both result in death.
  16. Whoa!!!!! :panic:  wait here just a minute. You got a big enough dining room table to feed all them mouths you just invited to dinner??????? :shrug: I ain't feeding anyone north of the Ohio or west of the Mississippi. You feed the rest and i'll help feed the Southerners.....................jmho
  17. That is probably where he saw it. I told him next time take notes and he just gave me a dirty look....... :rofl:   I think maybe some business owners are wising up and putting up signs welcoming gun owners to their businesses. It would be a prime time move for any business that was never previously posted. I don't think it will help those that made their feeling known by posting Gun Buster sins and then removing them.   Most folks like myself get a bad taste in my mouth when I see a Gun Buster sign. But I have heard recently some stores are getting posted but not by store or business owners, The owners don't pay much attention if they have a few signs on their doors if someone was to stick a few small ones on the doors but gun owner are looking for them. They want to remain with in the laws. If a place that has not been posted, all of a sudden is posted please make sure you speak with the manager or owner about them to make sure they are aware of them. They will tell you if they put them up or one of these anti gun groups did without authorization. Lets not react until we know who acted on installing the signs............jmho
  18. :wave: :wave: According to a buddy of mine that many times here an entire story on the new but can only remember about 1/4 of it by the time he gets here for coffee. He said there was a story in the news this more, he thinks Channel 5 but who knows? Anyway it was about a new restaurant that opened someplace but he could not remember where and the owner was giving everyone that was armed a 20% discount and had signs up on all entrances announcing guns welcome and any one armed while there is getting 20% off with HCP and armed at that time. The news people interviewed a lady with a permit and a Beretta in her purse about what she thought of the idea and she said she thought is was very good business move and that she drove 20 miles out of her way to eat thereafter hearing about it from a friend. She said the hospitality was great, the atmosphere was great and the food was wonderful and she would be back. I searched what I could of the new networks but with my buddy not even having a clue which one was on the TV he didn't know. Hoping someone else here might have heard the report............. :up:  :up:  :up: 
  19. You don't think they would want to profit off their sons death do you? I know your right but it s hard to believe parents are like that but like they say    "the proof is in the pudding and there sure is a lot of pudding flowing around Ferguson right now...........jmho
  20. I'm glad your able to recover two so far and hope the 3rd one shows up soon. I am still holding out for 17 guns taken from my home in 1987 and not one has turned up anywhere. I am still hoping since gun popularity has been on the rise that they will begin turning up. Cheatham County Sheriffs office has all the numbers and makes and brands of the guns and they update the report monthly to keep the numbers active. Grand son is a deputy for them which helps.
  21. Grand jury's hand down verdicts everyday someone does not like but that is what make our judicial system work and why America works. It is also why so many foreign Nations have followed by examples set down by our judicial system their own judicial systems. i guess they didn't even trust the man they voted and put in the White House and felt they had to even go over his head.  Problem with that is the U.N. is not over his head and they are to naive to see it.............jmho
  22. If I could like this 1000 times I would. As for the Angel's Flight tear in the eye for sure but I don't stop with one. I start with one and by the time it's over they are rolling down both cheeks. I try to make sure I post that every Veterans Day because although Veterans day is mostly for the ones still above ground I think the ones that gave it all also need to be remembered on this day............... :up: :up:
  23. No and I do hope you don't bring up a Pickled Egg idea either...................... :up: :up: :rofl:
  24. Well, the loss of a son is a tragic situation period. They lost their son because he was shot. I lost my son because he lost control of his car on a gravel road and struck a huge Oak Tree on the shoulder of the road. Now thing is that Oak tree is the only big tree on the shoulder of that road for about a mile in either direction. Every thing else was saplings. When I got up the courage I drove down that road and the paint from my sons car was still embedded in that mighty Oak. I looked at that tree and pull a Chainsaw out of the bed of my truck and I was going to not let anyone else die because of that tree.   That mighty Oak still stands proud and strong and my younger son drives past it every day on his way to work and back home. I told him I thought about cutting that big Oak down once and he got a little smile on his face and said "you too huh?" He asked me why I didn't cut it down and I said because it was not the reason Doug Jr was dead. Fate played the biggest role in his accident from what a few witnesses said that heard the wreck happen. It would not be fair to blame that big beautiful Oak tree for my sons death, but it would have been easy enough to do. Instead their is a Marker on the tree and when it gets old and weathered a new one gets put up. Anyone that lived in Kingston Springs back them knows what the marker is for and those who don't probably wonder when they see it.   I just wish Michael Browns parents could see the 1 tree, the pillar of light that was once their son in a forest that surrounds them right now. Anger and contempt for the loss of their son is not going to bring their son back. They should celebrate their time they had with him. The longer they keep dragging this out the worse it will look for Michael and them. If the people riot and more people are hurt or killed that is on them and their son only because they cannot accept what is and move on to make this terrible situation better. They probably are not even aware that an entire community's future rests on every decision they make. All I can say is I hope they don't cut the oak tree down....................jmho
  25. Ok, I went and did a little research to see if I could find out if and what the penalty would be for injuring or killing a Police K-9. I found a lot more information with much of it pertaining to how each states handled the issue. There was a couple that stood out and links are listed below.  The two that got my attention the most was the first two. #1 is pertaining to Federal K-9 dogs and it was passed last year making it a Federal felony.  #2 Tells about a made in S.C. Getting 35 years for all the crimes but the judge in the case did add a 5 year addition to the mans sentence for killing the K-9. In this article pay close attention to how the police force felt and the death of this dog. It said some Police even came to tears in the trial.  My point here is they were hurt because one of their dogs had been killed. Does that make the lost any more special than it would be if it was your best friend killed for no reason by a police officer. I'm sure that those officers were hurt. I would be to if I was an officer and knew the dog. But what they have been doing recently should not be justified either.............jmho.   #1            http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=96229   #2           http://www.thestate.com/2014/01/06/3192806/man-accused-of-killing-police.html


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