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Guess where you can not carry in SC….
bersaguy replied to timcalhoun's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Back when I attended church on a more regular occasion than I do now I was always armed and if I ever begin going back on a regular basis I will go armed again. I know I might be a bad person for doing so but if a real Bad guy shows up this Sheep Dog will be doing his best to take care of business and protecting the sheep and probably hope there might be another couple Sheep Dogs for back up...............jmho -
I realize it was a historical church but this was one punk kid that should have stuck out like a Sore Thumb.........jmho
I have only one question that I have not seen yet. This was an all African American Church and has been for centuries. Didn't any of the people in the church wonder why he was there or what he was up to. I'm sure he was not a regular there. I would have at least called the police to have them check him out. He was there close to an hour which a 911 call would have had the police there in a few minutes to investigate his reason for being there. I do realize that some folks may be naive but you would think someones clock had to be working in the church................Prayers go out for the Victims and their families and I hope the little pile of :poop: gets everything that the laws can do to make his life a living HELL!!!!!! My :2cents:
I have an old Kingfisher Topo map of the complete lower end of Ky Lake. It actually begins just above New Johnsonville and goes. south to Savannah which is about 5 miles from Pickwick Dam. If this is the lake map your looking for I would be more than glad to give it to you. I used it one time back in 1998. PM me your name and address in Dickson and I will put it in the mail to you.............. :up: Bersaguy
Fist off Prayers going out for all the victims and their families. This is a horrible atrocity against society and many families. Looking at the picture you can see loser written all over him. I hope he decides on suicide by police and does not surrender like to Sorry wimp in Colorado did...................... :rant: :rant:
My first shot gun back when I was a kid was a 410 single shot bolt action made by Revelation and I hunted everything my buddy hunted with his 12 gauge Winchester single shot and we both brought meat home every time we went hunting. I use to own a Mossberg 410 Pump gun that I dearly loved and it got taken in that break in at my home back in 1988. I use to shoot slugs with it a lot. One day my boys and I were out hunting on a friends land and out in the back 40 was an old time refrigerator with that small square freezer in it and I was curious just how powerful the 410 slug might be in the 2.5 inch shell because I could find any slugs in the 3 inch. I back up about 40 feet and caped off a round into the upper section of the fridge. The round impressed me. It went through one side, passed through both sides of freezer and knocked a dent the size of a quarter in the other side. From then on I never under estimated how powerful that round was.................. :up: :up:
Bad guy with gun shot by good guy with gun
bersaguy replied to chances R's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Mark one up for the good guys................ :up: :up: We only need about 10,000 more each week to get close to getting a handle on the situation.................jmho -
Tons and tons of Mojo coming yours and Bogeys way for sure. If I lost Kasey I don't know what I would do. People ask me why I will spend so much money on vet bills and I say because shes my responsibility and my family. I do for her just as I would any of my kids. If they are sick they go to the hospital or doctor. Only people that have never had the love of a dog can ask such stupid questions. Wishing you and Bogey the best my friend................... :( :(
Well, a friend applied for a "Building Permit", to remodel his old house. It was going to be 100 ft tall and 400 ft wide, with 12 gun turrets at various heights, and windows all over the place and a loud outside entertainment sound system. It would have parking for 200 cars. He was going to paint it snot green with pink trim. The City Council told him "Forget about it...IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!" So, he resent in the application again, but this time he called it a "Mosque." Work starts on Monday and here is the best part - It's going to be tax exempt! He loves this country. It's the government that scares the shit out of him.
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The room was full of pregnant women with their husbands. The instructor said, "Ladies, remember that exercise is good for you. Walking is especially beneficial. It strengthens the pelvic muscles and will make delivery that much easier. Just pace yourself, make sure you have plenty of stops and try to stay on a soft surface like grass or a path." "Gentlemen, remember -- you're in this together. It wouldn't hurt you to go walking with her. In fact, that shared experience would be good for you both." The room suddenly became very quiet as the men absorbed this vital information. After a few moments a man, name unknown, at the back of the room, slowly raised his hand. "Yes?" said the Instructor. "I was just wondering if it would be all right, if she carries a golf bag while we walk?"
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How many folks here can remember when doctors were real doctors? Not what we have today but real devoted doctors that were devoted to their patient and not their patients list of Insurance companies? I am proud to say I still have a real doctor and she has been my doctor for almost 20 years. When all these pill pusher companies on TV tell you to make sure you tell your doctor about liver issues or Heart issues or any other issues I don't have to tell my doctor anything because she has everything about me right in front of her in my file. She comes in to examine me as says what can I do for you today Doug? Back last winter when I was having that health issue and an Aneurism she made sure every doctor kept her in every loop they created. If the doctor wanted to run a test my doctor was contacted and it was discussed with her and she would call me to explain what the test involved and yes I need to have the test. During that same period I had a urologist constantly wanting to perform tests on me and he refused to call my doctor and he never got to run his test to this day. I didn't see what his interest in me was in the first place other than my insurance. My doctor was also confused in what his problem was. There is nothing better than having a good GP that looks out for you and not your insurance companies. I know Medicare never pays what a normal office visit is bu she has never sent me a bill. She just accepts what they pay and moves on. I hope she stays my doctor till they are patting me in the face with a shovel in my cemetery......................... :up: :up:
I guess if I had to choose my 2 I hate most it is a toss up between the Lawyers and the Pharmaceutical companies pushing their pills that will treat 1 issue and give you at least 5 other bad issues to get rid of one. Gotta love those with 25 Plus bad side effects to get rid of an ingrown toenail...................... :shrug: :shrug:
If stamping Go Big Orange on their guns helps them sell guns I am sure they will stamp it on them for sure................. :rock:
All I have to say about this is I wish they would have stayed with Beretta's because the new plant here is under construction and I want them to be successful here..............jmho
I would be willing to bet that S&W will bail them out. Back in the early days and I means the days of the Peace Maker Colt and Wesson were fierce competitors and colt came out on top. You can bet the W in S&W would love to rub Colts nose in it even after all this time. Some bad tastes never go away and this would be Wesson's opportunity to beat Colt up bad....................jmho
I'm not allowed in local Arby's since my last visit when I refused to leave the store until they made me a sandwich that looked like the one in the TV commercials. The manager finally made me one with all the meat they showed on TV and served it to me in a bag with fries and politely told me not to come back so I have not been back. They advertise that they have the meat so I wanted the meat.......... :rant: :rant: :rant:
A guy goes to the supermarket and notices a very attractive woman waving at him. She says, 'Hello.' He's rather taken aback because he can't place where he knows her from. So he asks, 'Do you know me?' To which she replies, 'I think you're the father of one of my kids.' Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife. So he asks, 'Are you the stripper from the bachelor party that I made love to on the pool table, with all my buddies watching, while your partner whipped my butt with wet celery?' She looks into his eyes and says calmly, 'No, I'm your son's teacher.'
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I hate commercials period but plain stupid ones make me just sick. After the original Colonel Sanders passed away and has been dead for many years all of a sudden he is back. I don't know who is writing his scripts but evidently he was the same one that wrote for the first old Guy!!!! I just saw a commercial about that 4 dollar box of chicken. The Colonel says you can fill your gas tank with 5 dollars or you can fill your stomach with his 5 dollar box. Can anyone remember the last time you filled your gas tank for 5 dollars????????? Maybe he is talking about your lawn mower or chain saw tank.............. :shrug: :shrug:
No, their are several independent video rental stores one of them being Captain Video is family owned and operates about 8 stores around middle Tennessee and she bought for them and a couple others. They are mostly located in small towns. If I were Dolo I would by pass the store management and go directly to Corporate with his problem. I have to say I was impressed at how fast Corporate reacted to my email and contacted my store and told the store manager to get this issue resolved ASAP. I think it may have taken about 4 days from my complaint to the problem fixed. It seems when Corporate speaks store managers listen at Walmart. I figure why deal with the flunkies when you can go to the top...........jmho
Well, I have to say I read about Dolo's issues with Walmart and I sincerely hope that they do what is right by him for sure. I had a great experience with Walmart and I seldom spend much time at Walmart for many years now. Last month when they were getting ready to release American Sniper I went up there a couple days early to talk with the people back in electronics about how many companies of the movie they will be getting. One employee said they will be getting about 100 Blue Ray copies, 150 Combo packs and 125 Plain copies for standard Disc players. She also volunteered that if I wanted to make sure I got a copy I might want to be there pretty early. I asked why and she said we have one lady that is a straw buyer for about 15 Rental Video stores and they will send her in to buy about 200 of the new releases and she shows up every time any new hot releases come out and will fill a cart up by 8AM. If I miss it I will have to wait about 2 weeks till they get another shipment in. I asked if anyone has ever reported that to the manager and she said she didn't know. I decided to take my complaint to the Corporate level and ask them if they knew about straw buyers doing that at their stores. I didn't figure my complaint would get any attention. To my surprise evidently Corporate was very concerned and wrote me back in two days. They wanted to know which store I shopped at. I wote them back and told them and they wrote back and thanked me. The following day my Walmart store called me on the phone to discuss any issues I was having. I told the assistant manager about my concern about being able to purchase American Sniper and about the straw buyer they had using their store to supply several rental stores with their stock. She informed me that she was not aware of it but she would look into it. She did exactly that and she was in electronics when the lady showed up and began emptying the shelves. She walked up to her and ask her what she was buying so many videos for and found out she was in fact working for several rental stores that had a limit on how many they could order of popular releases. The manager told her that she was going to limit her on the number of Videos she could get and the woman got very up set and told the manager she could not restrict how many she could purchase and the manager cut the number even more. I showed up about 10 o'clock AM and pleased to see a lot of copies of the movie on the shelves. I bought a combo pack and gave my son in law the Blue ray because he has a Blue Ray player and I don't. I saw the lady that told me about the straw buyer and she laughed. She said yep, she showed up and the manager really made her mad and I bet she will not be back but will go to another store. I was very impressed that that Corporate did react really quick and so did their store managers. I know there is not a lot of good things posted about Walmart so I thought I would post something positive for a change...........jmho
If I could like the original post more I would like it a 1000 times. In all honesty I am not against Islam persay. I am against what it stands for and in most cases represents. Other than that I don't have any issues about it............jmho
Well maybe Mr Smith went about this all wrong. If in fact the people of the State of Missouri voted as mentioned above maybe Mr. Smith should have contacted the Missouri Governors office and requested that the No gun Signs at the Zoo be remove before his visit. As it states it is against their own laws for the signs to be on the Zoo in the first place. And I agree, the police chief isn't playing with a full deck of cards since he does not want to go along with the people of the state that voted as they did.......................jmho
Warning: This will either disgust you, anger you or both
bersaguy replied to Pete123's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I have figured out a long time back that most times lies make news and bigger lies make more news and any statistics that come from anywhere in the New England Area will always make news because it is primarily all Blue up there and we all know that Blue states lie about almost everything they are against to make sure it makes the news. I love the ad New York is running where they are promising any company that will open in New York will be tax free for 10 years. Zero taxes of any kind for 10 years and then they add that they have even dropped the personal income tax rates. Why would any company want to open up in a state that has a state income tax to begin with????? I have checked recently to see just how many new companies have opened up in New York since the promotion began. I could not find one company listed as new to New York or recently opened there. That should tell New York something along with all the companies that packed or are packing their bags to leave for better locations in other states..............jmho