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Everything posted by bersaguy
You just can't fix STUPID!!!!!!!!!
I asked the officer what he was on probation for and he was not able to tell me. He did say that he might get some jail time for the violation but said he couldn't guarantee that either. I know either way he is not going to be happy with me and I surely hope he is not stupid enough to try and get even because I got him busted. I hate looking over my shoulder every time I go out but should he be so stupid and come after me he better be sure that he is successful the first time because if he fails he will never be able to try twice........jmho
Back many years ago my little brother use to hunt Catoosa with guide and dogs for hogs before they stopped allowing it. He hunted several years and killed 3 hogs in that time. When he had to shoot the last one from up a tree the hog put him up he decided to quit going. His weapon of choice was Ruger Black Hawk single action 44 mag with a 10.5 inch barrel.
I guess most of you read the post I made about the guy blocking his number and then calling me up and threatening to beat my head into mush about week or 10 days ago. The police were actually able to do a back check with the information my phone server provided and tracking where the voice mail originated from his phone. They found out who he is and also that he has an arrest record and is on probation right now. He lives in Westmoreland. They have issued a warrant for his arrest because of the threats he made on my life. The Gallatin Police Officer told me that they will be making an arrest very soon and ask if I would be willing to testify at his trial and I assured them that I would. At the present time I cannot reveal his name and to be all honest I never thought any more about the issue until the officer just left my home a few minutes ago. I am glad for the great police work which I didn't think would happen did happen.......... :up: :up:
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There has been a lot of men in the heat of a theater of war that did things that were not always by the book but in all honesty I have never seen a book that can tell anyone how to fight a war without some casualties and or sacrifices. It is like writing a book telling new parents how to be parents after they have a baby. I have not seen that book either. I think any Man or Woman in command of troops under them will do everything in their power to bring home as many men serving under them as possible alive and intact. I can promise you I saw things and did things in the service of my country in Vietnam that in today's society would be considered atrocities of the worst possible kind. All in an attempt to protect men serving under them. The only real difference is back in the Vietnam War the news was not made available until it had gone through some very serious vigorous editing by the Pentagon and Joint Chief of Staff before it was released. About 2 or 3% might be edited today before the news releases it. I myself find nothing wrong with Colonel Wests actions as I saw far far worse in Nam that was never revealed to the American people...................jmho
Does he have type 1 or type 2 ?
Has anyone even considered what may have happened if the bank officer did have a panic code and used it and the family in hand cuffs and blindfolded when the police did arrive. The out come could have been much different and maybe a family member might have been hurt or killed during altercation with police while be a hostage. I don't know about most folks but the protection of my family would come first and catching the bad guys would have come later when the police were notified and they could do the job to hunt down the bad guys. No one was hurt because the police did not arrive until after everyone was safe. I would rob my own bank to if I thought it would protect my family from harm..............jmho
FBI Director says background check wasn't good enough
bersaguy replied to Titansfan's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
If Roof was as determined to do what he did he would have bought a gun out of some gun smugglers trunk to complete what he planned to do. He was a bad guy and bad guys seldom obey the law. I do feel that if a person is out on bail for a felony charge it should be on record to prevent him purchasing the gun through legal channels until after his trial but either way he would have gotten a gun.............jmho -
I find it very hard to believe that anyone could in any way Compare Lt. Colonel Allen West as a News guru and to even put his name and Al Sharpton in the same sentence is disgraceful at best. The Colonel serve our country with Pride and Dignity for many years. Al Sharpton has not served anything but racial unrest and is a racist bigot.................. JMHO
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in December last year. Daughter decided to put me on a diet and came and emptied my house of everything I was not allowed to eat. I take Metformin twice a day and an injection of 10 units of Levemir each night before bed. Well, I dropped about 30 lbs eating all the card board my daughter went and bought for me to eat. I was testing myself before each meal. My doctor told me to just test in the morning before I eat anything. I have been doing that and my readings are well below the safe level. I told my doctor I was going to begin eating some of the things I ate before my daughter gutted my house. She said to try it and see where my levels went. I did gain back about 8 lbs by doing so but my levels didn't increase. So I began eating more of the foods I enjoy and my levels have still remained the same. I have gone back to eating just about everything I was eating and my levels have not elevated any and gained only 2 lbs to a total of 10lbs. Last trip to doctor and she scanned all my readings from the log I keep and now she is beginning to think the doctors that were so rushed into saying I was a diabetic may have been wrong in their diagnosis so she is going to do a blood screen on my next visit and use her lab to determine if I am actually diabetic. Reason being for the fact that when I went into ER at hospital I had a severe UTI and when they took my blood in the ER with the UTI she said my blood was messed up because of the UTI and the doctors should have treated that and got it completely cleared up and then did another blood test and then used the new blood to check for diabetes and any other. She said she does not think I am diabetic and the doctors screwed up the diagnosis. She wants to be sure I am so she will run tests to see. I'm back to eating everything I was eating before I had the UTI ( Urinary Tract Infection ) and yet my readings every morning are below or at the very safe level. She said it will take a little time to get this mess corrected but she will not quit till she does. That is why she has been my GP for 18 years. She is a very dedicated doctor. Diabetes does not or never has been in any of my family. Not one person has ever had it except me. I hope she is correct and can get me back to normal without all the meds I am taking. Wish me luck!!!!
I would put it in the wall and vent it outside. No sense in taking up window lighting and you may want to open the windows after it cools off. I use to have a garage with the unit in the wall and garage stayed cool but not cold..............jmho
That was what I was hoping to do when I made the post was draw attention to just how screwed up all of this really is.
No, but I would have told him politely the speed limit is 30 and not 60 and if he was obeying the law he would not have gotten on me so quick. I would not try and provoke an altercation with an already irate idiot.
Yea, that's why my friends and I call them Telephone Bad asses. They are to chicken to let you know there number and can only be tough on the phone. I was not sure about the last reply the officer had as he turned to go back to his squad car. He said, just don't shoot him unless you just have to. I just smiled and said I won't. Now I was at home when the officer arrived and not armed. I'm curious to know if they do any type of back ground check on people who call in to request an officer file a report about a threat. The butt head didn't threaten to come to my home. He said next time he sees me he was going to beat my head in.
I did this time after failing to do so last time and got my butt chewed. They listened to the voice mail recording and filed a report and told me to be careful for a while. They did also request my phone number and phone carrier and said they would see if it could be back traced to the to the sender of the voice mail. I have it saved on my phone.
I was wondering if anyone else has had to deal with what my buddies call telephone A$$ Holes. It' is these guys that get mad at you and get your phone number and then call you up and your ID says Private number. I don't answer private numbers or caller unknown calls but I dearly wish I would have taken the one I got earlier today. He was nice enough to leave me a voice mail. Of course I have my phone # on my Jeep Glass for my bait company business. Today I get a call that said Private number and I wish to God I would have answered it because this guy called me every thing nasty he could think of and accused me of pulling out in front of him at an intersection at a right on red after Stop light Almost causing him to wreck. I did stop and I did see him coming but did not realize he was doing about 60+ MPH in a 30 zone but all he all had to do was move over cause it was 4 lane road. Hwy 31 in Gallatin and that's what he did and then swerved hard back in front of me and hit his brakes to show his anger. He also said if he catches me out someplace again he is going to pound my head into mush. I sure hope who ever he is he never tries that. I sure wish I knew what was wrong with people these days!
About 8 years ago I found an injured Hummingbird near one of my many feeders and I picked it up and was surprised to see it was still alive in the hot weather. I brought it inside and made a small paper bed in a small box for it. Then I thought it might be hungry so I put some nectar in a bottle cap and that little bird was starved. I think she drank about a 1/3 of a cap full only taking brief breaks. I called TWRA and asked them where they took their wild creatures that were injured for help and they said Waldrens Puddle and gave me directions. I took the bird to them and gave them $50.00 donation. They sent me pictures on line of the bird during it's recovery and sent me a short video of it in their trough net cage and finally that Fall they sent me a video of the birds release all healthy and ready for migration south. I have tried to send them something every month since then................. :up:
Thanks my friend and My Grandmother was full Cherokee so yea I might qualify for some stuff but I'm really to old to think about school and since I am a senior citizen I have a lifetime hunting and fishing license that cost me $10.00 here in Tennessee......... :up:
Now is the time to "buy it cheap and stack it deep"!
bersaguy replied to gregintenn's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
A buddy and I were buying 762x25 1000 round spam cans for $84.00 about 5 years ago and we are both well stocked itn that now and have a very good supply of long gun ammo for all long guns and the only hand guns I have that i am shooting is my 22's and 380's but have a very good supply and replace what we shoot most every time we go to the range. And yea. I do have a Tokarev TT-33 but seldom shoot the cannon. My buddy shoots his about once a month he will send 2 mags worth down range. I shot mine about 2 months ago. Just not a gun I can enjoy shooting but wanted it if things got really serious and I need some short range real fire power.............. :up: -
Well, I have tried every way possible to open the petition section of Waldrens Puddle and my server will not open it either here of on Google so now I'm pi$$ed!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I have been pondering this for quite some time and I am finally ready to get some thoughts on the issue. My father and his family was of German descent. My Mothers side of the family was mostly Cherokee Indian descent. with this being known what does that make me? German/Cherokee American I was born in America so in my mind I am just a Red Blooded American and not a German/Cherokee. My point being if a black man/woman is born and raised in America is he or she not just a plain American just like myself. What is wrong with just being a plain American that the people of the Black race need that African American Label when in all reality they are just an American? Yea I am proud of my heritage but not to the point I want to wear it on my shirt sleeves for everyone to know. Would just like opinions.
Thanks and will do. I try to send them a check each month for their work. Great operation.
Nope , not for me. Might be my broad band not letting it work.
Can't get link to work????
I did change it to my PMC for now. I have never had a FTF with it as of yet. I also like CCI Blazer which I have several boxes of that I have never had a FTF with. Fiocchi will now be my range ammo only................. :up: