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Shotgun inserts in different calibers
bersaguy replied to Ronald_55's topic in Firearms Gear and Accessories
I guess that is why every chance I get I buy another box of 3 inch Mag 12 gauge rounds to feed my shotgun. I have plenty of other ammo for all my other guns but shotgun was last purchase so still stocking ammo for it. -
I think one of the main commercials that grips me is the Lexus car commercial where the guy is taking his daughter, wife and Christmas Tree out to plant it. Even though it is a great gesture to replant the tree but the guy has only a shovel, there is at least 4 inches of snow covering the ground and the guy dug a hole in that frozen ground big enough to get the ball on the bottom of that tree down to ground level. I tried that once back about 30 years ago and there was no snow on the ground, just frozen. After about 2 hours I gave up and went to a buddy of mine and planted the tree on his farm and he dug the hole with a backhoe........
Well I guess I could use my 30-30 to make sure it is dead if it comes back. A man that lives behind me on the other side of the fence row said he has seen it twice but was afraid to key off a round for fear of being arrested for shooting inside the city. I told him if he gets a chance to get it in his cross hairs again to CAP it because the law said they won't arrest people for shooting dangerous animals to protect pets.
I'm not concerned about noise cause all of my neighbors area also pet owners and all have firearms. They would be glad if I killed a Yote in the yards around here. Many of them work so they don't get as much a chance of seeing one as I do. It would only take 1 round from my 22 Rifle to drop one. I have it loaded with the original CCI Stingers that do serious damage when they make contact with meat or anything else. If I get the Yote in the crosshairs of my scope it is dead...............
I think he did settle on a Red Hawk. I have a buddy that has one and my friend went to the range with him and let him shoot it and he did well with it as he had never shot one till that day. He told me that is what he will most likely purchase. Thanks for the input folks!!!
There has been many places that I use to trade with that has posted their business since I began carrying and even though concealed I refuse to do business with them. In most cases I knew the owners of that small business and have spoke with them about the new posting. I have learned that in some cases their bottom lines have declined since the signs went up but they did not attribute it to the signs. Got a few of them thinking. Some took the signs down and others posted Concealed carry only and some refused to change anything. None of them are the only business that offers products I purchase so I have still chosen to not do business with any of them that remain posted in any form.
I have to admit it was kind of unsettling to see it this close to so many people and homes. Walmart is only a 1.5 miles from my house and 2.8 miles from the town square. Especially stalking that little beagle. Kasey is a lot bigger and was about same size as yote but she is older so was slower but she sent it running. I called the neighbor and told him what I had seen. He is a truck driver and has family looking after the dog when he is on the road but I did bring her (Dixie) inside my home last night to protect her. He said he will put up a fence pim for her when he gets back in town. Mean time family will take her home. I did get a call from Animal Control asking if it would be alright with me if they put some traps in my fence row and my neighbors fence row to see if they can trap it and I said fine with me but if I see it I will drop it where it stands...................
Saw something yesterday that I would have never thought I would see. My next door neighbor has a miniture beagle in his back yard and it was barking a lot which it seldom ever does. I got up to see what it was barking at and a Coyote was within about 15 feet of it and moving right at the beagle slowly. Neighbor was not home. I went to get my rifle to kill it but Kasey my mutt saw it about the same time and because of her size and way she was going right straight at the Yote it decided best thing to do was get gone. I think it would have killed the beagle since is was about 5 times bigger but Kasey was a lot bigger also. I know it is against the law to discharge a firearm inside the city of Gallatin but I was not going to see that beagle killed. I later contacted the Gallatin police and asked them what kind of trouble I could get in and I was told that I could have shot the Coyote and then called Animal control and they would have came out and picked it up and no charges would have been filed. They said that there have been several sightings around town of Yotes recently and a few people have lost small pets to them. I have a very thick fence row that runs about 20 blocks long through peoples back yards and I have seen all kinds of wild critters since I have lived here. Had a Doe and 2 fawns in my back yard one time and I have seen several foxes and a few opposums but this was first coyote. Will be keeping to rifle closer to the door for a while incase it comes back.
Thanks Robert for the reply and I think he is going to get one from Bud's as he cannot find one used.
I think this is one of those moments when folks need to just pause for a minute and realize that there are many wonderful people in the world that do go out of their way to help others. I for one still believe in Santa Claus. I will never stop believing in him. Just like I will never stop believing in Jesus Christ. They are both in our hearts and minds to comfort us in a time of need. I think that was the goal when Santa came along centuries ago and Jesus was born to be the ultimate comforter for mankind. That is why I do my best to Keep Christ in Christmas every year and I think that is why Santa Claus comes baring gifts for all the little boys and girls. So they will learn about the reason for the season. Problem is many parents have moved away from telling their children the reason for the Christmas Season. The problem these days is most of the retail world has put the focus on the all mighty dollar and Polictical Correctness that they have lost their way and so have many people. Back when I was little boy and they began showing new toys on TV for Christmas you saw toys. Now for every toy commercial you see, it will be followed up by 3 Jewelry Stores selling diamonds and car companys selling cars with big deals for Christmas. I never saw Santa Claus Park a new Mercedes under anyones Christmas tree when I was a kid!!!!!!!............................JMHO
I like shotgun think he knew he was going to die and also think he picked the wrong house to intrude on......
I'm looking for a friend of mine that has been a close friend for about 20 years. He is wanting one to try and do some deer hunting with one. He stopped by today and ask me if I knew anyone that may have one they want to sell and I told him I would post a Wanted post on TGO and give me a couple days. If I do't find him one he said he would probably buy a new one so if anyone has one to sell send me a PM. Bersa
I had some friends go to Memphis one time back years ago and they learned right quick, getting lost in Memphis and driving into the wrong neighborhood does has consequences if your not on your toes. They went into a neighborhood and made a turn onto a dead in street because there was no sign. When he realized what he had done he was trying to turn around when about 8 guys surrounded his car with his family in it. As luck would have it a police car was driving past the end of the street and stopped and tooted his siren and all the guys left and he and his family were able to get out of there with the policeman showing them which way to go.
Michael Hayden on the 2nd Amendment
bersaguy replied to MacGyver's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Lets hope Trump Trumps this guy right out the door as soon as possible..............jmho -
My son called me yesterday evening. My oldest grandson and my youngest 11 year old grandson both took a Doe each yesterday evening so they now have 2 more hanging in the cooler at the processors. They are trying to top off their freezers now. I made Venison Chili today and had some of it for supper tonight. From what the weather lady said it will come in handy next couple days. I made enough to freeze 3 containers. Now I am thinking about making some homemade Venison Vegetable soup and have it and freeze some tomorrow night. Makes for nice quick suppers when I don't want to cook..............
History of the right to carry in Tennessee
bersaguy replied to quickbiscuit's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Back years ago before I got my CCW permit I had a deputy badge and ID and it was issued by the Cheatham County Sheriff at the time. I carried it many years and never had any issues even when that sheriff was no longer in office. The new sheriff honored most of them unless you got in trouble. -
Well, I got a great Christmas present from my son and youngest Grandson this morning. They just filled my freezer up with about 160 lbs of processed assorted cuts of deer meat. They killed two 8 points and a 6 pint and had it all processed and it is now in my freezer. I will have some great eating for a year now......................
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The news medias are all Monday Morning Quarterbacks and never get anything right and that is why I quit listening to them. I think it is remarkable that more people were not killed and I credit the city officials and Emergency personnel for their decisions for saving so many lives...............jmho
"Rather give it through Dolly than the Red Cross." Jeb48 quote I would also make a donation to Dolly long before the Red Cross. I learned back on 9/11 just how bad the Red Cross is operated at the upper levels. There was multi millions of dollars donated to the Red Cross but very little of it made it to the people that were hurt and it was shortly after that the CEO of the Red Cross quit and left and so did a very large sum of money that was never accounted for. I also saw on the local news that hundreds of people showed up to donate blood at all the Red Cross locations in Nashville and 1000's of units of blood were donated. Far more then the Red Cross had room to store. The hospitals of which Nashville and surrounding area has many offered to take any blood that the Red Cross had no room to store because they did have room to store the excess for them. They were not going to use the blood but store it. They would have purchased any of the blood they used that was stored for the Red Cross but rather than allowing the hospitals to take and store it the Red Cross allowed all that wonderful lfe saving blood to spoil and then disposed of it. That was it for me and the Red Cross. I have not given any more blood or money to them.........................
Even though I seldom expect anything to happen that would actually require a long gun but recently I have been thinking about it. I have drawn the conclusion that if I am going to go anywhere that I might be in a situation to need a long gun I will put my Emperor Assault shotgun in my Jeep loaded with the 3 inch Magnum BB rounds and a belt of extra rounds. I figure if there is a mob situation and I have to use my long gun It will have a spreading effect that will hit more than a couple bad guys................jmho
I have 1 gun sticker on the back glass of my Jeep. It reads "Gun Safety means using both hands" ! I do have a sign on the front of my house that reads..........No Trespassing If you need me to explain it I will tell you in 12 Gauge! and has a picture of a12 gauge Pump Shotgun in the middle of it. I don't guess that is to much?????
Levi's boycott in 5 . . 4 . . 3 . .
bersaguy replied to monkeylizard's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I don't think I have ever owned a pair Of Levi's in all honesty. I always thought Wranglers were more comfortable and now when I buy a new pair of Jeans I have found that the prewashed Faded Glory jeans at Walmart are very comfortable and affordable and I can carry my gun with me to buy them.............jmho -
+1 on the borrowing..............lol
I'm sure if there is an all clear to begin going to both towns by all means go. I'm quite sure that all the small businesses that survived this terrible situation will appreciate having you there. Now is not the time to turn away but the time to turn forward and help those that you can with your tourist business. I have already spoke with my daughter and Son in law about planning a trip as soon as we can make arrangements. Every little bit helps them move forward...............jmho
First off I am very sorry to hear about Sarge and your loss!! I am not looking forward to the day that I may lose Kasey. She has been with me almost 14 years and I bottle fed her from birth. She is just a mutt but she is my mutt and my friends that know me well say they are concerned that if either one dies they will probably lose the other shortly. I have checked out Faithful Friends and they will be who I use if I out live her. My closet friend B.T. has already told me he will care for her if I go first. He will carry out all my plans for her when the time comes. I have made sure I have tons of pictures of her so she will always be with me in heart and mind. I plan on being cremated also. I don't see any sense in putting the burden of a Funeral on my family and friends................jmho