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Everything posted by bersaguy

  1. I think anyone that has Hummingbird feeders up has wasp issues. At first it was just a couple and then a couple more and then it got bad. I spoke to an old Gentleman that use to live 3 doors down about it one day and he said if I had that many wasps I probably had wasp nests in one of my buildings so he made a walk up to my place and within about 10 minutes he pointed out my problem. 3 different nests hid in the corners of my carport almost out of sight. I thanked him for teaching me something and I made a trip to TSC and bought 2 cans of wasp killer spray cans. He told me to wait until about 10PM when all the wasps would be home and then spray the nests. Had dead wasps all over my carport floor but none on my feeders and since then if I see a wasp I hunt the nests and they get sprayed. I was able to repay the old Gentleman. He grand daughter told me that he dearly love fish to eat so one day I went crappie fishing and me and a buddy caught 30 nice Slabs. I came home and filet all 50 of them and I took them down and gave them to him and his wife and she said they would be having fish and Home fries and Hush Puppies for dinner that night and the old man just smiled at me and I said thats for helping me with those pesky wasps. I lost my old neighbor about a year later but I still take his wife fish once in a while and she prepares them for her and her grand daughter and husband that lives with her now..................
  2. Well, like I said. I had one that you would have trouble hitting a wall in a closed barn with it so I guess I got one of the bad ones..................Would never buy another one!!!.......JMHO
  3. That video looks like my house in the evenings right now with all the new birds that showed up recently and I have still got 5 feeders up. I had fights like that back in early July till th first migration and then my bird count dropped and now it is back up and I am sure by mid Spetember it will go down as the migration goes back into swing. I will always leave 1 feeder up until I don't see any birds for about a 2 week span which is normally mid October. The birds that migrate early that know my feeders are up look for them on flight back as they fly the same route in both directions. Amazing little critters for sure...............
  4. They are definately proud to have them and my guess is they don't really want to sell them. I use to have one of them back in the 60's and also had an old Revelation from Western Auto my grandfather gave me. I went squirrel hunting with the Nylon and could not get a squirrel with it. Try using it a couple times without success. Went to the Revelation and came home with squirrels every time. I bought 2 new boxes of 22 lr and went out by the barn and put up aluminum pie pans at about 75 feet and shot 14 rounds from the Nylon and 14 rounds from the Revelation. Group from Nylon was all over the pan and even had a few misses of the pan. Group in the Revelation was about 6 inches with multiple hits in close to same holes. I tried adjusting the sites on the Nylon several times but still got same response. I ask my grandfather what he thought might be wrong and he said probably something in the rifeling in the barrel. Don't know what ever happened to it. I went in service and when I came home it was gone.
  5. Yep, very rare to see 3 or 4 birds ona feeder at the same time and I did some research about it and didn't find much but what I did find was that in some cases offsprings will travel with parents and if they spend time in same location they will often feed together on a feeder but it is very rare to see it. I guess I have seen it happen 3 or maybe 4 times in all the years I have been watching and feeding them..............
  6. Yea, that one went real quick.............. But even with the 2 you missed I think you still came out pretty good. I really do appreciate how easy you did make it on the shipping...........
  7. Hummingbirds are very smart little critters and they can spot a feeder right away even if it is not as colorful as most are. I am going to have to replace a few of mine this year as the bottoms of them don't seal up as good as they should and I have to work on them to keep them from dripping. I have found that when they drip they can attract pi$$ ants and soon the feeder will have them floating in it. They will have aline formed up the side of the building going to the feeder. I am posting a couple pictures of the ones I have been using for about 12 years now. If your planning on buying feeders for next year they should be going on sale at about any store that sells them. I normally find the best deals at TSC and Co-op.
  8. Oh sorry! You must mean this one. I absolutly forgot about that one it went so fast after I posted it to a local member. He bought it for his son.
  9. I'm quite sure by now many members know I am the seller of all those firearms because I had a few of them listed back when I was trying to sell them for BT's Wife. I was at my wits end since I didn't know that much about many of the guns and Ronald and I began PM-ing back and forth trying to figure out what the value of each may be and between us two we did learn a lot about the guns. After a few days of thought I guess Ronald decided he was going to throw out a deal to me for all the guns and the ammo. I spent a few days pondering over it and finally took the offer. That was when the work began preparing to ship them. Ronald made that as easy for me as he could and it all worked out. As for the gun he mentioned hi missed out on. B.T. had bought this gun from a close friend of mine and said he would like to have it back if at all possible. Well, He spoke up for it right after B.T.'s passing so I figured it would only be right that he got it back. This is the gun.
  10. Yep they do like to lay claim to a feeder and will drive others away. Back a couple years ago it was getting late in the season for them and many of them had made the migration and I had about 5 birds left so I had taken down most of my feeders and only had 2 up. I was setting in my carport where I could see both feeders and there was one bird that had laid claim to both feeders and would land on a cable between them and if any other bird showed up it would run them off. Well that will only last so long before the game began. When you only have a few birds you can pretty much tell which one is which by size and colors. The one that was being a bully was a big Red Breasted Male and there was another smaller male and three females. They began playing a game of cat and mouse with the Bully. One bird would fly in and get the bully to chase it and at the same time the rest would hit the feeders and feed up. When the bully came back he would run them off. Soon another bird different than the first one would get the bully to chase it and they birds would flock to the feeders. This game would go on for about an hour before time to roost so everyone went to bed with full bellies. They did that until they were gone for the year. It was fun to watch..................
  11. If you want Birds just put up about 3 feeders beginning in April and give it about a month. The change out the food with fresh and they will find it. I put all my feeders up in Mid April and filled each about 1/2 way. I do that for the early birds that are migrating north in the early flight and want them to have food during their trip. Once you begin getting a bird or two then you will begin to get more and depending on your location you may have to get more feeders. I filed all my feeders last Thursday and will have to fill several of them tomorrow again. If I did not have that thick fence row behind the house full of the orange horned shaped flowers I would plant some of their favorites which would really attract them to your home. Below is a link about their favorite flowers for those of you that have a green thumb!!! http://www.hummingbirdsociety.org/hummingbird-flowers/
  12. My 11 year old Grandson has asked me to do some Tree Rat hunting with him this year. It's been a very long time since I have been hunting them but I have been considering going with him just to be able to spend some time with him. I have a Marlin 60 w/ scope that I sighten is for 50 yards and can take down poker chips at that range with every shot. Once I got it all sighted in I ran 25 out of 25. I might be able to hit one of those critters. Might be nice to have some in the freezer again. I told him I won't go until the leaves are off the trees and He said thats fine with him. I know I will need to get some bug spray with deet in it to keep the ticks in check. I hate them little critters!!!!
  13. They are very protective of their feeder they lay claim to for sure. Back years ago before my wife passed away us and another couple took a trip up to Eurieka Springs Arkansas and I think there had to be a million hummingbirds in that town. It is an old timey type town and you could not dive anything except a horse drawn buckboard on the dirt streets in the town or walk on the old wooden sidewalks to the different stores. There was a square in the middle of it and I thought it was strange that the trees on the square were about 60 feet tall didn't have any leaves yet they looked alive with thousands of pretty flowers. I asked an old gentleman sitting in a rocking chair what kind of trees they were and he said plastic. I said your kidding and he said nope, not kidding and I asked him about the flowers and he said they are birds and not flowers. He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a small black cat fire cracker. Lit it off his cigar and pitched it on it the street. When it went off I bet a few 1000 birds took flight. It was all hummingbirds and not flowers. That was when I noticed all of the feeders hanging every where you looked. There must have been 300 or more feeders in the square. As we walked back to our Van to go back to the motel we noticed everyone had about 5 of more feeders hanging. When we got back to the motel outside of town I asked the person working at the Motel which also had a ton of feeders hanging around it and they said that they have a crew of people that make sure that the feeders remain filled every day in the town. Each merchant in the town donates funds into an account to purchase the food products necessary to keep the birds fed all the time they are there before migration each year. This town is located in the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas. I have no idea why so many birds pick this area to spend their summers but they said they come in March and April and then many of them leave and in mid summer the population begins to increase with the hatchlings growing up and the beginning of the migrations south birds arrive back in town.
  14. Water and gravel are both good to shoot over later in the evening. They need to pick up small pieces of gravel in their craws before going to water to help grind up any grain they eat and store in their craws. if you can find a pond that has gravel around it your shooting should be even better...........JMHO
  15. Yep, they do dine on a varity of bugs for sure. I also have a thick fence row across my back yard with some type of Horn Shaped flowers that they love also. I'm not sure what type of flowers they are but they are orange in color.
  16. Yea but the feeders are a lot more easy to use than trying to catch that many Mosquitos............LMAO
  17. I know the food coloring is not required but makes it easier for me to see the levels in the feeders without walking all the way out to the ones at the back of my big yard to see if they need filling.
  18. I have a buddy in Watertown that has that same problem..........LOL!! Thick as mosquitos at his place which mosquitos is a main part of their diet too. He goes through about a gallon every 2 days...........lol.
  19. Yea, PJ is correct. The first year I lived here I didn't see any birds but my buddy across town had a few feeders up and he had like 5 birds. I went to Tractor Supply and bought 2 feeders and some nectar and put them up and within a week I had about 1/2 dozen birds. I enjoyed watching them a lot. I was in TSC that Fall and they had HB feeders on sale to get rid of them and I bought the last 6 they had and checked the nectar bags for expiration date and it said it had a 3 year expiration date so bought the last 10 packs of it and following spring I boiled up some water and dumped the powder into the water amd made enough nectar to fill all feeders and then hung them. All around the yard and buildings and by June I bet I had 50+ birds hanging around and they stayed all Summer and I was told that Sugar water was better so I went to Sugar water with red food coloring and the birds loved it. I had birds like that up until a couple years ago and noticed I was not getting as many birds. Did some research and it was because the drought in the southwest made their migration hard on them finding food so they did not migrate this far in big numbers. It has been slow up until this year and right now I have more birds than I have had since the drought. If you just hang feeders you will get birds Omega. You have the Cumberland River up your way and should have a lot of birds as they are attracted to the wild flowers that grow around the River banks and will search out feeders in a large area........JMHO
  20. I'm not sure if folks have taken down their feeders or just let them go empty but over the last couple days my group of 5 birds has grown to about 25+ and birds fighting like crazy over my feeders so I have to put up 3 more this morning so now I have 7 up. I had that many up early but nectar was going bad in them with only 5 birds. I'm glad I had enough food to fill the extra feeders...............
  21. I only have 1 and it says "Gun Safety means using two hands" on rear glass of my Jeep. Use to have a couple more but as they got old I scraped them off and never replaced them.
  22. bersaguy


    Oh! Ok. I have had that mentality since Nam so that will be easy. I have been in survival mode so long I don't know anything else....................
  23. bersaguy


    Ok so I have told you I am not the brightest bulb in the lamp so what does LMOE mean???
  24. bersaguy


    Yea I guess them Texas boys that by hitting 2 home runs with 1st 2 batters it would rattle those Japanese players. That little Pitcher never missed a step after that and Japan showed them they have long ball hitters also. Texas don't not have anything to be a shamed of. Them boys played some tough teams and scraped their way back to the title game and that team didn't even exist till 6 years ago. There is always next year if the country is still here by then. At the rate things are going I look to wake up in the middle of a civil war and not even know who's side I'm on? I will hope TGO it still up so I can write someone to find out who I need to side with...........
  25. bersaguy


    Yep!! I think he didn't take Texas serious enough to use his top pitchers and was trying to save them for Japan. That older gentelman coaching Texas was on his game and when he told him players to get him just 2 runs they did and won the game. I just don't think Texas will be able to hit the Japanese Pitchers tomorrow. They are not as good and the Japanese team that came in 2015 but they are still pretty good.


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