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Everything posted by bersaguy

  1. I have watched a couple programs about it on the Biography channel and Discovery Channel but most of the news was focused on the Hurricanes. I can still remember what I was doing when I learned about it. I was fishing and had a radio playing some music and it was interupted to bring the news that we are under attack and went on to tell what had happened. At first I thought it was one of those Orson Wells programs but my room mate called me and told me he was watching it on TV. I loaded the boat and went home to watch it. Cars was lined up at all filling stations. I didn't bother stopping because at the time I had 3 30 gallon containers full at the house with sta-bil in them plus truck was almost full and both tanks in boat were full. I think many people still think of it often but most don't talk about it because they might say something to a person that lost someone that day in towers or Pentagon or on one of the planes. It is and was our Modern Day Pearl Harbor. There were 2403 killed at Pearl and 3150 total killed in Twin Towers and Pentagon and in Flight 93 that went down in PA. It's kind of hard to not think about it in some way since we are still at war with the enemy that attacked us and probably will be till the end of time because the people that attacked us all seem to have a death wish and there are Millions if not Billions of them we are fighting both home and abroad..........JMHO
  2. Lets hope it stays out there till it burns it self out and just goes away. Weather Service is not even talking about Jose at all..........JMHO
  3. Yep, back when growing up I think all kids knew not to stand with their hand out waiting for Mom and Dad to put money in it like they do these days. Now with that said, I am not talking about all kids. There are a lot of youngsters that will still go out and earn money cutting lawns in their neighborhoods and rake leaves in the Fall and do other odd jobs for neighbors to earn their own money but they are the exceptions and have goals. I have all respect for these kids for sure.
  4. So was I and he stood his ground against Irma for sure. That guy was very determind to show folks how brave(or Stupid) he is but he did not give up!!! They said big signs where blown down and stuff was blowing past him and he still stood his ground.............
  5. Welcome to TGO and yep, Greatest bunch of folks on the internet.....................
  6. I was watching an interview on Fox with Mapp and he was really trying to deny that he said he wanted weapons confiscated from civilians but the Fox host was not accepting his answers and he kept reading the orders and Mapp just kept saying that his order was not pertaining to civilian weapons. He said it was ment that the NG were authorized to take firearms from gun stores but were also ordered to purchase the guns with NG vouchers with payment to follow after the storm. Mapp finally cut the interview because the Fox news commentator kept pounding the fact that his order said civilian arms and all other necessary items. Mapp was just trying to back peddle the entire interview..........JMHO
  7. Prayers sent John for your son and everyone else down there!!
  8. I was not always a milkman(boy) but I did other things to make money also by age 11.There was this very old gentleman that lived next door to us on the country road and in the swamp ponds behind the house were fish and big turtles the old man taught me how to fish. He also taught me how to catch snapping turtles in the swamp ponds. Then in the Spring of the year he showed me where and about when the baby painted turtles would hatch and cross the road to get back to the swamps from the warm hill sides. Now I bet your wondering what I ment by not always a milk boy. As I grew a little older I began catching those snapping turtles and putting them in cages in our back yard the old man gave me. People in the small town we lived in loved to eat snapping turtle so as they wanted some turtle they would come out to our house and buy a turtle. I would put the turtle alive in a tote sack and place it in the trunk of their car for $6.50 cents but the turtles would weigh about 35 to 45 lbs depending on which one they picked. I would sell about 40 to 50 a summer. In the Spring when the painted baby turtles began crossing the road they would come at rate of 25 to 50 a day and I would collect them and when I had about 200 or more my mother would take me to several pet shops in the area and I would sell for 25 cents each and make an average of 40 to 50 bucks a trip. I was also in the bait business. The old man showed me how to catch night crawlers at night after a good rain. They would come out at night and you had to be fast or they would scoot back in their hole. You would use a flashlight to find them in your yards. I found that by putting a green colored lense on the light they didn't move back to hole quite as fast making them easier to catch. The DesPlaines River ran just out side of our town and the african Americans would come out of Chicago on weekends and fish for Carp and Bullheads along the banks with mostly cane poles. They would buy their night crawlers in Chicago and pay $1.00 for 10 crawlers. I began taking tin cans of night crawlers with 25 worms for 75 cents and I sold out every time I went and I would have 50+ cans. All my neighbors save cans for me. When it did not rain my father knew the guy that ran to Golf Course in the town and they would water about every day and the man would let me collect night crawlers on the fairways but was not allowed on any greens but I could almost fill a 5 gallon pail in 2 hours. The old man had built me a big worm bed for me to keep the night crawlers in and I kept it full during ice out when the river was flowing. Later when I was about 12 or 13 the old man taught me his secret weapon Dough Ball bait recipe made with Wheates, eggs, Vanilla extract and water and Carp loved them. I would make them during the week and freeze them wrapped in wax paper and take them to the river along with the night crawlers and sold them 10 for a dollar but first I had to prove to the men that they worked. I had stepped up to rod and reel then and owned 2 Zebco 33's on metal rods and got to the river on my bike pulling my wagon full of products before sun up and would catch a couple bigger Carp that lived off the bank so when they saw me catching fish on them they not only bought the Dough Balls but bought the big Carp too. The summer I was 13 I was selling snappers, Painted turtles, Worms and Dough balls and fish and ended the summer earning over $500.00. I had a bank account and every Monday I would make a deposit. I would keep out what I wanted to spend and saved the rest. I was quite the business man for a couple years which was what helped me be able to buy a few shotguns for hunting and my Colt single action back then. I lost the old Gentleman as he passed away when I was 15 and I had lost a very good friend. I know this was kind of long but I thought some might find it amusing how a young person would work back then to make money verses what kids think is important today in their lives......
  9. Ok, I guess I must be one of the really old guys here cause back in the 50's they were actually looking at doing experiments at dropping a bomb in the eye to see if they could blow the eye apart and make it fall a part. Howard Hughes was willing to put the money in to it if the Federal Government was really going to try it. He also offered to supply the plane to drop the bomb. I was remembering hearing about that on the news back when I was youngster and I was wondering what ever came out of the idea because I never heard if they did it and failed or never tried it..........
  10. Well thats sure better than a sharp stick in the eye..................
  11. My guess is when the old guys retire your company is USCWAP just like most companies are right now. Trump is trying his best the bring jobs back on shore but I don't think he realizes that 85% of the Millennials don't want the type of jobs he is talking about bringing back. They don't want manual labor jobs. They want 9 to 5 jobs with full benefits that pay 6 figure salaries or they ain't going to work. They will continue to live in Mom and Dads basement on the free ride. I began working when I was 9 years old, getting out of bed at 3AM and meeting the milk truck driver at my driveway and I ran milk in glass bottles to the houses from the truck and got done about noon and made $2.50 a day. I wonder how many 9 year olds would be willing to do that today???
  12. Very interesting read and in many ways very enlightening. I have found like most that if you ask 5 different Veterans their view of what they experienced each one will be different yet very much the same in different words. If I know a person is a veteran that has just returned home I try and not ask them anything about what they feel about war but how are they doing back here at home and I am more curious as to whether they might want to offer things they might be looking for but cannot find. I will then go as far out of my way as necessary to try and find what they need without it being obvious that i am trying to help them. Like Red said, BE A FRIEND!! I don't thank them for their service any more because I would guess they have probably heard that so much they don't hear it any longer and would rather not be reminded of why people are thanking them...................JMHO
  13. Didn't an idiot do that with a book a while back and girlfriend was able to fix stupid?..............
  14. I know it would not be something you would think our Government would ever do but there was a lot of things that took place in Nam that we never talked about and in most cases were covered up. I only heard rumors about what really had taken place but I was hearing these rumors while still in country long before Mr Coppola made his movie. I don't know many or any of the details but just rumors. Because of my teams assignments in Recon and Intel we did get tiny bits and pieces of things going on but never bothered to follow up as it was not part of our job. It was a lot like the acts pertaining to Air America and what they actually were into. That was never really explained either but they did exist. That is why I have made it not a part of my memory as much as possible.............. JMHO
  15. Well, I am not seeing a swarm of people looking to get into any trade schools that would require punching a time clock and working with their hands and manual labor! My Son I Law is the Superintendent of one of the largest Commercial Fireproofing Company in the South east and he has been begging for help for over a year and his boss has given him a green light to hire what ever he needs and he has been forced to use Temp Services because he can't find anyone willing to work. He was able to hire 2 men off the Temp Service after they had filled their contract with the temp service. Since doing that the Temp Service says they don't have anyone capable of filling that type of labor. Those services get Po'ed when a company hires their temps full time. Right now they have 5 positions open and can't find help. I think one of the real problems is finding people that can pass a drug test. They have made appointments for drug tests for about 30 people in last month and not 1 showed up for tests. They are starting laborers at $15.00 and hour with time and a half over 40 and they are working an average of 60 hours a week so the men are making good money. $ 1050.00 a week for laborers is not bad money............JMHO
  16. I need to make a correction on my last post. I did watch one movie about Nam. It was called Apocalypse Now and I think most folks know about that movie and mission in the movie. It was based on a true story and I did not approve of our country sending in a assassin to kill one of our own Colonels but I was familiar with the actual operation. Colonel Kurtz was assassinated as an accused Traitor. The entire story about his true reason for his actions have never been completely released. The truth was also never released..........JMHO
  17. You have some very good points for sure. I have heard all my life I want better for you than I had so you need to go to college. I offered college to both of my sons which of course oldest died in a car crash but youngest son was working part time with me in Auto Repair business while finishing High School and Auto Mechanics was what he wanted to do in his future so I did pay for his education in Auto Tech School in Nashville and when he graduated I turned the business over to him as I could no longer work due to health. He is still in business today repairing cars. He was able to put both of his boys through a trade school and the oldest one is an owns an Electrical Contractor Business and his little brother works with him as general manager and his business is booming and he has 8 full time 10 person crews running wide open trying to keep up with demand with all of the construction going on in Tennessee. My Grandson was very smart in doing one thing for his business. He decided to get started he would subcontract his small operation to much bigger Electrical Contractors and that was how he got started 12 years ago. All the time he was subcontracting his services he was adding more and more employees and being able to do more jobs for the big guys. A year ago he became 1 of the big guys and the big contractors were actually recomended him to building contractors for jobs they could not get to. His father and I are very proud of the two boys. They have made big bucks and did not squander it all away like many young people do these days. They both built houses for them selves and they are paid off and now both have small families. Well I have gone on long enough. I try not to brag about my family to much but I am proud that I don't have any slackers in my son, grandsons or Son in Law..................
  18. Being stupid is not illegal................................ fixing stupid is............ I bet he even voted for Hillary...........JMHO
  19. I think you hit the nail on the head right there but I don't think it is as much Harvey as it is Mexico getting hit by a #2 Hurricane twice and then having the 8.1 earthquake and the country is in shambles at present and Mother Nature has stalled the birds at every location where food remains until it is safe to go. I went and bout 5 more pounds of Sugar yesterday as I was running very low. I'm a firm believer in Mother Nature taking care of her critters.................JMHO
  20. Well I had to dig out my last 3 feeders this morning and fill them and put them up. I have no idea where all the birds that are here have come from but I have way more birds than I have feeders for but I now have 11 up and have had to fill them every 2 days. I think I have about 5 birds for every feeder I have up or maybe more. So many I ca't keep track of them. I just know there are birds fighting around all 11 feeders and I mean at least 5 birds + at each one. I have not had this many birds since about 10 years ago. I thought with the last 4 nights going down into the low 40's they might migrate but they don't seem to be in a hurry to do that...................
  21. JMHO here but he sounds like someone that should not own a firearm if he can't figure out that problem..................
  22. Yep, it is amazing how many people do not know how to make good plans when told to evacuate with a storm coming in. Most people wait till last minute to do anything and that is what causes all of the back ups on Interstates. Many people running out of gas because they assume they will be able to get it after leaving the areas. If I lived within 500 Miles of south Florida and they mention a catagory 5 may hit Florida on Friday I'm packing up and leaving on Monday before. You can color me GONE!!!!! Glad you were able to get your family members and get out of there....
  23. I guess these guns listed about that cost big bucks have the same issue as the $59.00 Jennings or Jimminez have. I know they would go off about every time you dropped one of them. You could expect that from a gun costing $59.00 bucks but not for a gun costing in excess of $500.00+ dollars in most cases.................JMHO
  24. I am not sure why she is not comfortable with her Bersa Thunder for a nightstand gun since she can just about drive thumb tacks with it. B.T. spent numerous hours with her at the range and spent no telling how much money in ammo until she was totally safe with it and totally comfortable with it. I did load 5 back up magazines for her to keep in the night stand drawer for the Bersa. That was another thing BT worked on was reloading the gun when the action locked open on empty. I'm not going to mention a wheel gun to her again and see if she forgets about getting one and just keeps the Bersa. She also has that 380 Body Guard and uses same ammo......JMHO P.S. I went and looked at Wheel Guns on Buds and they sure are proud of them price wise!!!!
  25. Sounds like you don't have enough tension on A/C belt. I would look at that first and then I would check and be sure you have not put to much Freon in the system...............JMHO


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