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tmauto769 last won the day on April 1 2022

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About tmauto769

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  • Location
    Knoxville, TN
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Ceramic Tile Contractor


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  1. A buddy of mine had his individual form4 on a can come back in 8 days recently. The trusts are what are still taking the longest right now, it used to be the opposite.
  2. Bump for a price drop
  3. does anyone know why this forum flips the pictures upside down?
  4. good to hear. I just ordered one this morning. If it's as good as you and everyone else is saying I will be putting up my Magnetospeed V3 in the gear classifieds soon!
  5. I will take it. I will PM you my number in case you don't have it anymore.
  6. No thanks.
  7. I will take them. I will send you a message.
  8. Yes still available
  9. I sent you a message, I will take it if still available. Thanks.
  10. forgot about this, bump!!!
  11. Yeah, I got one, it broke. more precisely the adjustable shell holder deal on the bottom broke. There are better options out there for sure in a single stage press
  12. No thanks.


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