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    Knoxville, TN
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  1. QuackerSmacker That is exactly how I viewed the situation. The distention gets down to caring vs in the car. After a call to the Knox county sheriff, we were told no absolutely not. They said an 18 -21 year old may not have a handgun in the car.
  2. QuackerSmacker That is exactly how I viewed the situation. The distinction gets down to caring vs in the car. After a call to the Knox county sheriff, we were told no absolutely not.
  3. Thanks for all the feedback. I have a car with a gun safe and a neodymium magnet gun mount to the right of the steering wheel. When my son wants to use my car its completely unclear what the law is. As Magiccarpetrides stated its a discretion of the officer situation and winning in court is a battle no one should have to undertake financially. I was thinking of writing the TN attorney general for clarification. Sadly even if the AG said we were within the law an officer would likely still have no insight.
  4. Hello, I am aware that Tennessee has the castle doctrine extended to a person in legal possession of a vehicle. I am also aware a person over the age of 18 can possess a handgun but not purchase. I can not find a clear answer to: Can an 18-21 year old have loaded handgun in a vehicle they legally possess? or any references? Thanks


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