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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. [quote name='RevScottie' timestamp='1352840491' post='844981'] Seems a lot of folks are sitting around in Tin Foil Hats watching their worn out VHS tapes of Red Dawn. The real reason this treaty hasnt already been signed is that the US is a huge exporter of arms and even the Obama administration wasnt going to sign something that cut the monies made from it. [/quote] You really think Obama cares about small arms trade from the US to others? LOL All he and the anti-gun folks care about is disarming American citizens, period. They're just in the early planing stages of trying to figure out how to do it without causing a revolt from the gun owners that are willing to fight for their rights!
  2. JohnC

    Good scope?

    Leupold has Redfield on the links in their site, so if they make it, you have a good scope. Enjoy it! Link on bottom right side: http://www.leupold.com/ leads here: http://www.redfield.com/
  3. Welcome!
  4. [quote name='Steelharp' timestamp='1352664787' post='843860'] Do they have tin foil in those places? [/quote] I hope this is sarcasm because if it isn't.....
  5. [quote name='SonnyCrockett' timestamp='1352655314' post='843798'] Everytime I hear Obama speak about guns he says nothing about taking guns but on the contrary just the opposite , he is in favor of second amendment rights and has said repeatedly he is OK with guns That does not mean he is not doing any crazy stuff behind the scenes and is a total liar but thats what I have seen the man say . California is trying to make America be like itself,broke,liberal veggie burger eating potheads ,makes no scense [/quote] http://youtu.be/cBB1O1uLw1M
  6. They guy said it was a temp scope.
  7. [quote name='Sam1' timestamp='1352602980' post='843520'] Add Papa John's and Applebees to the list of letting people go. [/quote] Links? I'll place them on the front page.
  8. [quote name='C.lunn' timestamp='1352491635' post='842614'] That's not bc of obamacare. That store hasn't had a profitable year in awhile. [/quote] Yeah, but with Obamacare tax, etc., they know business was going to decrease, so no point in staying open in hopes.
  9. Another closure... Target in Hickory Hollow.... http://www.newschannel5.com/story/20049045/target-closing-its-hickory-hollow-store-in-early-2013
  10. [quote name='Sam1' timestamp='1352462005' post='842347'] I believe we're going to see a lot of businesses moved to Canada or Mexico, in addition to the ones downsizing. [/quote] Obama will probably figure out how to tax all their wealth away before they go. LOL
  11. [QUOTE]Layoff bomb detonates; Large corporations join small businesses in announcing mass cuts... 45 companies announce layoff's in the past 48 hours! This is what the people wanted! Earlier today, Twitchy related some heartbreaking stories of small business owners laying off workers to avoid the economic impact of the Obamacare tax that isn’t a tax. Comedian Jon Lovitz, a small business owner himself, was no barrel of laughs either as his timeline filled with stories of impending downsizing. So, what about those big corporations? Boeing’s defense division announced yesterday it would cut 30 percent of management staff, and the company was not alone, we’re learning. http://twitchy.com/2012/11/08/layoff-bomb-detonates-large-corporations-join-small-businesses-in-announcing-mass-cuts/[/QUOTE] I predict unemployment is going to rise because a lot of employers were holding on by a thread that Romney would win and help the jobs and economy situation. :yes Layoffs: http://www.9wsyr.com/news/local/story/Crouse-Hospital-announces-another-round-of-job/BuXTvRc4vE6kru9-jby1xQ.cspx http://biztimes.com/article/20121107/CHICAGOLANDNEWS/121109864 http://www.fiercepharma.com/story/bristol-myers-slash-480-sales-related-jobs-nj/2012-11-06 http://finance.yahoo.com/news/energizer-cut-more-10-percent-workforce-002153046--sector.html;_ylt=Aqx_8e6BV.hfExp5Emd818GiuYdG;_ylu=X3oDMTRwYjNzZWltBG1pdANGaW5hbmNlIEZQIFRvcCBTdG9yaWVzIG1peGVkIGxpc3QEcGtnAzk1YWM0NTVlLTYxODMtM2Q4My1hZjBhLTc3NzVjM2VkODkzZQRwb3MDMQRzZWMDTWVkaWFCTGlzdE1peGVkTFBDQVRlbXAEdmVyAzJiNDMyNTQwLTJhMDUtMTFlMi1iNWFmLTBiYmVkMjI2ODY3Ng--;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3 http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-07/vestas-to-cut-headcount-to-16-000-by-end-of-2013-from-22-721 http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-07/husqvarna-to-cut-600-jobs-as-garden-tools-maker-seeks-savings http://www.kwch.com/news/aviationwatch/kwch-kah-hawker-announces-more-layoffs-20121107,0,4377101.story http://www.dallasnews.com/business/technology/headlines/20121107-research-in-motion-cuts-jobs-at-u.s.-headquarters-in-irving.ece http://www.hartfordbusiness.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121105/NEWS01/121109930 http://www.wkyt.com/wymt/home/headlines/Company-lays-off-workers-in-Pikeville-177766221.html http://www.spacenews.com/article/rocketdyne-lays-off-100-ahead-of-aerojet-merger#.UJxQl7Tjvap http://www.kentucky.com/2012/11/07/2398967/brake-company-in-stanford-laying.html http://news.providencejournal.com/business/2012/11/providence-journal-lays-off-23-full-time-employees.html http://www.tylerstarnews.com/page/content.detail/id/508789/Momentive-Inc--plans-temporary-layoffs-for-150.html?nav=5008 http://pressrepublican.com/0100_news/x1499660097/CVPH-lays-off-17 http://www.annistonstar.com/view/full_story/20755025/article-More-layoffs-announced-at-Anniston-weapons-incinerator?instance=home_lead_story http://www.cnbc.com/id/49729998/ http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/restaurant-chain-considering-elimination-of-full-time-jobs-to-save-on-obamacare-costs/ http://www.marketwatch.com/story/boeing-cutting-30-of-executives-at-defense-unit-2012-11-07 http://lasvegas.cbslocal.com/2012/11/07/vegas-employer-obama-won-so-i-fired-22-employees/ http://www.foxbusiness.com/news/2012/10/24/as-earnings-disappoint-companies-announce-waves-layoffs/ http://www.klfy.com/story/20008363/united-blood-services-layoffs http://readingeagle.com/article.aspx?id=426179 http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/article/20121108/BUSINESS/121108022/-No-heading-?odyssey=nav%7Chead&nclick_check=1 http://www.kimatv.com/news/local/At-least-10-layoffs-coming-to-Yakima-Regional-Medical-Center-178003891.html Here are some of the business closings that were announced in just the past two days: http://www.kare11.com/news/article/997577/396/Caterpillar-to-close-Owatonna-plant-move-100-jobs http://www.journaltimes.com/news/local/mount-pleasant-sentry-foods-closing-in-january/article_f6505b48-29e4-11e2-ab4d-0019bb2963f4.html http://www2.insidenova.com/news/2012/nov/08/manassas-target-closing-feb-2-ar-2347309/ http://www.wral.com/parents-teachers-reeling-after-wake-forest-school-s-sudden-shutdown/11750555/ http://www.wftv.com/news/news/local/target-announces-it-will-close-store-kissimme/nSzmc/ http://www.bizjournals.com/triangle/news/2012/11/06/durham-kmart-closing-79-jobs-lost.html http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/ae/books/townsend-booksellers-to-close-after-21-years-a-pop-up-operation-settles-into-bloomfield-660944/ http://www.tennessean.com/article/20121106/BUSINESS/311060059/Bost-Harley-Davidson-dealership-closes http://www.westseattleherald.com/2012/11/07/news/meanders-west-seattle-location-closing-today-whit http://www.bizjournals.com/triad/news/2012/11/07/roses-store-in-winston-salem-closing.html http://www.kktv.com/news/headlines/Local-Target-Store-Closing-the-Doors-in-2012-177698941.html http://www.wdef.com/news/state/story/Glass-maker-AGC-closing-Kingsport-plant/yhdHALym7UCk6r0T-WKzsQ.cspx http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20121107/BUSINESS/311070008/Burlington-s-Fresh-Market-closed-after-35-years?odyssey=tab%7Ctopnews%7Ctext%7C&nclick_check=1 http://heraldnews.suntimes.com/business/16227175-420/homer-glen-kmart-to-close.html http://www.kansascity.com/2012/11/07/3905676/gomers-fried-chicken-closing-on.html http://myfox8.com/2012/11/08/report-te-connectivity-to-close-greensboro-plant-670-layoffs-expected/ http://amherst.patch.com/articles/movie-scene-to-close-milford-location http://mansfield.patch.com/articles/grand-union-to-close-its-storrs-location http://www.andovertownsman.com/local/x257825276/Andover-Gift-Shop-to-close-after-30-years http://journalstar.com/business/local/ruby-tuesday-lone-star-close-in-lincoln/article_e307799e-9cd1-5230-9c13-c959fc26e613.html http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20121108/business/711089725/ http://www.13wmaz.com/news/topstories/article/203303/175/Payne-Citys-Shamrock-Closing And folks, this isn't all of them... I just got tird of copying and pasting all this stuff!
  12. I don't trust the stock market anymore. It doesn't reflect reality and really seems like its run like a casino. That said.... I think business owners will start shutting down that are in industries Obama doesn't care about. Coal, Chemical, any fossil fuel energies in general, anything that the EPA regulates heavily, etc. Small businesses will be heavily taxed to fund all this government overspending and social programs. It'll make some not earn once they pay their bills and taxes. I've already read stories lie this happening. Some will close, some will temp shutdown, some will layoff, and some will close. It will get worse, folks.
  13. Anyone?
  14. So guys, I've decided to build my first AR. I'm wanting to build a tack driving 308. I need help with a parts list and any tools needed to do the job. Right now I'm searching for a lower receiver that accepts pmags. So far, I don't like the DPMS much, Larue doesn't sale stripped lowers anymore, and ArmaLite is only selling their new AR10 lowers that accept pmags as complete assembled rifles. So what other lowers are good that accept pmags?
  15. [quote name='East_TN_Patriot' timestamp='1352254542' post='840529'] I didn't even get a sticker. [/quote] Where I voted, they didn't hand them out. They had them sitting in a chair by the exit.
  16. It is scary watching these results live changing back and forth to Romney/Obama. http://www.google.com/elections/ed/us/results
  17. I posted my picture on FB, I get 1 like from my aunt. I posted my wife with the Colt AR on Colt's page and she has over 1,000 likes, bunches of shares, etc. LOL Do I need tits to win likes on FB? LOLzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!! Click recent photos by others: http://www.facebook.com/#!/ColtFirearms
  18. If you register, Nikon Cafe is a good forum to get ideas from. Here is the gun & knife thread over there: http://www.nikoncafe.com/vforums/showthread.php?t=296973 This one is mine, but it's a bit slow as it is still kind of new: http://photographyaficionados.com/forums
  19. [quote name='gjohnsoniv' timestamp='1352237906' post='840314'] My lord, are they giving out .50's if you vote!? [/quote] I wish!
  20. For real hope and change and to protect my 2nd amendment rights! Oh, and so did my wife! [IMG]http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/11/07/e3aserav.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/11/07/8yqanedy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/11/07/yjavadah.jpg[/IMG] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Background is distracting. Close as you can go and soften the background (either lens bokeh or blur tool in post processing).
  22. I'm in line to vote now. It's more crowded then the last couple times I've been up here! The line is wrapped around the gym. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. [quote name='Slpeod' timestamp='1352082363' post='839214'] It's cheaper at this point to give them an EBT card than to incarcerate them. [/quote] Food Stamp Budget / Cost in 2011 for United States - $71.8 Billion Dollars http://demonocracy.info/infographics/usa/food_stamps/food_stamp_nation-SNAP.html http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443847404577631580385950886.html
  24. I already said this on another forum... Just like the Black Panthers talk a lot of #### about killing white crackers and cracker babies, I think these are just a bunch of ####-talkers feeling big behind a keyboard that'll never act out on their hate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p50qHzC01E0 Highly doubt they go out and do anything if Obama loses. That said, If there is a food shortage or financial collapse, then it'll be time to get worried. But not for some spineless folks behind a pc on twitter.
  25. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1351977430' post='838480'] If a gun will handle 308 it will definitely handle 7.62x51. 308 has much higher pressures than 7.62x51. Think of it as 223/5.56 in reverse. Dolomite [/quote] Ahh... Got it! I was thinking it was like the 223/5.56 situation. Thanks.


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