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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Disengaging from the fight ensures victory for the other side. It takes more than voting to win. You have to be engaged in the fight on the ground, teaching the youth, and sharing your knowledge and opinions, etc. The left loves the fight. They love their small progressive victories and they're starting to see the collective fruits of those victories. Find a part of the fight you enjoy and go for it. But the only way we win against such a well organized and funded left-wing is if we also fight collectively. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro v2.2
  2. As long as we stay fragmented and the left stays so well organized as they come together on any issues they agree with, we will continue to fail and they will continue to win and move our country farther left.   The progressive/RINO republicans aren't helping us either.
  3. He shouldn't have pulled the gun. He should have took those little sissy girl punches like a man and called the cops and had the attacker arrested on domestic assault charges.   There was no deadly force with those girl punches. He definitely isn't MMA fighter or something.   I think they're going to make an example out of this clown.   As for the camera wilding woman, I think she was wanting to rev this guy up and catch something on video to screw him over with since they were having issues between child custody or whatever. What she got instead was a bullet in the lung by her new lover on accident. A clear case of if you go looking for trouble, you're going to eventually find it.   Just my :2cents:
  4. CTD went a bit overboard during the craze. I'm going to support those shops who didn't take advantage of folks first before a shop with the opportunists. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro v2.2
  5. JohnC

    New Ruger SR-762

    Doesn't look like it functioned too well after getting muddied up. I don't do that to my guns either. And I don't know if other gun brands do better or 100% in those conditions, but if I was a navy seal or special ops, I'd be a bit concerned. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro v2.2
  6. Awesome! Congrats to you both! :up: I remember passing by that Toyota many times seeing the results of some of your hunts in the back. That and the turkey beards. Coolest neighbors ever! :lol:   Bet you never thought you lived next to a gun nut, especially one with a 50 BMG and all. We still need to meet up one day so you and your friend can shoot the 50. :cheers:
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YvVpkEutlCw
  8. I already concluded with the help of everyone here, that it is legal, but is against TBR policy and you could be disciplined or expelled for a gun in your car. Just posted the pdf for future reference if folks need to know and search for it. :up: http://concealedcampus.org/
  9. Found the TN Board of Regents gun policy here: http://www.etsu.edu/humanres/documents/FirearmsOnCampus.pdf
  10. I share your thoughts and concerns for sure. It worries me deeply. but with the one who flipped on the constitutionality of the ACA, I'm far too afraid to take any 2A rights battles up there.
  11. I try to explain we got commies and socialists in our Govt, but most people don't believe even when they see the proof. It's crazy! VIDEO SHOWS REP. RECEIVING AWARD FROM COMMUNIST MEDIA ARM   He even states "we called ourselves progressives" which is a blanket code name for socialists and communists in America. lol Takes a minute for the part where he is receiving the communist party usa award: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36Ncey79sHM And then this slip-up! :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0BdKkEKTrs But it's all lies and right-wing conspiracy theories, right? :up: http://www.dsausa.org/ http://www.cpusa.org/ to name a few.... :up: if you want to look up people, orgs, etc., check out these links: http://keywiki.org/index.php/Main_Page http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individual.asp http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/group.asp
  12. Sportsmen Make Donation in Effort to Repeal NY Safe Act http://www.mytwintiers.com/story/sportsmen-make-donation-in-effort-to-repeal-ny-safe-act/d/story/pXwJg4eaX0yS3a7qPMeQvw
  13. I've said this before, but you should never fight a battle over rights, especially 2A rights, when the anti-constitutionalists (your enemies of freedom and rights) are in power. We have one SCOTUS justice who showed us that being labeled a conservative does not guarantee he or she will automatically rule on the side of the peoples rights and the constitution via the ACA. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro v2.2
  14. Cali and it's citizens never cease to amaze me. How easily people can be indoctrinated and propagandized in to being left-wing useful idiots that give up all their freedom and money to the mighty govt.
  15. DTA 50 BMG next? I'd like to have the 338 Lapua and the 50 BMG. Would like a 50 BMG I can shoulder fire since my AR50-A1 is way too heavy on the muzzle side to hold for long (45lb rifle).
  16. Let's do it! Where do we begin? :up:
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC9LFLpHmeE
  18. DTA 50 BMG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvhyQHD_r5c&feature=player_detailpage
  19. Barrel is not long/big enough to be a 50 cal. And that is a Desert Tactical Arms rifle. http://www.deserttacticalarms.com/guns/dta-srs-covert-sniper-rifle-chassis.html
  20. Thanks for the extra detail, tanker. :up: Will look in to this more when I get time.
  21. I'm just very cautious and thorough. I don't want to be the test dummy for any vaguely written law that can be misinterpreted by myself or the law enforcement out there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro v2.2
  22. What all does that EO effect? Does it effect AK47's? I never got time to read and figure out what all weapons that it blocks from importation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro v2.2
  23. This president need to be impeached and his EO's need to be reversed!
  24. Got a reply from Chip and he agrees with what some of you said:  
  25. I lived across from campus for years. I know the crime. Seen a lot of BS myself. Part of why I was trying to figure out this parking lot law.


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