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About GuitaRx

  • Birthday 08/31/1956

Profile Information

  • Location
    Manchester TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Guitar, Shooting, Plinking, Reloading
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Ruger EC9S

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  1. Welcome fellow Middle Tennessean!
  2. as expected, no help from Midway, removed the barrel today, tried to call Satern but they are obviously closed on weekends. Hopefully they will call me back and I can get this resolved somehow... I'm a bit dissappointed. :-(
  3. Just got around to firing the Grendel with the AR Stoner barrel... Chamber is very very tight.. awaiting word from Midway right now.. not expecting much help from them since it's been 2 years since I bought the barrel.   UGH..
  4. that's my thoughts.. free enterprise. if they are stupid enough to do it.. it's supposed to be a free country.. at least that's what I've heard! :-)
  5. I was in the local WM with my son yesterday so I walked through the sporting good section. I was looking in the case and checking the stock and the clerk started up a conversation with me. She was very nice and we started talking about the hoarding situation. she told me there were regulars there every time she set out the new stock and that she made sure she took her time getting it out, making them wait as long as possible... I just laughed and and said, "good for you" and went on my merry way.
  6. RIP Russell Johnson, we grew up laughing at you guys! All we have left is Mary Ann and Ginger now.  
  7. thanks, it's the 18" AR Stoner barrel.
  8. Take care of yourself! Sent from my iPhone using [URL=http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1]Tapatalk[/URL]
  9. will post a pic of mine as soon as I get the brake on it Monday! Thanks Mike G. for the effort he put forth on it! It is a perty thing! :pleased:


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