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Everything posted by phil1979

  1. Lots of good points made by folks wanting to keep things as they are. There are a couple of drawbacks as well: 1. When a law is changed to further your rights, it may be prone to being ignored by local authorities, as they are now used to ignoring the law. 2. "Concealed means concealed" is fine until it becomes exposed by the wind blowing your outer shirt, or if you reach or bend. Now you are looked at as a "lawbreaker", put on the ground perhaps roughly, cuffed and stuffed in a patrol car, taken to jail and probed all over. There are pros and cons to everything I suppose. But weighed in the balance it's probably best that local authorities recognize state law, especially when that law is in your favor.
  2. I did go before the new laws were enacted, and would like to go again. When I went, they did not use metal detectors. The reason for my inquiry was to see if they are now in compliance with the laws passed since my last visit, to see if they are in compliance, as I would like to go again. I have learned here that they are not. They should be made to come into compliance. Do you agree?
  3. There is no children gathering clause. It is a school event clause such as a field trip. And you're right, that should be eliminated. Does a small field trip on one side of a 100-acre park make the entire place off limits? That does not jive with the standard set forth in the U.S. Supreme Court Bruen decision.
  4. According to Tennessee law (if I understand correctly), is that private entities leasing publicly owned recreational property cannot ban guns unless they use metal detectors. There were two bills that brought this together. One was the Guns In Parks law (sorry, I do not have the bill info), and then right after that was the bill passed to allow banning of guns on public recreational property by private entities who control it for an event or as a tenant, but only when using metal detectors. The Zoo is on public park property. The Zoo itself is "recreational" property. Without metal detectors they are violating the law by banning weapons. The current laws on this do not permit them to sidestep by posting signs, as they are mistaken about that. This was all in the news some years back, so I am shocked that violations of state law are still occurring after all this time. Is there no appetite to hold them accountable? Or do you just conceal and take your chances? I did visit the Zoo before these two laws were enacted. The reason they were enacted was to prevent these entities from violating our rights on public property as they continue to do today. I would like to visit again and not worry if my shirt blows open. I had been a paying member of TFA in the past, but my membership is probably expired. Are there any members here who are still active in the org? If so, what is the plan going forward to address this violation as well as the others that probably exist?
  5. So, didn't the Guns in Parks law a few years ago take care of this? They can legally ban weapons only if they have metal detector screening. Do they? If not, what is being done to get them into compliance with the law? https://www.memphiszoo.org/help-rules "The Memphis Zoo prohibits firearms and weapons of any kind from being on-premises. AS AUTHORIZED BY T.C.A. § 39-17-1359, POSSESSION OF A WEAPON ON POSTED PROPERTY OR IN A POSTED BUILDING IS PROHIBITED AND IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE."
  6. When I click on the forum, nothing is in it - no threads. But I can use google to find threads and then read them. There is no option to reply or start a new thread.
  7. Anyone lately carry openly at places made legal by the new parks law? Specifically, those publicly owned places that still believe they can ban guns? It may be getting to be about time to start showing them they cannot defy state law. Finally, is the Memphis Zoo posted?
  8. http://www.ascendamphitheater.com/policies   Ascend Amphitheater is located inside Riverfront Park, a public park. By what authority do they believe they can ban firearms and knives that are under state preemption?   These arrogant city officials that thumb their noses at state law sicken me.   Is there any movement toward strengthening state preemption to include civil fines for officials who violate state law?   How do you believe the lawmakers are going to address the issue this year?
  9. So what are the burning issues you want addressed by the General Assembly in Tennessee?   For example, are you pushing for public school carry - K12 through college? If not, why not?
  10. Most will ignore the sign because they won't know what the word means. Sorry, but it's the truth.
  11. I mean no harm and no offense to those of you who fight hard for your rights in Tennessee. I applaud you for what you have done and give you two thumbs up. I am truly proud of you my Southern brethren!   I would never ever do anything that I believe would be harmful to the cause, as I would be affected as well. I love Tennessee and visit as much as I can. I also thoroughly enjoy exercising my 2nd Amendment Rights.   For years I carried my pistol concealed only. Even though it was comfortable in one sense, being the somewhat shy person I am, in another sense it did not feel quite right. Why should I be sneaky and have to hide my rights, was my personal feeling on this. For those who desire to only conceal, more power to you, I'm glad you carry in the manner of your choice. There are pluses and minuses for both ways of carry, I suppose, so carry on as you wish.   Now that I open carry in public, it feels like true freedom to me, and I enjoy the knowledge that it deters crime, in my opinion. So if I attend a public zoo or any other public place that is ok under state law to carry at, it will be as an open carrier of a holstered pistol. No rifles and no orange paint, LOL. Though I suppose rifle carry is appropriate in some places, but I will not attempt to judge those situations.   Public places violating state preemption is a sore spot for me, as I have dealt with it much here in my own state. Should one of you desire to open carry at a public building here that is not off limits, I wouldn't want you to be hassled, ejected, or denied entrance. You would have as much skin in the game as I do, since all states should honor our rights and we should have the enjoyment of traveling back and forth from each other's states.   I was able to convince Zoo Atlanta via email that their weapons policy post Georgia's HB 60 was not compliant with state law. They finally emailed me that they changed their policy, and I have openly carried there a few times now. I was only questioned by their security the week before Halloween and gladly showed my weapons license even though I did not have to, and was friendly and polite with them. I then carried on and enjoyed the rest of my visit there.   I openly carried at the Chattanooga Zoo Halloween evening with no issues.   "Poking the bear" is sometimes needed when local government officials refuse to follow state law. These public officials are often entrenched in their positions and if a little email pressure is too much for them to bear, well just follow state law then! To me, it's that simple.   So far none of my work in Georgia (actually, the bulk of the work is done by the good folks with Georgia Carry of which I am a member) has caused us to lose any of our gained ground. But gained ground that is not recognized is hardly victory being enjoyed. We fight to get laws passed, and we fight to get them obeyed. State preemption is something I take seriously, and because of the fight we have gotten illegal signs removed and local ordinances repealed.   Should I have the pleasure of visiting the Memphis Zoo, should I change my customary manner of carry just because I might offend officials who no longer have the authority to regulate the carrying of firearms? The people in general certainly don't mind me open carrying. Not a soul in Chattanooga minded that I know of, and Chattanooga was one of those cities that had their firearms ban grandfathered in, and it was in effect for years.   Surely, the Tennessee Legislature knew that open carry would be practiced by some carriers when the "Guns in Parks" bill was being debated, but it passed, so it must be ok with them. Are they then going to repeal it just because a Georgia boy sends an email to the Memphis Zoo and maybe open carries there soon? Are things that precarious there? Goodness gravy, I hope not!
  12. Here's some recent email correspondence I had with them:     Oct. 28th From: Memphis Zoo <MZoo@memphiszoo.org> Thank you for your email.  We will take it into consideration. ________________________________________ From: P. Evans Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 11:22 PM To: Memphis Zoo Subject: Weapons Policy - Memphis Zoo Dear Memphis Zoo Officials, As you may know, Tennessee state law regarding firearms carry has recently changed. Local governments and officials may no longer prohibit the carrying of firearms by licensed persons in and on public property used for recreation, including buildings on such property. You current weapons policy is therefore without the force of law. Should someone's rights under state law be violated while carrying a firearm on public property, they would have the right to sue all parties involved and recover damages and attorney fees. In light of this, you may wish to revise your weapons policy to come into conformity with state law. Best regards, Phillip Evans
  13. Of course, they now have to follow state law, but they have not yet modified their website.   From http://www.memphiszo...g/planyourvisit :   ZOO RULES Persons ages 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult age 21 or older. The Zoo does not allow balloons, glass containers, alcohol, weapons, bicycles, rollerblades, skates or the popular roller shoes, Heelys, on its property. Coolers and children's wagons are welcome. Appropriate dress for a family-friendly institution is required. Attire not permitted includes, but is not limited to, visible underwear and clothing that promotes or displays profanity, violence, drugs or alcohol or criminal activity. Profane language, fighting, or any acts of violence are strictly prohibited. To protect the health and safety of our animals and visitors, the Memphis Zoo is a smoke-free facility. Pets are not allowed inside the Zoo. Please make arrangements to board your animal before visiting. NOTE: Special accommodations will be made for certified service animals. Please call 901.333.6500 or e-mail zooinfo@memphiszoo.org for more information.  
  14. Thanks monkeylizard!
  15. I know carry in state parks is legal if licensed, but do TN state park offices or visitor centers have the legal authority to prohibit firearms with a gun-buster sign?   I was just wondering if there were any exceptions to carry if a building houses armed park officers.   If legal, has anyone openly carried in a state park office? I have in GA several times with no issues.
  16. Here's a better link that lets you read the entire article without having to subscribe: http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2015/oct/08/loudon-tenn-resident-sues-knoxville-gun-bfair/329329/    
  17. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/politiknox/guns-are-allowed-at-worlds-fair-park-city-spokesman-says_57468735   Liston Matthews brilliantly calls out Mayor Rogero's silly park word games in this article where Knoxville says guns are ok to carry at the World's Fair Park, but not at Chilhowee Park.
  18. I really like Rep. Eddie Smith's questions to the AG! Especially regarding whether public funds would be spent to defend the city in a case where the city violated state law. Let the city officials pay from their own pockets!
  19. http://www.wsmv.com/story/30030010/woman-shot-in-hand-in-dog-park   https://www.facebook.com/MomsDemandActionTNNashville   "Guns in Parks-Thanks TN General Assembly"   Well, the Mad Momz are at it again. Chances are the bullet probably came from a non-licensed gang-banging fool, and maybe even from outside the park. But blaming the legislature and licensed carriers regardless of the lack of any logical association with criminal activity is their game and they are going to play it.
  20. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/local-news/sen-briggs-says-guns-should-be-allowed-at-tennessee-valley-fair_67244824   Kudos to Senator Richard Briggs! He will discuss with other legislators what can be done to help enforce the law.   I know, I know! (raising hand) - add FINES for government officials' pockets for violating state preemption, such as Florida has done.
  21. If a licensed open carrier refused to leave, but was polite in his assertion of his rights, would the TFA back him up if he falsely received a trespassing charge?   I'm so glad we have GCO here in Georgia. They are suing on my behalf in two lawsuits even though I was not arrested.
  22. Haslam loves the 2nd Amendment. He just wants it "clarified". :rolling eyes:
  23. Well, Nashville is special. :LOL:  
  24. Just now tried to send this email to addresses I thought might reach Attorney General Slatery, but none went through, so I'll post it as an open letter to him here:   Dear Tennessee Attorney General Slatery,   Lately, local government officials have been making a mockery of your recent opinion regarding the new "Guns in Parks" law. Doesn't that upset you?They are even going so far as to say that a park is not a park, like Knoxville Mayor Rogero. Shockingly, even Gov. Haslam is agreeing with her foolishness.   If you want to have any political hope to run as governor someday, you've got to stand up to this foolishness and put a stop it with strong words.   Tennesseans are sick of nambly-pambly leadership. They want a real leader who stands behind state law and freedom for the people. I hope you take action, and soon.   Thanks and best regards,   Phillip Evans
  25. A $500 fine from any government official's personal pocket funds per violation of one's carry rights seems reasonable to me. That would put an immediate stop to this arrogant foolishness from local politicians.   Isn't the AG upset enough about this to come out and tell them to stop it? He knows they are laughing at him behind his back. They are not keeping it a secret that they think his opinion on the "Guns in Parks" law is stupid.


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