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Everything posted by tnguy

  1.   Eleven in Kentucky.
  2.   If true, that could be a direct attempt to provoke Obama's thin-red-line. Yet another reason to stay out of things that don't concern us directly.   He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
  3. You didn't just flash him a CCW badge? ;)
  4. I have to wonder how 14-year-old Cathy's right leg was in the air...
  5. I believe "negligent" is the word TankerHC is hinting at.
  6. Not officially anyway.
  7.   I won't be messing up the finish after if I get one of these but that's fine. :)
  8.   Zzzz...    Sorry, I fell asleep ;)   I rarely drive in the city. When I do, typically speed is somewhat constrained by other traffic anyway. I try not to swerve or barge in and generally try to maintain lane discipline and be considerate of others.   Not everywhere is city though :)
  9. That would cost them money. They probably paid $3 for your debt so if they can get you to pay it easily, that's a win for them.
  10.   It's not like each lower suddenly has to be hand-made from scratch. Like you say, it's an entry in the software. It could be as simple as typing an entry in a field and hitting "go" or it could be more complicated. With an operation of that scale, it's not like some manual attention won't be required anyway.   Either way, it wouldn't hurt to ask.
  11. I haveta say, we're told how dangerous it is for cops working the side of the road which, having been there myself, it is, somewhat. Yet still they're out there chasing down quite trivial cases of speeding. Personally, I think not actually endangering anyone should be a reasonable defense to speeding.
  12. Well, when I play that kind of game, it often seems like it's less a game, more a movie where you waggle your thumbs around.
  13. I don't think this makes a comparison to the M/Z case really. These guys were arrested pretty promptly. The fuss about Zimmerman was that he wasn't arrested (rightfully so as far as I can see).
  14. A radar detector is good to get to learn where the cops hang out. It's also a good notification to check your speed. At least two or three tickets I have had have been for traveling faster than my intended speed. Besides speeding, it can also be a good hint not to perform safe but ticketable maneuvers if it goes off.
  15.   Do the in-person class. I was in and out in 20 minutes at one. The online class was a 4-hour snoozefest with no way to speed it up.
  16. I have to admit, I'm terrible on computer games for charging into situations with one round left in the magazine.   Then again, in computer games, you tend to be encouraged to spam-reload since if you always refill from some nebulous glob of ammo. Do that in real life and you'd either be dropping ammo or carrying around magazines in random states of fullness.
  17.   Does it melt in the rain? :)
  18. I'd tell them that for the price of a stamp and a piece of paper, they can get their $200 or they can sell it on to the next collection agency for pennies.   Then again, I'm not looking to get a mortgage.
  19.   It would depend on the software. I'd think it could push it up a little but, theoretically, it wouldn't need to be much.
  20. Should see if we could get them to put screen names next to the TGO logo (optional for those that may not want that).
  21. I'm sure it's more about them not wanting to have to pay for an employee to man the sporting desk after 10pm. That time of night, they want their employees stocking or up-front.
  22. Interested.
  23.   The update thing annoys the crap out of me. But there's no reason such updates couldn't be done in the background *if* there is an internet connection available already.
  24.   If you can get hold of the right off-the-shelf drives, you can flash the firmware and use them in the X-Box. I got lucky and happened to have a correct drive just lying around (WD Blue)
  25.   True. And if someone isn't doing their job, they should be held to account by their superiors. I just think we all need to exercise our own minds on matters rather than automatically bow to "authority". Of course, one could still make the pragmatic decision to enforce an unconstitutional law.   But that's really outside the scope of this thread given the new information.


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