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Everything posted by tnguy

  1.   Did they have a surplus?   Oh wait, Noah, right?
  2. Haven't seen a commercial in TWD since I went around the MIL's house to watch the last season finale realtime :)
  3.   Weird. Never heard of that. Looks like an effort to tempt people from cable cutting.
  4. You need to consider whether those two shows are really worth that much to you. When we cut ours, there were also only two shows that really were "must see"s and when we laid it on the line, it just wasn't worth it. It's not like you never get to see them either, you might just have to wait for a bit (or visit a friend).   Heck, there are already sports bars. Maybe they should branch out a little. Catch some GoT in an Irish pub or something.
  5.   Their adaption has been to add caps. If you watch enough online, you will run up your bandwidth and pay them anyway.   Someone needs to come in and kick their ass. Unfortunately, it's a regulated market and their boss golfs with Obama so good luck with that.   Edit: forgot Google for a second. Won't be doing me much good for a while though.
  6. Sshh. You don't want to make that kind of score public. Before you know it, you'll be getting all kinds of begging letters and people camping out in your front yard.
  7. The property thing is a bit of a red herring anyway. It is about the relationship between the employer and employee. It doesn't matter if it's the company lot or the lot next door, if an employer demands to search your car for firearms and you say no, should they have the right to discontinue your employment.   That's what it comes down to in my eyes.   Now, between a property owner and individuals (such as customers), that's another issue. The most a property owner can do is ask someone to leave.   I have to agree that the penalty for walking past a gunbuster armed needs to be fixed.
  8.   Won't somebody think of the children?
  9. As has the dollar. Mt Gox was an obvious exception but in large part, many of the others (Like the Trendon Shavers thing) were scams that you only had to have your eyes open to avoid them.   If you have bitcoins and you store them properly, it's next to impossible for someone to take them from you.
  10. We'll see.
  11. Sure. But we can play that "nothing more than" game for a lot of stuff. Even gold is nothing more than a shiny mineral dug from the ground whose market value far exceeds that suggested by its practical uses.
  12.   If you hold Bitcoins, the way to move the price up is to put dollars in. Which means you now have more bitcoins. Would seem like an odd way to get rid of bitcoins.   What does appear to have been happening recently is manipulators have got into the market, deliberately moving the market to cause others to buy/sell then making money off of the momentum that causes. This means it's currently hard to tell what the true price should be and whether it's a good time to invest or get out. Personally, I think somewhere around 100 is probably fair at this stage of development but if it's successful, it should go much higher. If it fails, it will go to 0 of course.    Also something to be borne in mind is that with the rise in price, the makeup of the miners changed. Before, many were mining and keeping the mined bitcoins for themselves. With the rise in price, commercial interests got involved and more of the mined coins were sold directly for dollars. This has an effect on depressing the price. With the fall in price, many of these miners are seeing their profits squashed. There is an equilibrium to be found and we're a ways from that yet.
  13.   Scammers gonna scam. 
  14.   Good when the dollar is backed by something and they're not inflating things shamelessly (shadowstats puts the real value of inflation somewhere around 10% currently)   You'd probably be better off doing this with PMs but they're a bit inflated at the moment as well.   Just wait until BRIC drop the dollar completely. It will really hit the fan then.
  15.   Currently hanging out around the 220s which as mentioned earlier, is quite far down from the all-time-high but still pretty impressive compared to two years ago. There has been some fairly decent good news recently so it's far from dead.
  16. Gotta agree with btq96r. Orgs need to stay on target and focused. I face-palmed when I started to see tea party ads about abortion and 2A rights. We need to stop this partisan bull####. It's how they divide us and keep us down.   If there is something specific in the ACA wrt 2A, sure, target and address that. I'd rather the whole thing was gone of course but that's not the remit of an organization founded to protect gun rights. I know it's tempting and I know there's an inclination to think everyone in your organization thinks like you but they don't. You just end up alienating those who would otherwise be on your side. 
  17. Yep. When I first got into it, I did a little mining on my graphics card but it's been serious business for a couple of years now.
  18. It's time we brought an end to the content provider controlling the last mile. AT&T is required to allow other companies access to their phone lines. For several years, I had my DSL provided by Bill Butler, later bought out by Nexus. Unfortunately, DSL ended up being inadequate for my needs or I would have stayed with them but governments need to be better managing these monopolies of their own creation and allowing/forcing access to the last mile. (I am not a fan of internet being provided by municipal governments) Of course, as previously mentioned...
  19.   That's interesting to know. I knew they had trial-ballooned it somewhere but I figured the Nashville thing was part of a bigger roll-out. That actually makes it even more annoying. (Edit: Looks like that was correct)   I did originally consider going with the business class. Mostly because I run my own mail server. It was looking like I would have to pay $10/month for port 25 redirection otherwise but I found easydns offered something similar for something like $20/year. My current plan is 49.99/month and I think the business class was 69.99/month.   So for now, the economic option is to stay with the regular plan. It seems we don't hit the cap every month so it's going to be an annoyance more than anything.   Hopefully with Google coming in, they'll realize it's a way to lose customers really quickly so will drop the caps. Hopefully everywhere in the area and not just where the fiber is put in though.
  20. They are unlikely to eliminate the competition as the competition is providing money for old rope already. There will always be a market for a lower cost, if slower internet over the infrastructure that's already in place and bought and paid for. Sounds like a breakfast cereal
  21.   Netflix recently paid Comcast to allow their traffic better speeds. That was an unfortunate battle lost.   A big issue I have with Comcast right now is the caps they are introducing (my area got it last year). This is set at 300GB no matter what speed plan you have. I have one of the lower speed plans and I already bounced off this limit a few times. What's the point of higher speed if you're still going to end up with surcharges anyway.   Higher speed is nto such a big deal in any case. An hour of streaming video will take about 750M over an hour and on my connection, you can download 300M in about 10 minutes so I'm not sure I'd see the benefit of Gigabit. OTOH, HD and then 4K is coming. Though see how far you get with a 300GB cap then.   In short, we need some competition in this space urgently.
  22. The writing is on the wall. Monopoly players like Comcast, Verizon and AT&T will be doing their best to use their positions to damage the business activities of online companies like Netflix, Amazon and Google. This is a preemptive move by Google to protect themselves. Like Android was against iphone.   Unfortunately, this won't be available where I am but it's good news all-in-all.
  23.   Heck no. They need to send the clear message: "We're not going to go bursting into peoples houses on questionable anonymous tips."   And then catch em and send them to jail for a long time.  
  24.   Man, good for you. I tried that but got told vacation was a status thing. I'd jump ship in a minute for another two weeks even if it involved a significant pay cut (I actually tried to get them to effectively make it unpaid vacation). I suspect if you already have it, it's easier to get it again.   One thing that helps is that we moved to PTO which, since I rarely get sick, means extra days. I also managed to wrangle a work-from-home day which really breaks up the monotony of the commute.


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