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Everything posted by tnguy

  1.   And in truth, what's learned is probably about 30 minutes of video or 15 minutes of reading a well-written list. The government just seems to like making many things as awkward as humanely possible, just because.
  2. tnguy

    New Build

    Barter for some honey? :)
  3. tnguy

    Bent Glock

    This will likely be because of the way the phone samples the image. Probably from left-to-right so the gun moves in the meantime (it's certainly not bending that much).   You will not catch the bullet. It will not be in frame long enough for enough photons to strike the lens. I started looking into bullet photography a while back and have about 50% of the parts to put a rig together. Short burst, high intensity light and strict timing are necessary and even then, it's hard to get some of the higher velocity rounds clear with consumer equipment.
  4. No smoke alarm?
  5.     Oh noez, zombie thread.   Uh, anyway. This came up because I was searching about Dickson's code. I was told by the officer running the hunting permit class that even slingshots were technically not legal to use within city limits. And so it proves. Interestingly, Dickson's wording on air rifles is almost word for word identical to Parsons'. However, the weapons and firearms has an exception for hunting (with some caveats regarding safety). So interestingly, if I want to get rid of a pesky squirrel, if I take an air rifle to it, I'm breaking the law but if I break out the heavy artillery, that's fine.   http://www.mtas.tennessee.edu/public/municodesweb.nsf/0/1812090454C50DF78525677E0052C42B/$FILE/DICKSON.t-11.pdf   Politicians.... SMH   He did mention that they've only had a couple of prosecutions on it and one of those was someone who'd been warned several times and had ended up damaging somebody else's property.
  6.   Freebird!     I would not assume that myself but...
  7. Having been in Walmart recently, I can say you're 50% correct.
  8. Dunno what to say. All I've spent on mine is a set of glow plugs, a timing belt change and the usual regular maintenance. It is a car engine though but maybe some engines are just better than others. Diesels are popular in Europe so they must have something going for them.
  9. I don't have much issue with unrelated tables since they help the promoter keep running but they should be kept to one end of the room and if a genuine gun-related table wants to come in, unrelated tables should get bumped. Unrelated tables should also not be counted in the table count for advertising purposes.   I also don't count the refreshments as unrelated tables but more as part of the facilities. Damned if I'll spend a penny for their overpriced junk if I can possibly help it though.
  10. Well, what permitless car carry does give you is the option to be closer to your weapon. If something goes down at work or at a ball game, it's marginally better than not having anything at all.   My suspicion though is that is mostly a "throw them a bone" proposition. "Hey, you didn't get X, Y and Z that would actually be useful but you do get this kewpie doll consolation prize"
  11. To be fair to jh25, I think he is more talking about people who do not have a permit carrying in cars. I see his point that a gun *only* allowed in a car will not often be useful but there are always times when it could be and even if not, I don't agree with the conclusion that it shouldn't be allowed. Though I'm all for permitless carry anyway.
  12.   Some people get complete vehicle-halves shipped over from Europe :)   I'm tempted to go diesel on the wife's cr-v (not too seriously though)
  13. I try to always go private. Why pay a middleman. Unfortunately, private sales are less of a thing here so I think most of the last few have been from a dealer.
  14.   Personally, my favorite is only filling up once a week instead of twice. Or making the shot to Pensacola in one go.   What people don't realise about diesel now being more expensive than gas per gallon is that the savings are relative. As prices rise, gassers and dieselers both pay more but the dieseler can still be saving about the same net.   Of course, there's starting to be a few more gassers with good mpg these days.
  15. More like chupacabra or sasquatch
  16. Those were the last I found at WM I believe and there was a three box limit so I maxxed out. Kinda wish I had done so when I lucked in on the 555s and only took the one box and left the rest for others (I hope it was genuine people who got them)
  17. WRT the lower prices, ideally the vendor is going to a place where there would be a lot of potential customers but also some competition. Under those circumstances, you would expect lower prices. Less margin, more volume. If the vendors aren't going to lower their prices, people aren't going to buy and you aren't going to see any advantage from being at the show and you get a vicious spiral. They're supposed to be there to sell, so sell. Don't just hope the gullible will buy.
  18.   Maybe make the entry fee a $10 (assuming it is $10) off voucher for any vendor. That way you still make money off the lookey-pokeys, the vendors get the bonus that it encourages visitors to make purchasers and the visitors are more likely to come if they think they might effectively get in for free. That's win-win-win.   Dang. I should have read down to Dustbusters post. Great minds...   Oh, another point. Along the lines of worthwhile vendors, wander around the floor during the show, pick the best vendors and next time around, five them the prime spots.
  19. Hot chicks with fake boobs in tight t-shirts.   In fact, forget the guns.         (Kidding. I hate attempts to manipulate me that way).
  20. I need to find some new stuffs. I used to be mostly metal (especially NWOBHM) but just finding it hard to get into most of the new stuff. Occasionally I'll catch a track I like but the rest of a band's output will just not match up.
  21. As mentioned above "Reasonable fear for your life" is the operable phrase though I believe there are other defenses such as to stop kidnap and rape and murder of others (possibly more?)
  22. So I got to thinking maybe we need a sign of our own and then I got an itch to scratch and so I scratched it. Thoughts? Free for use for (if) anyone who wants it
  23. I see the financing both ways. On the one hand they get paid for setting up the financing but on the other, that means they'll feel like they have more leverage on upping the price because  some people need the financing to buy the vehicle and also, it's only signing a piece of paper, not like it's real dollars and they know that has a psychological effect.   It all depends on your negotiating skills and how good you are at haggling. Myself, I prefer to decide a price and offer it and walk away if I don't get within where I'm willing to go (which may be higher than my offer or not). You'd be surprised how often you get called back once people are looking at your coat-tails leave the building.   I'd imagine that a successful tactic might be to offer cash then when you reach a deal tell them you'll take the financing if they bring it down some more.
  24.   You don't even need to use angles. Similar triangles would do the trick. Peejman's straight line approximations actually cancel out.
  25.   Muslims don't wear turbans either.


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