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Everything posted by tnguy

  1.   Interesting. It gets more and more convoluted. Presumably this law was written by car dealers.
  2.   Yep. I'm aware of that also. Those states are automatically on my "would not consider" list of places to live.
  3.   Well, I'm no lawyer or tax professional so I'd be happy to be proven wrong but usually it's called "payment in kind" and is subject to taxes based on an honest valuation. Now, there may be specific exceptions in this case but I'd lay money that there isn't.
  4. I've been riding street for longer than it was legal and driving for nearly as long. I notice bikes and I notice when I don't notice them. When I notice loud pipes, the motorcycle is typically not in any position that it would be advantageous. Between car insulation, the stereo, the inverse-square law, sonic obstructions and being focused on other traffic, the directionality of the sound (typically backwards from the direction the bike is heading), those "loud pipes" are often not all that noticeable anyway. Except to those people outside or in their homes just trying to enjoy a bit of peace and quiet.   I've followed the argument for nearly three decades and started out of the opinion myself but the truth is, there's no supporting evidence. The best thing you can do as a motorcyclist is be situationally aware, avoid blind spots, wear a helmet and gear and don't ride out to a bar and load up on beer.   As to the "just an excuse", I'm sure that's true for some but there are many, I'm sure, who are simply sincerely wrong.   Now, it's a nice day. Time to do some riding... :)
  5.   I would love a decent indoor range around here. I've semi-considered getting one going myself but decided it was something I didn't want to get into.   The truth is, when businesses starts calling for "loyalty", it means they're not competing anymore. That may or may not be their own fault but of the gun stores I've been into, it's been a mixed bag. I think some of it is just that a shakeout is needed in retail. Having looked into opening a store, leases around these parts are just way too expensive and that can only lead into store owners finding it hard to be competitive against online places. A huge reality check is very overdue.   There's not just an issue with gun stores too. Several times I have tried to shop local but have found it impossible as the local stores have not been open when I am not at work. It's like people just don't want to admit what they're facing.
  6. Yep, they'll check the book if they think you're off. You're responsible for the full amount, not just the "spread" either. Though personally, I think sales tax on used vehicles is BS.   The one time I had this happen, it really was a cheap POS I had and they ended up accepting the price :)
  7. I can see some merit in the strobes. Though people will turn in front of you while looking right at you anyway.
  8.   That "loud pipes" thing is a crock anyway.
  9. HD is in a weird place. They are kinda stuck in the past with their "tough guy biker" image yet they sell HD branded aftershave, pet toys and frisbees. They really need to move forward and this could be a good move for them. They need something after they dumped Buell like yesterday's newspaper.
  10.   Junkies are junkies. They're addicted. Threat of arrest will do little to prevent them thieving to pay for their habit. What will prevent them from thieving to pay for their habit is to make the drugs affordable by removing the artificial restriction on supply or getting them some help so they can get clean. I'm no fan of drugs* but the money would be far better spent on rehabilitation.   Pot itself should be decriminalized by end-of-day tomorrow, no questions asked. That it isn't shows there's more to this whole "war on drugs" business than common sense and logic.   (*Caffeine, alcohol and ibuprofen excepted)
  11.   Quite possibly they were effectively being blackmailed to be informants. Now, that's no excuse for what they did but I imagine it could be something that would upset a person.  
  12. Yeah, seems like some of that original packaging can vary up to 50% by volume for the same quantity of rounds. Might be worth printing up some trays to fit in those ammo cans (business opportunity?)
  13. I am already antenna only so no big loss but I was thinking it would be nice to check out the local channel and they had a 3d channel that was running when I last checked. Oh well. Just passing on the info.
  14.   This used to be the case. I picked up a cheap tuner off ebay and tried setting it up today. No go. So I tried a television I knew had been working and it picked up only an advertising channel (and a channel showing a Fedora login prompt). Some research shows that the FCC decided to let Comcast encrypt everything and it appears they've started rolling it out.
  15.   Illinois is possibly a late-merge state   http://blogs.cars.com/kickingtires/2014/05/the-zipper-merge-convincing-motorists-isnt-a-snap.html   http://www.kwqc.com/Global/story.asp?S=14643083
  16.   I bet Nelson Mandela gives him a run for his money.
  17. If you need to move over into the next lane to pass a vehicle, you don't look in your mirrors to check for traffic or signal, you just hope and change.
  18. Perhaps a good sign that supply is improving if nothing else. It's still in stock.
  19.   Legs are the best bit :)
  20.   I suspect the ammunition things is affecting sales.
  21.   Could we just move Alabama so we could have some nice beaches?
  22.   Heh. We dumped most of our stuff and came over with a couple of suitcases apiece. Now, that was liberating.
  23.   Maybe he should have written it to them. With his pen.
  24. There's bullying and then there's bullying.
  25. "I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you"   j/k ;)


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