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Everything posted by tnguy

  1. Pretty cool but that's a fairly old video. I'm guessing he never got it worked out.
  2.   I'm guessing that's about 50% of the intention. They're only concerned about one side.   There's some speculation that Waco was largely a show (as mentioned above) to give themselves a little glory after the mess that was Ruby Ridge. And let's not forget that it was claimed as motivation by McVeigh in doing what he did. (Not that I'm claiming it's any kind of vindication before anyone goes off half-cocked).   I guess it's almost understandable. It's not like the ATF has done much noteworthy since. Mostly low-level constitutional violations.
  3. I could, perhaps, understand the fine if Lowes had been warned about it but if it just came out of nowhere, it makes no sense.
  4.   I was searching around based on this (edit: Actually the Pharmacy) thread trying to look up a robbery which had taken place in Nashville against a customer at outside seating. I couldn't find a reference but I did find this.   http://www.wkrn.com/story/13758936/2-suspects-hold-40-east-nashville-restaurant-customers-at-gunpoint   Edit: Haha, literally one minute walk from the Pharmacy on the same block   https://goo.gl/maps/4zjIr
  5. If they don't have to be metal, you could try this Pretty easy to use. Casting metal would be a little more work but may be worth it.
  6. tnguy

    Tat Explosion

    He's certainly exercising his right to keep and bare arms. (I'm sure that's not the first time that comment has been made to this photo)
  7.   I'd say you don't want to be doubling back if you can help it. One way or the other will likely be jammed up. If you're serious about this, get some radios for communication (phones may be cut) and have a meeting place on the way to your destination (which may be one or the other of your places of work depending on circumstances). Things would be likely to get worse over time so you want to make every minute of the safest and easiest travel times count. And pack a good pair of shoes and a map, you may be walking.
  8. Guess they didn't get the memo. Panera needs to work harder on their armed criminal outreach program.
  9.   The TV picture used to be less than the advertised size of the set. (I think it still is in some cases but not to the same degree)
  10. I would suggest that money does buy a family. At least, the responsibility of providing for children on the behalf of both parents is a strong incentive to form a family unit. When Daddy government comes in and starts throwing money around, that incentive evaporates.
  11. I already tried to get the filler out but couldn't get good enough leverage. I'll have to devise something...
  12.   I'm wanting to turn one into an aluminum melter but I'm nervous about going at it with the angle grinder.
  13. Oh, and I just realized this is a chance to lever in my own Lowes rant from the weekend.   I had a little plumbing to do so popped over to Lowes to pick up the appropriate odds-and-ends to do the job and a new can of PVC cement (since all my older cans had dried up). Was astounded to find that they no longer had 4oz cans of the cement, only 8oz. So I am expected to pay twice as much for something that I will used a teaspoon of before leaving it in a corner to find it's dried up next time I go and use it in a year or two?   Fortunately, Wal-mart still carries the 4oz cans. So they got my business for that. I would have bought the other parts there too if they'd carried them.   Also picked up an interesting tip from the interwebs: Store the cans upside-down to help prevent the cement from drying out.
  14.   Anyone working a project that relies on precise measurements shouldn't be buying their lumber at Lowe's. Most of the wood I pull off the racks there is so bent you could shoot an arrow with it.         They already have 4x8s that are labelled as known to the state of (guess where) to cause cancer.
  15. Probably easier to be carrying cable ties anyway (though they carry their own risk)
  16.   Please, let's not bring the T-word into this. :rolleyes:
  17.   The point they are actually making in the minds of the public is that gun owners can't be trusted to exercise simple common sense.
  18.   Perhaps if the stores actually used this language in their press statements, it might embarass these eejits into going back to their parents' basements.  
  19. That's just it. They aren't putting a sign up. They want your money, they just want to spit in your face too. Now, I can understand Starbuck's position since those Texas eejits forced their hand but I have no respect for this Panera thing at all.
  20.   Wishy washy nothingness. They're just hoping to straddle the fence and get everyone's money but I will certainly accede to his wishes (Not that I ever eat there anyway) and suggest others do likewise.
  21.   They might have assumed you were a soldier (unless your costume was outrageously obvious). They tend to be a class of people that most are comfortable with having guns (though the military itself seems to disarm them as a matter of policy).  
  22. I don't receive notifications but it's possible that wherever this site sends emails from has somehow got on a blacklist and it's being blocked at the receiving end
  23.   You can ignore the games themselves. Once you have the main ones out of the way, a new one will pop up from time to time but it's usually not to frequent.   Though yes, mostly those people don't bring much to the table.
  24. Needs a counter ad: "Thank you Kroger for respecting local laws and community standards".
  25.   It's on you but you should probably at least consider some safety film.


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