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Everything posted by tnguy

  1. Since you are looking at buying a house, depending on your timescale, you may want to just pay it. It may dent your credit score a bit but that shouldn't be a block to you getting a mortgage then (especially for such a small amount) and at least the clock starts ticking to it falling off completely.   If you are looking at a longer timescale, debts can't be chased up anymore after a while. We had a letter from some collections agency about (again) a gym membership my wife had from before we were married. What was originally something like $30 had multiplied to more than $200. It was outside the time so we told them to pound sand. Never heard from them again. The information is out there on the web but from what I recall, it sounds like it may not be too long.   Absent any proof that you don't owe the money, you might just try to negotiate with the collections agency. They probably paid a trivial sum for the debt so will probably be willing to take an offer. As Dave Ramsey says though, make sure you get it in writing before you pay.     Edit: Tennesse, 6 years. http://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/credit-card-state-statute-limitations-1282.php
  2. Despite all the accoutrements, there's actually a fairly standard bike as the basis of a Goldwing so there's no reason it wouldn't handle reasonably on the Dragon where outright speed is secondary to technical ability. Cruisers? Don't know why anyone would ride them. They pretty much stink up the road out in that area. Nothing worse than being caught behind some slowpoke throwing up a shower of sparks from his road-pegs (or whatever they're called) everytime he crawls around a corner. They're not even comfortable and will typically do terrible things to your lower back. And for me, HD ceased to be an option when they released the aftershave. Still, to each his own, I guess. I ride an SV650. I was actually looking for a standard but they seem to be out of fashion these days and that was the closest I could find in the timeframe/budget I had. I like it a lot but it's not the most comfortable for long journeys. I have my eye on a Triumph Bonneville which is more the style I'd like and fits with my nationality. I stopped riding for a while at the age of 21 or so but would continually have weird motorcycling dreams. When I met my future wife, I told her immediately that I would get a bike again and a few years ago I did. I didn't pressure her to ride with me but eventually she did and got the bug. She even got to riding for herself for a little while but had an unfortunate accident before her skill and confidence were adequate.
  3. That'll be fun. Since speed limits are often set at the 85th percentile, we'll be chasing lower speed limits all the way down.   Variance in speedometer calibration should be fun too.
  4. It's an epic failure of government intrusiveness into civil life. Clearly the obvious solution is that they need more of it.
  5.   Really? I would have thought that lowering crime was the minimal work standard for cops, not simply just how much hassle they can unload on the public.
  6. Just fluff to distract from the real issues that are troubling this country right now. Don't feed trolls people, even if they do sit in an eliptical room in the white house.
  7. I live in Dickson and have found it quite disappointing both times I've gone.     Edit: I don't reload but I seem to recall it wasn't exactly a bounty of reloading supplies there.
  8.   That one was especially bad because the dog was in the car, the doors had been opened by the cops and the family was begging them to let them close the doors.   Oh, and the family was innocent of any wrongdoing. The father had left his wallet on top of the car and a bystander had witnessed money falling when they left the gas station.
  9. At least until a few months time when it's quietly forgotten.
  10.   Meh, I think the badge is a bad idea but if there's one thing I know, there's a lot of cops get butthurt at anything that might appear to diminish the godlike powers that they feel their tin-badge and gun grant them. So I'd take any of that with a pinch of salt.
  11. tnguy

    Tat Explosion

      You look like a fairly youngish chap so maybe it has always been this way to you but there has definitely been a huge increase in the number of tattoo joints since I was young. Tattoos have always been around but they certainly weren't as widespread amongst the general population and were more of a subculture/military thing.   This is why you have to cover them up. There are many out there, particularly the older generation who are not comfortable around them. I think this will definitely be less of an issue with time.
  12. They should be a star. Then you could sharpen the points and throw em when you're out of bullets.
  13. tnguy

    Tat Explosion

      After the Obamaphone and Obamacar, next up the Obamatat?
  14. It's also hijacked it from perfectly good other purposes. My FIL had a scene 3 logo front license plate and got accused of supporting the LGB (back in those days) cause. (Can't find a copy of their logo so I may have the name wrong but it was red, green and blue lines arranged in a triangle. Also the computer of my youth had a rainbow strip across the corner of the keyboard. Would be cool to make a reference to that with a vinyl sticker on the old car. Except It would be interpreted as supporting a cause I have no particular interest in either way.
  15.   Have things really sunk so low that people don't know how to type a smiley face manually? :(
  16.   I think I saw that movie.
  17. The not manufacturing thing is simply incorrect but the rest, sadly, is not.
  18. I just had an idea for a t-shirt with a gun print that would make it look like you were carrying. But no one tucks their t-shirts anymore.
  19. tnguy

    Tat Explosion

    I though everyone was doing pre-tattoo transfers these days (not sure of the correct term). There's really not much of an excuse for misspellings.
  20. Though I suspect carrying a hunting rifle around, especially bagged is likely to draw a lot less attention than an evil, evil handgun.
  21. Anyone else remember when scandals would make people quit in shame?   All part of the modern government "#### you" attitude.
  22. I think the tea party was a good idea when it was just about taxes. But it was obvious that it was going to get subverted within a short period of time. And it has been. A couple of weeks ago there was an ad on the radio from (a) tea party talking about guns and the second amendment for heavens sake. That's *NOT* a tax issue.
  23. Offtopic: Who is that in your avatar, Garufa? It looks an awful lot like Eric Morcambe
  24. Remember kids, fake losers use fake drugs.


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