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Everything posted by tnguy

  1. Hmm, two wheels, handlebars, motor. Works for me :rock:
  2. The trace is nice. Though it can go on for too long sometimes. I rode it the other direction, Nashville->Memphis when I did my "states around KY & TN" tour a while back. Speed limits are 40 and 50 so plan accordingly.   The trace has very low traffic and (legally) none commercial. You should see a good selection of motorcycles if the weather is good and a selection of cyclists and runners. There are quite a few nice places to stop and take in the scenery too.   Highlights that I'm familiar with are the Jackson falls, The Fall Hollow falls, the Gordon House, Pucketts in Leiper's Fork and the Nathez Tace bridge over 96.   Have to say I'm not a huge fan of Loveless though I've eaten there a couple of times. I wouldn't say anything against it though.
  3. A still would not be a bad thing to have but then you run into fuel issues. Might want to look into a solar still. You'll probably still want to be storing a decent quantity of water though.   If you have to live on distilled water long enough that any mineral content might be an issue, there's bigger problems going on.
  4. When I took a look last night, the dark brown color had faded somewhat. I'm going to pop it out tonight and cut it up and pop the other soaps out of the moulds.
  5.   I think that's about the instructions as I remember them. I bought a big bag of the granules at Hobby Lobby for $10 or so.
  6. Sweet deal. But why bother with a ring kit if you have good compression. That's just asking for hassles.
  7. Well, had a go last night. Seemed to go reasonably well except at some point after filling the moulds, we got a froth monster. I think we went a bit past trace. Then when adding the honey, I think I didn't get it mixed in well enough so there was a blob of honey that overheated and boiled. Learning experience I guess. Hmm Trying to attach a pic. I'm sure I've done it before...
  8.   It's pricey. But I will say that if you can run to it, it's a nice experience.   I'm kinda partial to Hampton Inns these days. There's one out by the airport and a few others around for sure. They're usually in the $100 range and come with breakfast.
  9. I guess they forgot what caused their arses to be kicked the last time they tried all this stuff. There's quite a few Dems like their guns too believe it or not. Sheer arrogance.
  10. You can refresh it in the stove FWIW. Directions are out there on the web.
  11.   Yep. Most Republicans simply don't believe their own platform ("I had to destroy the free market to save it" or whatever) and don't see it as something that's a draw to voters so they start floundering around trying to attract special interest groups like the Democrats do.   Politician is no longer a calling, it's a job. And if you can't get a job at Company A, you apply at Company B and wear their uniform instead.
  12.   Tried this last night. Turned up a bunch of local channels. I'll have to compare it to what we get through the antenna but I think it may actually have been a few less. Interesting though.   I think there is a very local channel that is available on cable but not antenna so it may be useful for at least that.
  13. I'm about to give it a go. I have a beehive so I now have wax and honey. Well, it turns out that the wax and/or honey actually contribute nothing to the soap other than smell and color but I've already started down that path.
  14. One thing to consider. Like with a DVR where it's worth willing to get a little behind to be able to skip commercials, it's also worth getting behind on shows too. (Unless you absolutely have to have water-cooler discussions the next morning or are scared of spoilers). In the first place, you can choose to only watch shows that you know are going to be renewed and therefore not leave you dangling on a cliff-hanger (for another season at least) and in second place, it can be a much better experience to watch a story all-in-a-row rather than have to wait weeks and months at a time before episodes.
  15. I have an HTPC running mythtv. It's pretty nice though as it's Linux, some things like Netflix just aren't available. It's a pretty solid DVR though. The remote worked out-of-the-box but oddly uses the same codes as the Xbox which sometime causes confusion. Odd thing is, my first few computers would only plug into the TV. Monitors were the things of vague rumors. Now it seems things are coming full circle.
  16.   I usually tend to turn things around to get perspective. Do I think I should be allowed to live and work wherever in the world that I please? Of course. So, in general, I feel I should extend that to others. There are certain qualifications, of course.
  17. The price was $8 (I think that was after the $1 off voucher that is available). That's comparable to the Nashville gun show I think. I only went because I was looking for something specific.
  18.   I've tried slowing down to the speed limit on a few longer trips where arrival time was not a factor. Playing in the speed band of the trucks (and older drivers who tend to be the ones who hit that speed) was more stressful and, in my opinion, more dangerous than kicking it up a bit.
  19.   Yeah, bow to the man. Respect that authority no matter how cock-eyed it is.
  20.   Very much this. The problem with that stance is that it's putting the cart before the horse. Sure, ideally immigration would be much simpler, free-er and easier but first you need to remove most of the idiocy that will cause impoverished, uneducated people to flood in and strain the welfare state past breaking point. (Though maybe that's what is needed. We don't seem to be having any luck rolling it back).
  21.   Pretty much. Left-wing ideas do not stand up to a great deal of scrutiny. Sound-bites, photo-opportunities, gut reactions, that's the modus-operandi of left-wing politics. TV tends to fall right into that pattern but radio allows for a longer, more focused look at the issue.   I tend to listen to it in my car on the way to/from work. I'm sure that has a lot to do with it as well.
  22. The F is for "Fantastic"
  23.   That is interesting. We cut off paid-for TV years ago (we use OTA&DVR and Netflix and Redbox) but recently got a cable internet subscription because DSL just wasn't cutting it (mostly for streaming funnily enough). Will have to give that a try.
  24. Was the road tarmac or concrete?


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