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Everything posted by three5seven

  1. I thought that it was hilarious that the DA actually filed a motion to prevent him from referring to the State as "the government." Just goes to show how much of a negative connotation "the government" has in the hearts and minds of jurors that an Assistant District Attorney General would consider doing so. Although funny as hell, I think his response was a little over the top and unprofessional. Hope he doesn't get called out on it. Nevertheless, he got his point across.     
  2. .40 S&W is a tricky round but there may be a legitimate reason why your groups were better than with 9mm. When I shoot my revolvers, I generally group better with .357 and .38 Special +P than.38 Special in the same weapon even though the recoil is less. I attribute this to bearing down on my grip to compensate for what I believe the recoil will be. I think my follow up shots benefit because of this. I realize this is sloppy marksmanship and something I need to train through. Even though, this may explain what happened.    
  3.   I agree with all of this statement. As noted here on this thread, you'll find a lot of CZ fanboys on every internet forum you search. So far as comparable 9mm service pistols, IMO, the 75 Series is rivaled only by the Sig P226 and Browning Hi-Powers and is about 2/3 the cost. I own a CZ 75BD Police and it's my favorite semi-auto. However, for your stated purpose, even for open carry, you may want to look at a P-01. Size-wise, it is more comparable to a G19. It will take 16, 18, and 26 round magazines made by CZ and Mec Gar in addition to the 14-rounders and weighs much less than a full-size duty pistol. If I had to buy my first CZ over again, I'd lean towards the P-01 for it's versatility and rail.         So far as cons are concerned, there are less aftermarket items than other brands. A more important consideration is the cost of those items and availability of the items that are on the market. Earlier this year during the scare buying I purchased several factory mags at MSRP. I got a "good" deal all things considered and bought two (18) round mags for $120 out the door and was lucky I could find them. (Think about how many Glock mags that would have bought.) I've been to nearly every large gun shop in the lower Midwest and Mid-South. I've only been in two brick and mortar stores that regularly carry CZ magazines: the physical Buds GunShop in Lexington, KY and in TN at Nashville Armory.   I think you'll be more than satisfied with whatever CZ 75 you choose. But be prepared to do all of you shopping for the weapon, i.e, holsters, grips, magazines, small parts, etc., online.            
  4. I'm curious as to whether any TGO Members have any real world experience or thoughts on these two revolvers...the Taurus 605 or the Taurus 650 CIA, both chambered in .357. I've been running across a few of them at shops lately and have seen some decent prices on them, both new and used. At the same time, I've been reading a lot of mixed reviews on the web and don't know anyone who owns either, although I know a few who have been satisfied with 85's.   I'm only interested in steel (not the so-called "poly-protector" models) and only interested in opinions on these two revolvers based on personal experience, not your opinion about Taurus in general. Any thoughts about these two will be appreciated.  
  5. http://www.lipseys.com/itemdetail.aspx?itemno=RUSR1911-NM   This may be what you are looking for. I've seen them locally in the Nashville area at a decent price. 
  6. Sigs v. Glocks is a generic question. I don't own any Sigs but have been lusting after several as of late, especially the P226 Tac Ops and the elusive P210. But despite how much eye candy I see, my pocket can't justify the Sig price tag either. The real question is whether or not you want polymer striker-fired or metal DA/SA. The Sig P-Series and all Glocks are combat proven.    If you are used to the Sig decocker set up and are not opposed to polymer, you may want to look at the Sig 2022. I've heard a lot of good things about it but have no experience with it. Otherwise, you may want to look at CZ's with a decocking lever if you are looking for a quality metal piece at an affordable price.   
  7. This is going to push Congress over the edge because it's too close to home. Some type of gun control legislation will result because of this. Just when all of the hoopla from last year was starting to settle down, prices on arms and ammo are going to jump through the roof again.     Just heard that four passed away on NBC.  
  8. Putin is a well-oiled political machine of a man. I admire him for having a pair. Make no mistake though, although I agree with him on the Syria business, he's dangerous to US interests. His little NY Times editorial proved that he's more skilled than Obama at the art of misinformation, disinformation, and deception. I reckon he learned a thing or two under Gorbechev when he was Mr. KGB. Putin out played Obama and made his checkmate with the editorial. I guess that's what happens when a skilled leader plays chess with a community organizer with a law degree. All-in-all, it's a sad day when a majority of the United States agrees with the leader of Russia.    I would have laughed in the face of anyone who would have told me 25 years ago that the leader of Russia could have so easily swayed public perception of our elected leader, swayed "global perception" of our country, and appealed to the "rule of law" because the US wasn't following it.     
  9. Knew I should have stayed away from this thread when I read the headline!!! All these photos are making me want to make bad financial decisions. 
  10. I agree these workers are ignorant for thinking that a strike or any type of unionization is feasible given that they are all easily replaceable. Notwithstanding, I'm confused as to when the court of popular opinion shifted from supporting the working person against big business to the polar opposite. There are a lot of Fortune 500 companies who back news agencies that spread propaganda about the pitfalls of unions. They've also been going after government workers who make much less than those who work in the private sector merely because they have decent benefits and pensions just so they don't have to provide the same to their employees. Think critically about it...   I fully agree that if the workers aren't happy, they need to look for other employment and leave. Nevertheless, for some it's hard to do so when Walmart came into every town 25-30 years ago and put every hardware store, supermarket, and specialty store out of business, as well as nearly killed every court square in the South and Midwest.     
  11. Although driving in Tennessee is a privilege, a TN resident doesn't shed the constitutional protections afforded in the Federal and Tennessee Constitutions merely because he or she gets behind the wheel. DUI checkpoints have routinely been upheld by courts, including our Tennessee Supreme Court. In my mind, the implied consent law is valid even though I ind it repugnant. The forced blood drawing is another story. If challenged, I'm not sure it could survive Article I, Section 7 of the Tennessee Constitution.    
  12.   I read a Gaston Glock interview sometime ago. Wish I had the link. If I remember correctly, Glock's contract price on bulk pistols was under $80 a piece for LE and Glock was still making about $25 on each pistol. Kinda tough to compete with that.  
  13. Folks have been fighting in the middle east literally since the beginning of time. Read Genesis. The only reason the US ever considers meddling or does meddle in middle eastern affairs is to keep enough stability in the region so global oil prices don't shoot through the roof. Get tired of the BS government propaganda to justify invading their countries. (Remember all of the WMD's that were found in Iraq?) Atrocities happen all over the world but the US doesn't intervene unless it is in the middle east. So long as Israel isn't threatened or gas isn't over $5 a gallon, let em' work it out on their own.    
  14. This ruling is disturbing on multiple levels. Under the NM Court's rationale, a church that rents/leases/licenses it's premises for ceremonies/receptions wouldn't be permitted to deny anyone (including other religions, gays/lesbians, etc.) from using them without fear of litigation and a fine. I think this case violates the Free Exercise and Free Speech guarantees of the federal constitution. (Religion, Association, and the creation of art are all present here). Moreover, although the federal government (Congress) has broad power to regulate interstate commerce and effectuate socially desirable results while doing so, i.e., Civil Rights Act of 1964, a state legislature's ability to do so is necessarily limited under the federal constitution. Arguments can be advanced that the NM law reaches only intrastate commercial activity. In my mind, the NM law is so broad that is crosses state lines. Wedding photography is a big business.     Hopefully SCOTUS will take this one up and revisit the holding of Employment Division v. Smith.   
  15.   I don't think any of the major new networks report anything other than dribble and agenda based stories nowadays. That goes for both sides of the media. Unfortunately, many people only tune into news they want to hear that comports with their ideals. I watch CNN, Fox News, and the BBC because I figure the sum total of reporting may shed some light into whats actually going on in the world.          Maybe they were Republicans. Would have worn blue sneakers if they were Democrats!  :rofl:
  16. Don't know if this link will work, but here's the charging instrument from the Nashville-Davidson County Criminal Court Clerk Website for anyone who wishes to read it.      http://ccc.nashville.gov/jis-web-affidavit/work/Affidavit-AJPRequestHandler-ApplicationServerThread-6-785890342.pdf
  17. I agree with the G19 comments but prefer the Gen 3 G23 for the simple fact there are more caliber options. With all of the conversion kits/barrels, it may be the most versatile handgun ever (.40S&W; .357SIG; 9mm; and .22LR). Can be used for any handgun purpose, i.e., HD, carry, range/target, etc. Other models are better shooters, especially G17L and G34, but are too big for all roles.   
  18. An Interarms Walther PPK/S in .380. It looked gorgeous but was a POS. It was finicky with ammo and the trigger was horrendous. Had such a bad experience that it pushed me away from autoloaders for awhile. I traded it outright for a Ruger GP 100 after about 6 months of ownership and never had to worry about FTF/FTE issues, etc. Still have the Ruger.  
  19. New to Nashville and I've been hitting all of the gun shops I can when I find the time. In the past in different cities, I've had good luck finding some decent firearms at decent prices at pawn shops. I've been to a few off of Nolensville and haven't been too impressed. Are there any pawn shop honey holes in Nashville or the surrounding areas that have a good selection? 
  20. The judge's actions were ridiculous--especially her giving the press comments. She likely violated the Establishment Clause of the Federal Constitution and Art. I, S. 3 of the Tennessee Constitution. More importantly for her, the judge's actions violated the Tennessee Code of Judicial conduct. She's opened herself to removal and/or impeachment for her behavior. After all of the negative press she's received, I wouldn't be surprised if some member of the TN General Assembly initiates the process.   
  21. There are a lot of excellent recommendations here, i.e., CZ’s. If you weren’t going for all metal and SA or DA/SA, I’d say Glock 23 Gen 3 since your list doesn't include a .40 and it doesn’t look like you worry much about consolidating calibers.     Unfortunately, all metal auto-loaders (at least ones that can be comfortably carried concealed on a daily basis) are going the way of the Dodo bird unless you are willing to shell out more than you want to on price. (Sig P938 is a fine pistol but expensive). The out of production S & W 3913 fits the description you posted in all respects, including price, if you can find one.   My Aunt has the “Ladysmith” version of it and she's had it forever. It’s basically a scaled down single stack identical in operation to the S & W 5906 & 6906 line of pistols that is 8 + 1. Size is slightly larger but comparable to the highly praised Shield. May be worth look for one.      
  22. I don't understand how folks don't consider what's going on in the Northeast, especially NYC, anything other than totalitarian government manifesting itself. Sad thing is that up there, NYC leads and others follow suit lock-in-step. Glad the Federal judge nipped this in the bud for the time being. Hopefully there will be some kind of damage award against the city.  
  23. Those grips are gorgeous. 
  24. Hopefully, he won't be the lead on the 2016 Republican ticket. Won't vote for an executive who would sign such a blatantly unconstitutional bill into law. Not only does it violate the federal constitution (Due Process), it violates at least three provisions in the New Jersey constitution as well. Not a sign that he can make good decisions regarding individual liberties at all. He and Hillary have too much in common anyway. Their hips are both three times as wide as their shoulders and both have done nothing but be career politicians their entire adult lives. 
  25. There are quite a few CZ 75D's (aka "PCR") around right now in the $550-$600 range. Fine pistols. Same as the P-01 but without the rail. None of the clones are better but some, as mentioned, are equals. I don't consider the Jericho a clone. So far as the new clones are concerned, I've heard good opinions about the Canik's (spelling?) but mixed reviews about the other Turkish clones. I have a CZ 75 BD police. If I had to do it over again, I'd get an SP-01 Tactical simply for the rail to add a little weight in the front. It feels like shooting .22 anyway and I'm not parting with the BD Police anytime soon. As the poster above me noted, the P-01 is an excellent choice too. 


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