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Everything posted by Pcdokk

  1. Very interesting commentary on this thread both pro and con. IMHO the Constitution grants everyone the right to protect themselves but in todays political climate and with the level of violence everywhere you turn (read the news.....) it's an individuals choice to carry or not to carry. I have no right to judge or to be judged for my personal decision BUT as others have stated I have absolutely no desire to buy some attorney a new Mercedes or swimming pool because I was detained and arrested for carrying a loaded weapon without a permit. I don't particularly enjoy having to pay for the privilege or legally protecting myself but I choose to play by the rules, bite my tongue and do what keeps me legally protected to the best of my ability.
  2. If I am asleep in my home in the middle of the night and I hear a window breaking or a door being kicked in, it makes perfect sense to arm myself and protect the lives of my family and myself. No warning verbalizations required. IMO this is a home invasion and by the nature of the word "invasion" this indicates someone has entered my home with the intent to harm my family or me. I have every legal right to protect myself but as far as I can tell there is no legal obligation for me to warn an intruder I am about to put a few rounds in their 10 ring.
  3. IMO carrying a weapon without a round in the chamber for defense is just asking for trouble. Believe I'd leave it at home rather than have it on my person without a round chambered.
  4. I have a G26 and G27 both Gen 4's and both are on my carry rotation. Glock's are fine weapons and easily concealable.
  5. I have held a HCP for many years and as my gun collection expanded so did my carry options. The most important thing to ME is that no matter what my choice in a carry weapon is, I am able to SAFELY fire that weapon without hitting anything I'm not aiming at. If it's a 1911, a 22 or a 380, IMO responsible HCP holders are confident they can shoot their choice of defensive weapons safely and without causing damage or harm to innocent people or surroundings. Practice shooting with what you carry and carry what you practice with.
  6. I had that happen too, I did the same thing as UncleJak. I moved out of the way into a secluded area of the store I was in, unholstered my weapon and put it in my pocket. No harm no foul and no one knew anything happened.
  7. I own a few Taurus models and really like my Tracker in 44 MAG. The ported barrel makes it easier to keep on target after it fires and so far I have had no problems with it. I've put 300 to 400 rounds through it, no misfires or failures.
  8. I ride a Harley all the time and my choice is either my G26 or G27 in a CrossBreed holster. Tuck the riding shirt over the holster or cover it with a vest, never had any problems and never had anyone notice.
  9. Ditto for GNL. Nice people and a nice place.   Link to info on TN HCP:   http://www.tn.gov/safety/handgunmain.shtml
  10. Beale Street, especially weekend nights is an area I avoid completely. I spent many nights there when I attending UT Memphis but that was many years ago and Memphis wasn't as dangerous as it is now. My advice is go during daylight hours and don't go alone. Ever.
  11. Lots of very interesting discussion in this post, good reading. I prefer concealed although I respect those who open carry. Saw a young man in Wally World last week with an XD on his hip no one called the cops or made a scene. That is one place where I always make sure I can protect myself maybe I'll try OC once and see how it feels. The majority of the time I prefer not to make myself a target the exception being when I ride my motorcycle and then it's on my hip covered by a shirt or vest. I am always mindful to be respectful and polite; that's just something I try to do wherever I am. Being raised in the South that was something I learned at a very young age and appreciate more as I grow older.
  12. I renewed online far before my current permit expired and got my renewal in the mail in about 10 days. Interestingly, about a week later I got a renewal letter in the mail saying it was time for me to renew.
  13. Great comments everyone thanks! I do enjoy the fellowship the TGO members share, this is a fabulous group of people and I'm delighted to be a part of it. Now on to the range report: I took it out to the range this weekend after a thorough cleaning and inspection, put 50 rounds of range ammo through it and was very happy with the results. At 15 yards 10 shots were within 2" hand held. Nicely balanced gun, with the long barrel easy to hold on target and didn't jump around as much as I had expected. Note to Spiffy thanks for the offer to relieve me of this purchase however after actually firing it I will thank you for the kind offer and add it to my collection :) This is the first Colt in my collection and as luck would have it, I was able to purchase it for.......well let's just say less than it's current value. Gotta love it when things work out. Thanks again everyone for the comments your input is much appreciated. Now let's go hunting!
  14. I just picked up a beautiful Colt King Cobra 357 mag with a 6" barrel in stainless and in excellent condition. This is my first Colt and I'm interested in opinions/experience with this weapon. Anyone have a history with this gun or own one?
  15. Pcdokk

    advice needed

    Summer carry for me is either my G26 or G27 in a Crossbreed holster or if it's a t and shorts I have my Sig P238 in a pocket.
  16. Nicely done!!
  17. This "gentleman" is doing nothing but hurting the cause (our cause) by his attention seeking self centered behavior. I concur he needs a serious mental evaluation and mental health help. He's doing nothing but negatively impacting RESPONSIBLE gun owners with his outlandish behavior and attention getting stunts. Sad.
  18. If I choose to carry in public then I choose not to drink. I prefer to be the "designated CCW" when in places that could be dangerous like downtown Nashville on a Saturday night. No judgment, no disrespect, just my personal preference. If I have friends over to the house and alcohol is served my weapons are in the safe.
  19. Such a tragedy, and as others have said punishing the grandfather for leaving a weapon accessible makes as much sense as punishing someone who owns a pool where a drowning occurred. Everyone involved in this sad event will carry this with them to their grave. I can't think of a punishment any more severe than that.
  20. The Cool Springs area is following the trend of "Gun Free Zones" everywhere. Thugs and wanna be gangsta's think that because an area is posted it's a free hunting ground. Concealed carry means just that. And carry I do.
  21. You did the right thing alerting oncoming traffic and watching out for the people on the side of the road. You also did the right thing NOT drawing your weapon you could have been charged with aggravated assault as others have mentioned. Keeping your cool was the right thing to do and acting as a responsible concealed carry individual furthers the cause. Like others have said I probably would have written down the license plate number of the a@@h%^e and called the cops. Just sayin... :up:
  22. When I go to the mountains I have my 44 magnum close at hand cause I really have no desire to get to know a bear up close and personal. For 2 legged critters a 45 or 357 sig does the trick nicely.
  23. I pray every day that I never have to use my legally carried firearm to take another's life. I will do everything I can to avoid a potentially fatal encounter however if all of my efforts to disengage and walk away fail and I know my life or my loved ones life is in imminent danger, then I will take the steps allowed by the law to protect myself. Discharging my weapon is a last ditch life saving effort I hope I never have to experience although I will do so if there is no other alternative.
  24. I have a G31, G26 and G27 all Gen 4's and love them. the 26 and 27 are excellent carry options.


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