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Everything posted by Spurholder

  1. 16" lightweight, CHF barrel:   BCM   http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/BCM-BFH-16-Mid-Length-LW-Barrel-Stripped-p/bcm-brl-s-mid-16lw%20bfh.htm   Centurion:   http://www.centurionarms.com/product-p/hfb-lw-16.htm
  2. Spurholder

    Glock 34

      I haven't owned a subcompact Glock in a long time...but I love this for my G19:   http://raven-concealment-systems1.mybigcommerce.com/phantom-modular-holster-for-glock-pistols/
  3. Raven Concealment Systems OWB Single Mag Pouch.   It's perfect.   For AR mags, Eagle Industries FB's.
  4. Looks like Colt's going to follow BCM's model for rifle sales.  Stripped rifles - you add your components.   Heck, I wish this was an option back when I bought mine.    For a street price of around $725-ish...it'll sell.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TdW1jCu7eU&index=5&list=PL6OWYt4WujZ3zoInUGhRkQ0EYsLtTkVJr      
  5. Yep - total agreement here.   I'm roughly two years into my second battery - owned my T-1 since '08.  I keep it on "7." 
  6. Doubt it.    Magazine pouches, though - absolutely.
  7.   Just one - see if you can find a used Gen3 G17, serial numbers in the H-M range, get a decent set of sights and a few extra mags for it, and enjoy.
  8. Larue makes the best QD's in the industry - my Micro T-1 sits on my 6920's rail securely.   Buy with confidence.    Enjoy the dillo dust.  Good on burgers, steaks and occasionally chicken.
  9. A HUGE +1 for Raven Concealment Systems.   They're the gold standard in kydex, not to mention they're the originator of this design of holster that...well, I'll just say that a lot of folks out there aren't very original and leave it at that.   Many of these companies popped up in 2010-2011 when wait time for RCS Phantoms was approaching six months from time of order.  Cut to today, and RCS can deliver most holsters immediately, while the, ah...duplicators, still need a 3-4 week turnaround...    Been using their holsters since '08 - and I'm still very pleased.  I won't use any other brand of OWB rig...and my soon-to-be-purchased VP9 is going in one.
  10. Like sybo stated, Wilderness Tactical is tough to beat.  Made to order premium gun belts at a good price.  I've been using the Frequent Flyer model for 7 years or so now.  Great holster, especially the polymer-lined model.   http://www.thewilderness.com/tactical-belts/frequent-flyer-belt/   Also, Ares Gear makes one of the best belts on the market - pricey, but great quality and secure enough to allow you to cvarry that S&W .500 in a pancake rig, strong side :up:   http://www.aresgear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=6
  11. Lots of decent ideas here - so I'll throw out one more:   Drop trou, then as soon as you're sitting down, re-buckle your belt and use your knees to offset the difference in dimensions.   It works if you're carrying OWB just fine.  I've done it with AIWB, too - it's more of a challenge, but still better than placing your gun on a dispenser.
  12.   Reading the guy's story, I don't his shot was anything other than pure skill with his sidearm.
  13. I've owned both a USP Compact and USP Tactical (both in .45ACP).   Felt recoil was/is a non-issue.  Both guns shot point of aim, and ran like sewing machines.   The USP45C was a great CCW gun.  The USP45T? Meh, not so much.   Having said all that, I'd CCW a USP45 - carry it AIWB at 1 o'clock.
  14. Looks like S&W got their act together, and...   This guy needs his own TV show:   http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/12/06/austin-cop-sure-shot-stopped-crazed-gunman/            
  15. My Colt LE6920.
  16. "Buy once, cry once."
  17. Go to a stocking Aimpoint dealer and look through one.  It's only $400...and it's a combat-quality optic.
  18. I've had a 4MOA optic of some sort for almost 20 years.  The next optic I buy will have a 2MOA dot.  Don't confuse dot brightness with dot size.  Crank up the power, and the dot can be seen.
  19. OP, check these out - HTH:   http://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?95226-Improved-AR15A2-A3-A4-amp-AR15-Carbine-Zero-Targets-50-200M-100M-amp-300M-Zeroes   And since you're running a RDO:   http://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?96955-Zero-Targets-Optimized-for-Red-Dot-Style-Optics-(Aimpoint-EOTech-etc-)
  20. OP, you'll be fine with the PSA, or if you want to take a step up, with this (comes with a free BCG):   http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/BCM-BFH-16-Mid-Length-Upper-Receiver-light-weight-p/bcm-urg-mid-16lw%20bfh.htm   Combined with a blem'd BCM lower, you could "build" a complete mid-length rifle for around $900.   Or, if you want to try something different, buy a NIB Colt LE6920...hard to beat $900.00 for a brand new Colt carbine.   http://www.impactguns.com/colt-m4-carbine-6920-ar15-16in-6920.aspx   A 1/7 barrel will be fine for everything from 55-grain ball up to the special 77's like the Mk-262.   And will work just fine with really great loads like the 55 and 70-grain Barnes TSX loads.   Good luck in your search.
  21. OP, the only advice that I can give you is this:  AR's look alike, but not all are built the same.   If you're looking for the best possible compromise between quality and price point, I suggest that you take a strong look at the Colt LE6920.  It's available at multiple retailers at a good price , but here's the best one I've seen lately:   $899.88 and in stock as of 10/22/14 - http://www.impactguns.com/colt-m4-carbine-6920-ar15-16in-6920.aspx
  22. I had one of the first G34's sold in the US...and stupidly sold it.   Great trigger, ran like a sewing machine.
  23. I'm  6 feet even and 170,  Carrying a full-size pistol is easy.  In fact, have you ever considered OWB rather than IWB?    I've carried OWB using a Raven Concealment System's Phantom since 2008.  It conceals well with just a t-shirt, and flat out disappears with a button-down or a polo-style shirt.   http://raven-concealment-systems1.mybigcommerce.com/smith-wesson-phantom-modular-holster/
  24. OP, suggest that you take a look at the following:   1. Pick up a "real" fighting handgun, chambered in 9mm or better.  Since you like M&P's, the choice should be obvious.  Here's one:   http://www.gandrtactical.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=209301   2.  A good weaponlight > laser.  Having said that, Surefire > other light brands.  Their X3000U is the gold standard in a dedicated weaponlight:   http://www.amazon.com/Surefire-Ultra-Ouput-Weaponlight-Black/dp/B00999CBJ6   3.  For holsters, you need only look here.  Often copied, they are the originators of this design:   http://raven-concealment-systems1.mybigcommerce.com/smith-wesson-phantom-light-compatible-holster/   And an extra magazine on the belt:   http://raven-concealment-systems1.mybigcommerce.com/single-modular-pistol-mag-carrier/   4.  Don't forget a good gunbelt, either.  The polymer-lined model is awesome:   http://www.thewilderness.com/tactical-belts/frequent-flyer-belt/   Now get some training!   HTH, and good luck to you. 
  25. OP, here's a recommendation (as I was also born in 1965):   Step 1: Buy a Series 70 Colt Government Model Step 2: Talk to one of these guys: Wayne Novak ( http://www.novaksights.com/customguns/index.html ), Hilton Yam ( http://www.10-8performance.com/ ), or Jason Burton ( http://www.heirloomprecision.com/ ) Step 3: Have them build the 1911 of your dreams, which, given your price point should be pretty easy Step 4: Pick a durable finish and keep it a shooter...even if it is an heirloom gun.  Salt bath Nitride, for instance, looks pretty good on 1911's.   HTH.  


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