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Everything posted by Smith

  1. Maybe they need Rahm Emanuel to come to NY and tell the thugs to leave the children alone.
  2. Everytime we call on availability they tell us they are already gone. They also show the PMR30's a lot and some others they never seem to have when the catalog actually arrives.
  3. According to what the ATF told us they started trying to get rid of them last year.
  4. Actually the entire Democrat/Race Card agenda is driven by being "minority" and thus needing the Big Tent to level the playing field. If you take away the victim/minority issue they have nothing. They have everything to loose by being the majority. Their entire agenda/ideology is driven by being the repressed minority despite the truth of reality. Well, these form go no where and are not reported but I imagine it will be the standard race/ethnicity question on future federal documents that DO count the statistics. I have a hard time believing this is the only form they have applied this to.
  5. Well, as Leonard goes ... sort of. He had his property rezoned commercial to accommodate the criteria. He is not a normal case.
  6. Didn't say it was the best thought Mike, it is no longer Mexican carry. It is now White Hispanic Carry.
  7. The ATF is not granting "dinner table FFL's" anymore. They are trying to weed out the ones that exist. You now have to have a brick and mortar store front before they will even interview with you. Those days of personal FFL's are gone. Besides many of those folk got into trouble over their A&D logs. It's a lot of work to do on a personal level.
  8. I personally think its a broad attempt to keep "whites" a majority in the racial/political war. Since "whites" are nearly a minority now it makes it hard for "blacks" and other "minority" groups to keep up the call for more benefits to offset their minority status. Just a thought.
  9. Same thing that cut the .45 out. Grip size and recoil sensitivity. At the time the 10mm was developed the FBI was making a big push for certain demographics and they had trouble with the grip on the recoil. Thus the shortened .40 S&W came to be. Keep in mind the FBI is largely folks with lawyers and accountant backgrounds, so it's not your typical LE agency when evaluating weaponry.
  10. Agreed Dave. They all have a place, some are better for different applications.
  11. The '86 shootings subjectively and inaccurately based 9mm performance assumptions on .38 spl and the 147g is notorious for under penetrating. Of the eight FBI agents only 3 had 9mm's and on of those was inoperable.They were using the .45 principle and it doesn't work in the 9mm. The 9mm works on velocity, which is why most 9mm defensive loads are based off a 115g or the better balance 124g +p or +p+. If the available data was that conclusive, there wouldn't be the ever evolving ideology and studies of the FBI. They have changed from mass, to velocity, to mass/velocity, to penetration, to shot placement, .... there will be some other study shortly. Not saying your wrong per se, Just that there is a lot more to the issue than one study or one departments evaluations. PD are not known for necessarily making pure performance choices.
  12. Troopers shoot across further distances than in an urban enviroment, pentration THORUGH barriers such as glass and metal is much better with less deflection, and it's a better round in most every way. Regardless of what cops will tell you, Metro depts went with a .40 becasue of fear of over penatration with a 9mm projectile in a close range urban enviroment. In a congested urban enviroment the .40 makes sense in a collateral damage context. For Troopers, where that is not so much a factor, it is better for them to have a round that will get through car barriers that they have to shoot through over greter distances.
  13. LOVE the Andy Griffith show. I even enjoy Matlock. That brand of TV will, sadly, never be duplicated.
  14. It is referencing the "shopping" search returns. Normal "web" searches, outside of the shopping area, will still be there.
  15. Uh ... I'm pretty sure that was meant in goodwill humor. Might want to relax a little.
  16. If you want to work for the FBI you need an accounting degree. That is about the only degree that means anything to them. If you are wanting to work in any other law enforcement just about any other degree (besides CJ) is fine. Plus it gives you somewhere else to go if you burn out of LE. MANY LE leave to do something else before they become cynical, divorced, and crazy. You are correct that Parks, Wildlife officers etc. usually need a biology degree of some sort. Learn to be content instead of "satisfied". "Satisfied" usually equals complacency and that will eventually catch up with you and hurt you. Here's a good quote: " Contentment is being happy where you are, while you work towards where you want to be." Never stop aspiring to be better. If even if you stay in the same field for 50 yrs. always strive to be the best.
  17. I have a feeling there are some frequent posters in the FS threads that may end up with these guys down the road. Remember, it is up to the ATF to interpret and perceive what constitutes violations. Be careful guys. It's like the IRS. You don't want to be on their radar.
  18. Leroy, I hope that is in fact the case and Roberts is actually smarter than he appeared yesterday. I fully see all that you stated, but I have a dark side of me that says the nuances as you stated will not be interpreted that way by future courts and legislative bodies. Either Roberts outsmarted Obama, congress, America, and his own court or he is another conservative that got taken in by the DC disease.
  19. It's kinda mute now but, the bill was not passed as a tax IIRC. By the Constitution the SCOTUS can not create a tax. I guess I'd have to read deeper, but I'd say the SCOTUS acted unconstitutionally by declaring a tax.
  20. Some people just need to be heard. I don't get it. I understand the sentiment but like what my wife always tells me, "its not what you say but how you say it." Personally, I think this works against him. Its also rather arrogant of him/her to think his opinion is important enough to abuse the flag in that manner. As the scripture says, "no one should think more highly of themselves than they ought."
  21. If it helps, it tells me there is an error and that I don't have authorization to change thread title.
  22. Eh, I've heard worse about Christians, Southerners, and whites just in this thread. I also thought we weren't supposed to judge an an entire group by the few individuals that we deem "radical"? That works for Muslims but not for Southerners, Whites, Conservatives, and Christians?
  23. I have no doubt there are varied experiences. I tend to see the so called "persecution" happens when Islamist insist the common culture defers to their culture. IMO that is not persecution. That for centuries was known as immigration. The folks that just work and worship how they will tend to not have all that many issues.
  24. I've worked with the kurdish refugees since 97 and have been involved with the School of the Medes here in Nashville. I've not seen our heard from them that same sentiment. I do, however, hear that from white people and liberals who assume they know their experience and need someone to fight their battles for them. The ones I've dealt with are excited to be here and are burdened to help the families they had to leave behind make it here to share the experience.


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