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Everything posted by Smith

  1.   You consent to it by living under it. You are assumed under the protection of you parents until of age and then assumed to the obligation by virtue of not nullifying or rejecting the contract. This is civics 101. Not in any way related to the question Chuck asked nor my response. The question was in relation to the idea of social contract. The debate of state sovereignty and man's free will is a very complicated and never ending debate. Much in the same way our fore fathers struggled with that balance and how those two seemingly independent ideas can and should live in unison.    It is actually based on the theological debate of God's sovereignty and man's free will. I can tell you that in Religious circles this debate will not end and it is hotly contested from all angles. So it is with the spin off debate of Government and individual rights.
  2. 300BLK is essentially a slightly underpowered 7.62x39 ballistically.  Quite a bit of difference from a .308 at range. Pretty even at 100 yrds.
  3. Actually, it is incorporated in the state of being a "citizen". You are by birth under the contract that is assumed by your parents. You can at any time remove yourself from said contract.
  4. Why did none of the other cars try to get closer and help the guy? They all stopped "safe" distances away and watched! :wave:
  5. According to the ground breaking report tonight on Fox 17 News, News Ericka Lathom revels that people are buying dangerous unregulated explosives and tells how you can help limit this dangerous explosives availability. ..... It's Tannerite folks. :bored: http://fox17.com/news/features/featured/stories/special-report-anyone-can-buy-explosives-unregulated-atf-242.shtml
  6. I've had good fortune with the Rossi 92. Essentially it is a clone of the Winchester 92 and is very easy to work the action over. A lot of the cowboy action guys use them just for that reason. You can get them with a 16" barrel which makes it really compact but I prefer the 20" due to the better ballistics. You can usually special order those or find them close to you budget. It's It's not as nice as a Marlin but doesn't cost like a Marlin either.;)
  7. The .357 lever action is the way to go. Contrary to what you said about ballitically not coming close to the 30-30 it is amazing what the the longer barrel does for the versatile .357. In fact with some off the hotter loads like Buffalo Bore you can surpass the ballistics of the 30-30. Add to the fact you can shoot .38spl as well and you have a great light load for smaller game and twice the ammo resource.
  8. I've had real good luck with many different people in your situation by getting either an 870 or 500/590 and adding a Blackhawk Knoxx Spec-ops stock. The PG makes handling much easier and the adjustable stock lets smaller people get a better more comfortable feel on the gun. Knoxx claims the stock reduces felt recoil by 85%. It takes the kick out and changes it to more of a push. Kind makes the 12g feel like a 20g. The 870 is better with the Knoxx stock because the controls are placed better for a PG setup.   The other option is to find a Saiga 12 or 20 as they soak up recoil in the same way the Knoxx stock does. Plus you can get a 20 rnd drum!  :up:
  9. True, but the argument was for them then was/is the same root as now and they are all essential designed to do the same thing. Detach from reality and escape from normalcy. Just because you drive a 4x4 at 10 mph towards a cliff or a sports car at 100mph towards the cliff ... you're still eventually going to drive over the cliff.
  10. Does anyone remember how the drug culture got started in the 60's and 70's? Drugs were supposed to open our minds and give us depth we had never achieved before because we were stifled by the constraints of laws, rules, and "societal norms". Sound familiar? Didn't work too well for the hippies then and it won't work now no matter how you recolor the argument. Arguments made with a false premises are false arguments no matter how loud you yell it or how many people agree with you.    As far as Mr. Hart he is using the same argument they have always made. Arguing the tree and ignoring the forest. The real question is why?   IMO - The drug culture of our society is as linked to medical/pharmaceutical and politics as anything else. By leading people to believe that all their problems can be solved by a simple pill or a single elected official has lead us to a dependent society. Whether that be drugs or government it is all a symptom of the same root cause of a lack of personal accountability. Even Hart's own study proves that when he talks about why low income folks are more subject to cocaine addiction and violence without the transition upwards. People in low income demographics are also proportionally and statistically to be low accountability people, which  accounts for the crime rates and imprisonment rates across those same socio-economic demographics. Folks who have less or nothing to loose tend to not care about the consequences of their action on themselves or others. It should be said that folks on the other end (high socio-economic demographic) also suffer from the same issues due to the same root cause - lack of accountability. They are just able to stay afloat longer due to their money and connection abilities.
  11. Here's another thread on the matter http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/72204-you-might-thinklibertarian-that-guy-in-virginia-aint/
  12. Not that he could have had legally. He was only 23 and from NJ.
  13. Holy math Batman! What did I start! :surrender:  :up:
  14. 1/250 odds means there are two bags with something good. They have 500 total, just saying. ;)
  15. This was the first 12 I've run with the auto plug and I really like it. I got turned on to the Molot (md arms version) grips awhile back and now I have to put them on AK I get my hands on. As far as internal threading, you think theres enough thickness?
  16. Yeah, is going to be a beast ! :D Hoping to run some rounds through it this weekend.
  17. Actually, the 12 and 308 came with ACE stocks. It wasn't entirely intentional. That being said I probably would have used them anyway. ;-)
  18. Well I've always wanted a x54 or .308 AK and just so happened good fortune smiled on me. Thought I wanted a long barrel but after playing with this short barrel I really like it. It'll never be a 600+ gun but at 500 in its all good. It was converted poorly by previous owner so I stripped it down and started over. Have a few things left to do (grip & optics) but it's pretty much done. Here it is with my Draco SBR and recently acquired Saiga 12. Details: Saiga 308-1, Ace stock, CSS internal block, 14.5" barrel with perm K-Var 74 brake.
  19. Bushnell TRS-25 or look at Primary Arms. They are about the only ones in that price range that I would even consider. I prefer the TRS-25. 
  20. ... and it's going to get worse. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/23/miller-dc-businessman-faces-two-years-jail-unregis/
  21. BS. There is a never ending line to get hired by Wal-Mart. One of the best experiences of my work life. The negative stuff is by liberal unions that salivate at the notion of getting all those employees on their union roles.   We cheer for the American Dream till somebody achieves it, then we can't wait to bring them down. Cheering as they burn.
  22. Yeah, we need more details than that! ;) What did you end up having to do?
  23. Gotch. Dolomite's over you way. He might be able to give you hand with that but it is pretty easy to DIY.
  24. I find it funny that Cruz's qualification on citizenship are in question with Obama sitting in the White House. ;)   But I agree, I really like this guy so far.
  25. Don't drill gas ports! Opening the gas block is a very simple and easy fix for an under gassing Saiga 12. Of course you can polish the bolt and change the piston first to see if that fixes your issues. If it hasn't been converted you can send it back to RAAC and they will do the fix for you. Again DO NOT DRILL PORTS!. Here is a easy step by step. http://forum.saiga-12.com/index.php?/topic/33836-modification-to-repair-fte-issues-on-saigas-with-blocked-gas-ports/


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