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Everything posted by Smith

  1. In 7.62x39 a 8.5" barrel is no different than a 16" as far as what is needed in twist rate etc. You may have to make some adjustments to the gas system but the barrel rifling is the easy part. Cut one down or buy one of the Yugo m92 barrels to make it work. Or you can just buy a n M92 and reconfigure it or leave it 1.5" longer. Which is what I would do.
  2. Marbles tang sights are really nice and windage adjustable. Skinner makes a very nice peep that fits in the dovetail.
  3. Haha, we've had similar discussions before. Liberal is a descriptive term for a particular world view that conveys context without having to write an essay to establish a contrast. ;) Not necessarily intended as an insult towards you.   That being said the notion that Mandela brought peace is not even close to reality. I have friends who live on the outlays of South Africa and family that have traveled in the area extensively and that reality coincides with what my research, own time in Africa, and many other observers have opined.   As I have said before I think Mandela genuinely believed in what he was doing and had the best of intentions but that does not absolve him from the consequences of his choices. Just because he did not make it as bad as it could have been doesn't mean he isn't responsible for the genocides that continue after over 20 years of his government. He also didn't stop what was/is going on.   It's kinda like defending Hitler because he didn't kill as many people as he could have and applauding his restraint.
  4. No your intent was clear as was mine. Not really sure what Nelson Mandela and South Africa has to do with America's imperfections. This was a discussion of South Africa and Nelson Mandela. How that turns into an American problem is beyond me but then again that is what liberals do. When they can't defend their hero's or position on the sole basis of their merits, they start making the equivalency arguments and turn the discussion about someone or something else.   Nelson Mandela and South Africa's issues are one of the truly few instances where the situation is as autonomous as it could be on the world stage.
  5. so the rampant genocide that has been going on across South Africa and nearly every neighbouring country since the revolution is the peace you speak of? Are you reading the links? liberals are great. the results and reality don't matter as long as the intention feels "right". I also like how liberals have no problem with universals when they speak of America's faults, yet rail at the idea that their hero's are accountable for the actions of people following their ideology. Very interesting indeed.
  6. Well aren't you a Daisy. It's really sad that this is perceived as truth. Over simplifying out of context history and reassembling it to reflect ones ideology is exactly what has made South Africa the hell hole it has become.
  7. The situation is indeed a complex one, but I still fail to see why the west is so enamored by Nelson Madela. He had absolutely zero impact on any aspect of world events aside from South Africa and yet he is hailed as a world leader who made great strides for all of society. While there are many issues in South Africa and very very few of them are good the only thing he did was bring chaos and destabilize and entire region of Africa while bringing nothing positive outside of ending apartheid. In fact the turmoil and ethnic cleansings that are going on all around South Africa and in South Africa itself are a direct result of a well intentioned Marxist ideologue.    While I truly believe Mandela was genuine in his intentions and his motives, South Africa is a prime example of what a well intentioned bleeding heart gets you - Chaos and bloodshed on historic levels.
  8. CDNN has the Bulgarian synthetic mags that are metal reinforced. Cost twice as much but $14 still isn't bad.http://www.cdnninvestments.com/ak7630slmosy.html
  9. Those are the commercial mags with no reinforcement. They are fine for range mags.
  10. General opinion on them is that the have some issues. Kind of like Tapco mags for what that's worth. There are some that have metal reinforced tabs that are considered good to go. I have several of the mil-spec ones with the metal reinforcement and I like them. They can be a bit tighter than steel mags.
  11. kinda what was suggested to me on an AK SBR. List the shortest length for convenience. It'seasy to make an AK longer but more difficult to go shorter. makes sense that it wouldn't necessarily apply to an AR.
  12. No. you can transfer it or transport it as a standard configuration as long as it is not in the Class III configuration or have the parts to assemble it in an class III configuration. Officially taking it off the registry is not required but requested by the ATF.   Much of this was changed with the Thompson rulings.
  13. No, a hot .357 will not beat a hot 30-30, but a hot .357 IS ballistically similar to a standard 30-30 which is what has been stated. Maybe you need to just buy one and try it out ;)
  14. IIRC you can go longer but you can't go shorter. I was advised to list the barrel length on the form the shortest I thought I might make it in the future and then I'd be ok going longer.
  15. It's listed under their pistol rounds. He list the velocities out of his Marlin 1894 with an 18" barrel underneath the description in bold print.. Real world chrono BTW not some 20+" test barrel the manufactures use.
  16. No you measure with the stock fully extended per the ATF, also if it were a folding stock you measure with the stock extended and unfolded. I believe that is covered on their FAQ albeit not under the SBR section 
  17. Bonesteel makes about the best. Ace makes one, Stomrwekz makes one, DPH makes one. Most use the Ace system to attach but with the Bonesteel you won't have to cut the tang or make many permanent mods like the Ace will require. http://www.bonesteelarms.com/AK_c5.htm
  18. Take out that redundant mag disconnect safety and your trigger will be considerably better. Take out the firing pin and it's the little "saddle" that is riding on top of it. SR9's are very good guns at a great price. Ghost makes a trigger bar for the SR9 that is also a great improvement. http://www.ghostinc.com/category/17_ultimate_for_ruger/ I got one when they first came out but nobody made holsters or sights for them at the time so I sold it. Wouldn't mind having another.
  19. I was hesitant to watch it when I saw it on Netflix. Didn't want to ruin my childhood ;) That being said I enjoyed it for what it was. I though in some ways it was better than the original, but it still wasn't the original. 
  20. CNC Warrior is the best out there.
  21. While agree with the premise I also think some folks get WAY too overly serious about something that is likely to never happen. I don't train with my hammer everyday focusing my mind and muscle memory to drive nails with the precision and efficiency of a machine, or take weekend race car training courses to ensure that my mind, reflexes, and driving abilities are top notch in case a massive car wreck evasion techniques needed. Now those things could help, but the reality is the practice is overkill for the purpose.  Much like many of the tactical "training" classes are not much more than fantasy camp for adults. Yes they have value, but for the reality of the application, it is unnecessary.   Now, taking some basic classes and shooting on a regular bases is needed and fine, but much of the "training" that is emphasized is primarily for fun and should be viewed as such. Let the flames begin ;)
  22. .357 out of 18 inches of barrel or more with a hotter load is ballistically the same as a 30/30, so yes it is just fine for hunting at the same ranges as a 30/30.
  23. I'm with you on the principle. The problem is you have to ask what the alternative is. Anarchy is not the answer. Anarchy creates a vacuum in which those with the power to enforce their will dominate through force those who can not or will not resist. This is why our government decided to go the social contract route. Anarchy and Socialism both fail to account for human nature.   That being said we are definitely relinquishing far to much personal liberty in favor of the collective. There is perfect balance that resides on the preverbal head of a pin. It's just not as easy as a with or without position.


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