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Everything posted by Smith

  1. How about a Timney http://www.midwayusa.com/product/559350/timney-trigger-mosin-nagant-1-1-2-to-4-lb-steel-matte or a customized Mosin trigger http://www.surplusrifle.com/reviews/hubertriggermosin/
  2. [quote name="whitewolf001" post="1096055" timestamp="1389878245"]So it's a striker fired P250? Pass...[/quote] Yep. Don't know why they are trying round two with this abomination.
  3. Smith

    Plumber Help?

    Plumbers are coming tomorrow to dig a new line. There is no way I could do it by hand or even with a trencher. Is a big rock garden with about 1.5" of dirt on top of it. On a side note, if anyone needs some decorative rocks I'll probably have plenty to share ;-)
  4. http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/buckley-man-doomsday-preppers-arrested-illegal-fir/ncpws/    
  5. Smith


    I ordered one of the super cheap uppers on Jan 9th (actually 10th) and it will be delivered tomorrow. That being said their website still shows "processing" for my order.
  6. The OP's link is to what appears to be the prototype of the RDB, that will actually see production. The RDB is an RFB in 5.56
  7. Smith

    Plumber Help?

    Well seeing that the main is galvanised, original to the house, and the house was built in '48... it's a whole new main line. Is not repairable in even a half way reasonable way. Plus the section that is leaking is where they used two 90's for a step-up as it goes up hill. If it where just a hole or crack, I could have used a sleeve and waited to replace the line later. Sent from my HTC One VX using Tapatalk
  8. Anyone know any good cheap plumbers in the Nashville/Madison area that could replace a section of water main on the house side for me? I have it dug up and know where the leak is just need about a 6ft run of galvanized  and some connections made.  Thanks
  9. While mags are not interchangeable between the M&P and the Shield, most of the internals and sights are interchangeable.
  10. "Conditional Proceed" usually happen when TICS shows a denial qualifier that doesn't have a clear resolution or disposition. Since by law they have to give a response within 15 days they will give the "Conditional proceed" to meet the requirements of the law while covering their legal butts.     The FFL can transfer on a "conditional", but assumes all legal liability in the transfer. I don't know of any brick and mortar or reputable dealers that will assume full legal liability for someone they don't know really, really, really well. Personal, I can't blame them. Risking their FFL and a possible sting in the federal pen on a felony isn't worth the risk.   If it has been longer than 30 days, you will have to do another TICS check to appeal. Essentially start the whole process over. After 30 days the initial transaction is legally dead.   The only way I know someone has gotten any information about their denial is to go to the TBI in person and supply all supporting identity information they request. They will not tell the FFL, customer, or anyone else anything over the phone or electronically due to privacy laws.
  11. You have and astigmatism. I really like the Bushnell TRS-25. Great little optic for the money.
  12. Assault rifles are full automatic/burst and can not be converted to either post sale unless it was registered or uses a registered "lighting link" made and registered prior to 1986.   That being said "Assault rifle" is the new boogey term that has replaced "Glock" and "AK-47" as the generic fear term for guns used in media and by politicians.   They also said nearly 50 guns were taken at a loss of $15K. That averages out to around $330 per gun. I think it is yet another example of not fact checking their terms and info.
  13. It's like gas prices. THey may spike and then go down but they never go back to where they were before the spike. Add to that that raw materials and gas prices continue to rise and the cost of ammo will follow those regardless of the momentary spikes.   In short, it won't go back to where it was.
  14. Haha, auto correct. Missed that one, but it may fit. I may no judgment calls on that one.
  15. Well, we should start with actual punishment. Since what we have is neither a deterrent or punishment for many criminals then the rest of the argument is mute.
  16. Seeing how I didn't watch the game or really care, I think FSU should quietly take their Auburn style win and go back to the state of Florida and the ACC happy that they squeaked by the SEC's 2nd or 3rd best team.   BTW - I think I have just seen the sorest winner and looser in a better match up than the FSU/Auburn game.
  17. Sarco also has a lot of stuff that is hard to find elsewhere.
  18. Reliability? It's an AK. I don't think Krebs can really add anything to the platform that the WASR doesn't already do.
  19. The Yugo wood is very nice for an AK. It's heavy but very nice. I really don't care for the synthetic on the Yugo's, aesthetically speaking.
  20. Yes, yes, and yes. Avoid IO unless you see it in person and know what issues to look for. Pick up the Yugo and don't look back.
  21. You sure you didn't hit the NV button? Easy to do and you will get what you are describing.  If not call Vortex and they will make it right. Great customer service.
  22. You need to. I have put them on every AK I've had and several other peoples and it works wonders. You get a proper cheek weld, a 4" longer sight radius than a standard AR, and the ability to mount an optic/red dot/holographic.   Steelharp was a little unsure till we got his hooked up. Now he's sold!
  23. IMHO an AK in 5.56 is a marriage of all the weak points of both systems and slams them together. 5.45 is ok but it really needs to be a 7.62x39. Keep the 5.56 in the AR.
  24. From the same people. Says it compliments the angles that the stock rotates at. Just exactly how does this eject shells?


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