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Everything posted by Smith

  1. As much as I hate to agree with you I agree with you on this one. I thought he answered pretty much as well as he could given the circumstances and questions that were asked. This was a no win and was a t least courteous enough to stay on the phone and let her vent.   That being said, I'm afraid the sentiment that most LEO will not go along with unlawful laws is mistaken and his interview speaks to that. They, like the American people who are going along with unlawful actions as we speak, will defer to those with percieved greater power over them. 
  2. Why can't you stay on topic or use a PM for personal comments?
  3. Nancy Grace has about as much credibility as Obama.
  4. Either way the decision is confusing. The American flag ban was deemed constitutional because there were threats of violence from the "pro-Mexican" students and the school can ban things to prevent violence, but the Cinco de Mayo students could not be banned from wearing Mexican flag shirts because they had not been threatened with violence? Am I reading that right? Threats of violence (illegal activity) are what deem something constitutional or unconstitutional?   Potential illegals, using illegal threats of violence against US citizens, are ruled constitutional and protected and encouraged to flaunt said protection. American citizens who do not engage in illegal activity are ruled unconstitutional and are threatened with legal and punitive administration. Got it.
  5. I had an old NASA engineer tell me about spring compression not weakening springs. He was the kinda of engineer that used a slide rule and knew Von Braun. I take that as pretty good authority. That being said there is a difference in spring quality and every spring will change its density the first few times it is compressed. A quality spring will not change its rate as much as a poor quality spring, but they all will eventually settle.
  6. Get your Dremel out and cut a slot in the top and use a small jewlers's stryle screwdriver to remove it and install it.
  7. Read the story again. Especially the last line. Sounds like it may be a typo.
  8. [quote name="tnguy" post="1116145" timestamp="1393287867"]Totally different things. One is just getting up earlier (which is what I advocated for those so inclined), the other is monkeying with what are (in truth) arbitrarily assigned numbers, causing untold lost productivity, missed appointments and sundry other ill-effects.[/quote] I can see that. Either way I agree DST can go away. Time isn't arbitrarily assigned. The sun will do they same thing every day.
  9. Thus the "practical DST" that I referenced. You said it was a myth insinuating some government "conspiracy". I'm assuming referencing it's US legal introduction in the 70's. I was simply pointing out that adjusting to "daylight" hours has been done since well before there were clocks and then formally introduced in 1855. If you need a citation here you go https://www.google.com/
  10. Legally you can't and not supposed to be able to buy the vials separate. Being radioactive I believe there is only one or two authorized companies that can handle tritium for domestic commercial purposes. IIRC
  11.   Agrarian societies have used the practical implication of a "DST" since before precise time keeping was modernized. The current DST was simply a formalization and adoption of that old practice as a general rule. With the advancement of technology that is no longer restricted by ambient light for safety and production it is no longer necessary or even helpful.   The real myth is that DST is some ill conceived government conspiracy program to get more work out of the plebes to benefit big industry and government.
  12. Time zones exist to account for the earths rotation around the sun. DST was started to give and extra hour of "sunlight" to account for the earths axis tilt away from the sun in the winter solstice. Completely different concepts.
  13. No. It was to extend "working" daylight for farmers.
  14. Since we are no longer an agrarian society and even agrarian areas do not need the time shift anymore, I think ol Ben's idea is over.
  15. Smith

    AR-7.62 39

    If you're wanting cheap, build it in 5.45x39 and leave the 7.62x39 for the AK.
  16. Union "democracy" is hardly the model of free assembly or assopciation that you cite. In fact, the very fact that the Unions have used the government to prevent their member from being able to vote anonymously, or to assemble or meet outside of Union presence, or to be able to negotiate with the company outside of Union presence flies in the face of the Constitution on many levels. What started out as a needed median has become an incredible roadblock to workers.
  17. Your sarcasm is well meant but errant. The government has an application to intervene when it is Constitutional to do so. That is the very nature and created purpose of the US/State government. We agree with government when government is operating within it's created purpose. It is not an all or nothing proposition.   BTW somebody will always be telling someone else what to do. Whether it's the Constitution or a progressive liberal. I and the founding fathers prefer that it be principals of absolute truth that restrains overzealous individuals or governments from imposing arbitrary personal will.
  18.   The UAW is the one that was interfering with private business by trying to steal money and power from both employees, VW, and Tennessee. So yes, Haslam getting involved is exactly what a TN Governor should be doing. He didn't overstep his bounds, he did his job. I don't like him on a lot of things but this one is right.   As far as you analogy, it is more like a Governor being Pro 2A and getting involved when someone like Bloomberg tries to add a tax on to TN ranges for everyday of the week to curb gun violence in NY.   I think you are a victim of you own ideology on this one and it won't let you be objective because your trying too hard to be objective.
  19. Elusive black panther.
  20. Smith

    Vz 58

    Vz58 are phenomenal rifles, but they aren't AK's . Meaning dedicated mags and internals are completely different. I'd love to have one but those factors have always turned me away.
  21. Well, got her out today and got the scope dialed in after a small learning curve. Took a bit since these scopes are different in how they set up, but once it was on ... it was ON! This thing is a blast to shoot! The factory mag and the two additional mags I got functioned flawlessly with 147g LB and and a few HB 180g I got just to try out. I was impressed with the accuracy and the glass is very nice. It definitely has some jump to it, but nothing I would say is hard to handle. It was also nice to find that the trigger is a factory two stage trigger. Not the best and it is gritty but I believe it can be smoothed out with some polish and lightened with a JTE reduced power trigger spring.    I've had a lot of guns in my short time and there have been a few that surprised me and my expectations, this PSL  is definitely more fun than I thought it was going to be.
  22. Absolutely not. SBR/NFA info is Tax info and is private and can only be requested and required by the IRS.   However, since it is a felony they can hold you until a proper tax authority is summoned to get the information. It's just easier to voluntarily give the info instead of waiting for a tax authority to request and then verify your personal tax info.
  23. I like the Blackhawk stocks. Especially since my kids shoot it a lot and it is the best looking adjustable stock I've found. Very lightweight and completely free floats the barrel. Stock photo but is similar to my setup.
  24. How hard is it to run a registration search on a pretty specific new model car like that Camero and find the guy in short order?


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