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Everything posted by Smith

  1. OK, post you casual links then ;) The colon cancer statement was an example not a proof statement thus no link to a single source. Simply a starting point for a beginning search to a very body of work.   You need to read the scientific journals and the scholarly works that are linked in some of the "activist" links. Yes, there are the Alex Jones types in the health field, but there is good science that speaks volumes to the issues as well once you get past the opinions and "conclusion" that some jump to.   I would refer you to Ted Broer who does a good job putting much of the information in an compact format.
  2. It was a Jeff Cooper opinion/concept of what he liked in a quick handling utility rifle. It is now a bit outdated with new technology. It has now turned into a term used by people who have their own opinions on a quick handling utility rifle.
  3. Yes, there is quite a bit. Google will be your friend. It's the Global Warming of the Ag business. There is far to much to start listing it here. But when the USDA, Surgeon General, and Corporate Ag business are hand in hand things tend to get suppressed and "trumped" by their "own" scientist. Sound familiar?   BTW - most American health problems are not volume associations, that is the deflector.  Just look at the studies of colon cancer in the US. We are one of the only places in the world with colon cancer and much of the rest of the world it is non existent. The link has been proven to be food additives and genetically altered food as it works through the digestive system by objective science. Problem is there is no one smoking gun and this is how they get away with it. It is a cumulative effect of several factors all stemming from the same source.   You can also ask the US Air force why the will not allow diet drinks to be consumed by active pilots.
  4. So if cancer is abnormally fast growing cells and they are producing a genetically abnormally fast growing fish and a person takes on some of the properties of the food they eat - does the USDA not see the correlation? Guess not as evidenced by decisions up to this point.
  5. So, as I have no dog in this fight ... One complaint and every other comment and review I've read has generally been positive and this business is blackballed by so many? I guess this is the bad side of internet communities or mobs (depending on topic) ;).   No doubt Caster's experience was accurate but if it is inconsistent with others, could it be the fellow was having a bad day? Maybe he had a fight with his wife that day and needed a "win"? Maybe he just encountered an idiot first time reloader who threatened to sue him when he stuck a 300 Blackout in a 5.56 chamber and blew up his gun?   Just giving a separate perspective from the tar and feather fervor that seems to be the default. Put it in the memory banks and if it proves to consistent then it proves to be a problem. Otherwise people are people and even business owners have bad days. Especially when the gun market is so volatile right now. We need more sources not less.
  6. Oh man! He's awful! Three minutes in and he's just rambling. 
  7. Profiling. Profiling was all that was lacking from the old method. TSA doesn't do anything except harass regular folks and make politically correct screening. It's the epitome of the political postilion of doing something while doing nothing.
  8. [quote name="jtmaze" post="1121885" timestamp="1394294095"]I thought a good price for 7.62x39 was about .10 a round. That is what I paid for the last surplus I bought in the late 80s early 90s. I might need to get some more 7.62 x54r tho. I am down to about 2000 rnds. And I still shoot this. Now they want what I was paying for a case 2.5 years ago for a can now. Rediculous. JTMWe the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......[/quote] You really expect prices will hold same over 15-20 years or even 2 years ago? I bet you get sticker shock everytime you go to the gas station. Surplus runs out. Prices go up accordingly. You probably bought a Garand out of a barrel in the hardware store for $50 too. Don't go looking for that our your may have a heart attack! :-)
  9. Well, we already know he likes the ladies from that region. :)
  10. No they don't. They just get taken over by the people that do. ;)
  11. ... and this is how the shortages, price hikes, and conspiracy theories regarding shortages, price hikes, and conspiracy theories get started. Reposting non-sense and then not wanting to be the "alarmist". :surrender:   PLEASE stop this non-sense.
  12. Because some of us don't want to overpay for it by calling it .300 Blackout and putting it in an unreliable platform like the AR. ;)
  13. While there may be some hiccups in the supply chain with the conflict over there going on, keep in mind that those hiccups occur even when there are no problems going on ... it's Russia after all ;), If there is a shortage or price hikes it will be completely American consumer driven, much like the .22 shortage has been.
  14. [quote name="austin7.62" post="1121044" timestamp="1394146840"]Sanctions won't involve ammo. I'm calling it right now (praying I'm right :D). This will just be another panic. Even in the worst case scenario, Ukraine and Romania are still producing steel case ammo. They can increase that production if it means more $$$ for them. Bulgaria and Bosnia are producing brass 7.62x39 as well, so you should always be able to get boxer primed, re loadable ammo. Most of the 5.45 and 7.62x54Rmm surplus comes from Ukraine anyway, so how would that be affected? Oh yeah, by everyone starting rumors and buying up every single round of commie ammo they see. We are our own worst enemies.[/quote] This, this, and THIS!
  15. Tula is an import brand and since they split with Wolf, it is currently coming from several different sources including but not limited to the Ulyansky factory. Tula brand boxes are still Russian but they distribute under other names like Cabella's "Herter's". IIRC.
  16. Well being that only some of the Wolf line is actually made in Russia and the Tula is coming out of Bosnia/Herzegovina I don't think it's going to be a problem. Well, unless people start speculating and destroy the current market like they did with AR's and 5.56/.223 back last January. I'll wait till others have maxed out their CC and then the market dumps the price back down. That's when I'll buy. ;)
  17. They are awesome and LOUD! Look at the Manticore Nightbrake for a really effective brake. Stormwerkz makes a rail that you can add to the too cover for an optic. They also make a sling plate that uses the same hole pattern and thread pitch as the Ace stocks, so you can add a sling in addition to the arm brace. Echo93 also had some good sling attachment options. Manticore is also coming out with a Magpul type HG that should be awesome. Currently only MI makes an aftermarket railed HG for the m92.
  18. I should say that in my case I know many of the folks who work the Rivergate firearms counter and they are decent folks. They come down to our store quite a bit and we share info to some degree. The only problems I've had are with the youngerish guys that work the counter.
  19. I had the same exact experience at the Rivergate Academy. Told me they were out of the Buckets and so I look around as I was mostly killing time. Some older guy comes up and he starts talking low with the counter attendant. The salesman not thinking I could hear them or was watching them points at me and tells him to be quiet as he pulls TWO buckets from under the counter and the older guy shields them from me with his body. Pretty crappy and it ate me up as I went home.   I called back and spoke to the store manager and he assured me they do not hold ammo for anyone and seemed to be concerned about the practice. I could care less about getting the ammo as I didn't need any and wasn't really going to buy any, but how he treated me when he thought I couldn't hear or see him was really infuriating and I let them know.
  20. Price is the only thing Tapco has going for it, but if you watch you can find mil-surp for near the same price.   Are the Circle 10's worth it? Debatable. They are by far the nicest, best AK mags made but they don't run any better than steel surplus mags and the cost has become prohibitive. If I had unlimited funds I'd have nothing but Circle 10's, but being that I can get 3 or 4 surplus mags for the same price I don't have many Circle 10's.   There are also some Bulgarian poly mags that have steel reinforced lugs and feed lips that CDNN is selling and I have a few that work really well. Just have to be careful as there as Bulgarian "commercial" mags that look identical but lack the metal reinforcement.
  21. Anything, but American made mags. You won't save money going with US mags and they have proven to be hit and miss on reliability, fit, and durability. Com-bloc mags are like AK's ... they just work.   The Magpuls are interesting but I'll wait till they come out with the Gen2's that have the metal reinforcement tabs like the Bulgarian Circle 10's, the pinnacle of the AK mag world. Toth Tool is also coming out with a Circle 10 quality mag that promises to be interesting depending on cost. I would also stay away from the KCI (Korean Mags). Outside of Tapco's, they are the only mags I've had feed issues out of.
  22. Simple answer to all AR problems ... AK ;) Seriously though the problem with AR's is by their very nature you can't leave them alone. Anything new and fancy and it demands to have it installed and thus creates the AR market. If it was intentional it was a brilliant marketing strategy! :) Glad you got it worked out.   Maybe the Russian proverb holds true, "Better is the enemy of good enough."
  23. Didn't intend to insinuate anything about LEO except they are human beings just like everyone else. My statement was more of an indictment about the complacency of the citizen towards this power grab. If we are expecting a president, politician, or police officer to be the one who takes a stand we have lost already. The Lt. was correct when he told the lady that he was the wrong person to direct her feelings toward.


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