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Everything posted by Smith

  1. It's still a LOOOOONG way from needing discussion. ;)
  2. Smith

    AK question

    With the unrest going on in Russia and our President's use of EO's, fear is not going to let the price come down. I expect them to steadily clime with each news story out of Russia. Hopefully, the next presidency can put us back on track internationally and lessen the pain. Either way Russia is not going to ease up, it's just a matter of slowing down.   In short, if you are planning on getting one I'd recommend getting one sooner rather than possibly never (at these prices).
  3. You're supposed to pay tax - by law ;)
  4. Smith

    AK question

    Bud's is the Walmart of the gun shop world. Nearly no brick and mortar can compete on straight price once you factor tax. The shear volume they do is unbelievable. That being said most stores can get close but tax kills the local store and IMO, that is a tremendous injustice. No ones fault on that, just the way it is, since no one pays the sales tax on internet sales that they are supposed to. If they did Bud's would not be what they are.  It also takes a near perfect marketing, purchasing, shipping, and sales strategy to make it work which is why it is hard for other stores to duplicate.    To dispel a myth, transfers do not drive other sales for the local store compared to a straight gun sale. In fact most people use the local store to "shop", handle, compare, question, and research a gun before they go out and buy it online. Once all that is done, it's not a matter of quick transfer money for little work. It's all the same work to loose half of what they would have made on a straight sale because it was transferred and not bought in store. Now half is better than nothing and some things they just can't get. That is why they do it . Just a thought for perspective on why some gun stores don't get all warm and fuzzy when they do transfers, especially from Bud's.
  5. Here's my current Rossi M92 .357 that my dad hand engraved the receiver. Also did some of Steve's Gunz action work. It is slick, fast, and light. Fantastic gun! Close up of the Reciever: other side - Picture makes it look a little blurred but trst me it's pristine:
  6. Smith

    FFL problems

    They will inventory it since when it comes into the a&d log it is in inventory already. It just won't have a cost associated with it. It is the ownership of whoever the a&d log had it transferred to. Most folks do not know this is the case. If you fail your background check, then technically the gun is owned by the receiving ffl.
  7. Smith

    AK question

    The main difference between a "good" AK and a "bad" is mainly aesthetic. The Wasr's are fine they just aren't flashy, but like all AK's they run. Century's bad rep came from the fact that they were taking single stack Romanian AK's and opening up the mag wells and they were very inconsistent. They also tended to put GB and front trunnion's on with a lot of cant. They learned pretty quickly and now contact out most of their work and qc is fine.
  8. Smith

    FFL problems

    It's different in that the lower is now technically the property of the receiving FFL. That is why it has to be transferred. They literally transfer ownership form the originating FFL, to the receiving FFL, and then to the customer. So local LE probably couldn't do anything with it. Just because you paid money for it, doesn't mean you can't take ownership of it till you pass the background check and it is transferred to you.    This is why a reputable FFL is a good thing since they are the middle man acting in good faith. ;)
  9. Smith

    AK question

    Yeah, Tapatalk doesn't copy and paste well. 
  10. Smith

    AK question

    I forgot about the paps. Gray guns that are new manufactures. Not parts builds. Very nice guns. Their only drawback it's that they don't take standard furniture and aren't chrome lined. That being said the wood on the paps are very nice.
  11. Smith

    AK question

    They are fine but for the money your are talking about you can get a Vepr for $649, which is by far the nicest ask going or Centerfire had the Bulgarian pattern 47's with red wood for $610. Atlantic had QC checked Wasr's for a great price. I wouldn't by a Wasr (except for the Atlantic version) without actually seeing it. Too much chance of getting canted parts. They'll run but it's nice to start with a better quality Wasr from the beginning.  Centerfire - http://centerfiresystems.com/AKAGUN-IA-W.aspx Atlantic- https://www.atlanticfirearms.com/component/virtuemart/shipping-rifles/cai-ak-47-wasr-10-7-62x39mm-rifle-detail.html?Itemid=0 Classic- http://www.classicfirearms.com/long-guns/russian-vepr-7-62-x-39-semi-auto-rifletype1sights-118
  12. Smith

    AK pic thread

    It is a CSS AR handguard . Had to do a little work to make it work - Drill the receiver for the rear attachment bolt, and cut down a Saiga gas tube to fit the shorter Draco piston.
  13. Smith

    AK pic thread

    Here's a few I've had. Many are in other members hands now ;) There have been more but, this is all I have pictures for. My first Saiga conversion, when they were cheap. :) Red Jacket did the front end work on this one ... before their show started ;) A couple more Saiga conversions. This is one with a Tantal side folder. Pain in the rear to get to work. Same gun different setup. Polish Tantal. Couldn't pass it up when Classic was blowing them out under $400! One of the early Vepr's when you could buy them for under $500 unconverted. Wish I had this one back. Threaded the barrel on this one. Actually the only Wasr, I ever owned. Great gun. Mak90 with Ironwood furniture that I finished myself. Beautiful milled Mak. Had to thread the end of this one too. Saiga .308 14.5" barrel with pinned '74 brake. Incredibly fun and accurate gun! At least I know the guy who ended up with this one. If the kids didn't eat so much I'd still have this one! :) Traded the Mak90 for this Saiga 12 and then traded this one for a PSL. I have a habit. Draco SBR. One of the most fun projects I did and a one of a kind with the handguard. Current M92. Waiting to be SBR'd. Also added a Manticore Arms NightBrake. Waiting on Manticore to release their HG!
  14. Try blackvandriver he was making dog tags but i'm sure he could make what you are looking for.
  15. By law they have 15 days to respond and in some cases will give "conditional". Nearly no brick and mortar transfers on a "conditional". "Conditional" is simply a legal release for them to give an answer when they can't approve, but also can't outright deny. They transfer all legal liability to the FFL without giving any information.   It will if you allowed the DMV to tie your social to your DL number on you DL application.   As to why it hits one time and not another it could be a couple issues.  1. When a charge has a disposition on the state level it does not always get kicked up to the feds which is where the TICS system checks. So when the TBI lawyer comes in and reviews the appeals then he has to manually update the TBI side to correct the communication gap. 2. Since your last transaction someone with a similar name or identity that appears close to yours has had a charge post in the system. 3. It could be straight identity theft and you will need to go through the FBI and get a 4 digit UPN.   As to talking to the TBI, you will have to go in person and have plenty of government issued ID's to get any information. Due to privacy issues they will not tell you anything over the phone or even in person without validating your identity. Personally, while an inconvenience sometimes, I'm glad they are that protective.
  16. Wasn't TGI was out of Knoxville?   I wonder if the ATF will charge their own people with the same crimes, even thought these guys committed lesser felonies. ;)
  17. Venetian bullet traps will do that. If you are ever there alone look at the back side of the shooting booths (inside the range) and you will see them littered with shrapnel.
  18. Centerfielder had some parts kits minus barrel and receiver. Cugir stopped making them and then destroyed the dies. Romania was the last country building a commercially available psl. Can't import them from China, Iraq, or Russia so that's is your short fall.
  19. I think far too many people over value themselves and their professions. Romans 12:3   A man who provides for his family and is content with the choice and agreements he has made doesn't need to pander for reinforcement, compliments, gratitude, or favor.   Service only counts if it is selfless.   Stuff like the above, while meant to be in thanks, demeans the server and the service. LE is a job. If they don't like the hours, pay, benefits, etc then they can choose to do something else just like any other job and that goes for any profession. When I hear this kinda of stuff that tries to makes any one sound like a saint and claim some noble service, I have to ask would they do it for free? That is true service.   Thanks for a job well done, but no saint hood for taking a good paying job. Regardless of the job.
  20. The Veprs are made at the Molot factory which is where all the Russian SPEC-OPs, high end small arms, and RPK's are made. They are kinda like the Russian Skunk Works of their small arms development.  Ishmash makes the Saiga and that factory is where the standard Russian infantry guns are made. Veprs are very nice.   One caveat to the Veprs, however, is that they don't take Saiga 12 mags but their popularity is opening the mag market quite a bit. I believe SG just came out with a 20 rnd drum.   You are wrong. :) They are both stamped.
  21. [quote name="w0lfattack" post="1126693" timestamp="1395191425"]That's good to know but what do you mean the steel is better quality?[/quote] Steel composition is a higher grade. I'm told it has to due with epa regulations here stateside compared to China. They are heavier than the 870 as well. IAC, H&R, and Remington are all owned by the same company. That is why the designs are similar.
  22. Yeah, one of the IAC's I had I put an 870 handguard and carrier in. The 870 can take IAC and H&R barrels but not the other way around without some work. The main reason is that the mag tube ring is further forward on the 870 than the other two. The H&R also has a hump at the rear of the receiver but the IAC is a nearly direct clone (except barrel) to the 870 and they both can take nearly all 870 accessories (minus mag extensions, and mag tub caps).     The steel in the IAC is actually better quality than the 870 but the finish work is not as clean.
  23. People are a cheap commodity in Russia. Gives you a different look at how other places around the globe view life and why wars will be bloody.
  24. Here's a few I have/had: Latest of the Saiga 12's I've had: Remington 870 Tactical Knoxx Spec-Ops Stock: IAC Hawk with ghost sights and Knoxx stock: H&R Pardner Pump with Knoxx stock:
  25. There is a difference in selective breeding and genetic altering a breed. Genetic altering, IMO, takes the natural casual effects that can not be seen or known until after the fact and throws them out the window. Selective breeding allows for the natural development of the unknown factors to develop and evolve with the natural growth of the animal or crop. Thus allowing the breeder to know what works and what doesn't as well as the unforeseen benefits or negatives. Some breeding ideas seemed great until they got the results and those breeds are now gone.    IMO, it is those unknown factors that is what makes genetic altering a problem. It's not that the process that is bad but scientist can not account for all the factors that take place when you alter a single chromosome or gene in a plant or animal.   Similar to how they couldn't figure out why the test tube animals and plants they grow early on could not sustain their life cycle in a normal or healthy pattern ... ala  Dolly the Sheep.


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